UINavigationBar font replication - ios

I am trying to create a custom share button to implement into my xcode project instead of just typing in the word "share" into the bar item's title in the attributes inspector. I am creating a small image instead with a little image followed by the word "share." Since I am creating the image on my PC I want to replicate or come close to the default "item" button font:
Does anyone know the default font used on iphones? And what size i should make the image to be around the same size as the button in the image?

Helvetica-Neue and soon San Francisco with IOS 9
See more here:


UILabel and Text invisible after archive and upload to testflight

I have been stuck on a problem since last week. The thing is when I build on my phone/simulator, my app works well shows like the first picture with label and texts showing perfectly. But, when I archive and upload to testFlight or exports, it shows like the second picture(No visible Text/UILabel anywhere in the app).
Things I’ve tried:
custom font: I was able to override the systemfont successfully but still faced with the same problem after upload
accessibility inspector: I was able to read out the texts in the label meaning they are there but not showing.
This is the correct way for the app to show. The text and labels should be visible:
This is how it is showing when i upload and install from Testflight. All text and labels blank (even UIAlertViewController):
Is it possible to have your dark mode on on the device you install the build? And maybe you used custom colors within the app so it only reflects in the text colors, which may be system.
E.g.: you used custom white for your background color (not system white) and the text was system black. After changing to dark mode, the text will turn white, but the background will stay white because it's custom

Can you reuse the 'clear' button graphic (circle with an 'x' in it) from a UITextField in your own custom control?

We have a custom date picker control that we want the user to be able to clear, the same way they clear a UITextField. However, we can't find the graphic representing the clear button. Is that available to be used elsewhere?
Update: We are using iOS 12 so we can't use xmark.circle.fill as suggested below as it appears that's only for iOS 13 and later.
We were originally thinking to just use a UITextField but we don't want the user to be able to interact with it at all except for clearing the value. (When you tap on it, we display a date picker UI.)
So is this graphic available?
Have you tried using the system image "xmark.circle" or "xmark.circle.fill"? This might be what you are looking for. Just change the tint to what works for you.

why might "Adjusts font automatically" not be working?

Big legacy code base. I started using storyboards. Great! Now I check "Adjusts font automatically" for a UILabel. I run the app. I play with the system font size. Changes show in Messages but not in App. Not even if I restart. Using the default "system" font, as well as trying with a custom font.
Any idea what I am missing?
If you don't use the text styles in your UILabel, you won't be able to change the text sizes even if you tick the Automatically Adjusts Fonts in the Xcode Interface Builder.
Just change the font of your label with a specific text style and you'll see immediately the difference:
Xcode 10 ⟹ use the Accessibility Inspector tool to modify rapidly the text size inside its settings section.
Xcode 11 ⟹ use the Environment overrides tool located in the Debug Area panel to modify rapidly the text size (only visible after build and run).
Many useful information about the Dynamic Type implementation are available in this detailed WWDC video summary if need be.

Scale google signin button on iOS w/ constraints

I am trying to add google login to my iOS application. The app will go to my nodejs server (using passport to hit google to login). Long story short I do not need to use the Google iOS sdk for login as I am not going from my to directly to google.
But I do need a correctly styled google signin button. I found the branding guidelines here:
And they have a download for the iOS icons and a sketch file. The problem I am running into how do I use that button image and have it scale correctly based on constraints? IE if I set the image as the background and size the button to be whatever size I want in my view the G+ will also stretch.
But if I don't set as a background I cannot make the button the correct width.
Is there a way to make the button whatever width I want without stretching the G+ logo?
Next up would be how to get Roboto Text in there as well...
Try Image Slicing. Below is the steps:
Select the image you add in the asset catalog.
Choose Horizontel in Slicing section of the Attributes Inspecter.
Input 35 for Left field, input 5 for Right field. Below is what the slicing looks like:
Set the image as a button background in Storyboard or nib.
Now resize the button, the logo will not be streched.

iOS Keyboard to change font,size,colour

I am wanting to make iOS custom keyboard to change UITextfield font , colour & Text.
Not sure if there is any standard method/code.
I have got some hint from here
Can somebody suggest a better method to achieve all these?
Note: Basically i want it to appear like the way it appears in tools.
say if I am choosing font from font list then all fonts must have font style as per their name, and colour option must be square button of colour itself. etc.
see the below links about custom keyboards
