LaTeX - full width row on a tabular - cell occupying multiple cells - latex

I am trying to recreate this table on Latex:
but I can't figure out how to have a cell occupying three cells instead of just one (for the Tritanomaly percentage entry for example).
This is the best that I've been able to do so far:
Deuteranomaly & 5\% & 0.35\% & 2.68\% \\\hline
Deuteranopia & 1\% & 0.1\% & 0.56\% \\\hline
Protanomaly & 1.08\% & 0.03\% & 0.55\% \\\hline
Protanopia & 1.01\% & 0.01\% & 0.51\% \\\hline
Tritanomaly* && 0.02\% & \\ \hline
Tritanopia* && 0.01\% &\\\hline
Monochromacy* && 0.0001\% &\\\hline
\textbf{Total} & \textbf{8.12}\% & \textbf{0.52}\% & \textbf{4.32}\% \\\hline
Thank you in advance

\multicolumn is your new best friend:
Deuteranomaly & 5\% & 0.35\% & 2.68\% \\\hline
Deuteranopia & 1\% & 0.1\% & 0.56\% \\\hline
Protanomaly & 1.08\% & 0.03\% & 0.55\% \\\hline
Protanopia & 1.01\% & 0.01\% & 0.51\% \\\hline
Tritanomaly* & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{0.02\%} \\ \hline
Tritanopia* &\multicolumn{3}{c|}{0.02\%}\\\hline
Monochromacy* &\multicolumn{3}{c|}{0.02\%}\\\hline
\textbf{Total} & \textbf{8.12}\% & \textbf{0.52}\% & \textbf{4.32}\% \\\hline


Latex table alignment problem with multicolumn and multirow

How can I align this table. It does not algin column two and three at center.
I am using following code:
\caption{Comparison with the hybrid architecture}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\textit{Average Episode Reward for 10 Runs (deviation)}} \\ \cline{2-3}
\multicolumn{1}{|c|}{} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\textit{Disturbance Magnitude}} \\
& 65\% & 70\% \\ \hline
PID & -17.71 & -23.54 \\
CoL-DRL & -2.58 & -12.25 \\
\rowcolor[HTML]{9AFF99} CoL-DRPRL & -1.85 & -6.25 \\ \hline

How can I make the verticle line in the table without any gaps?

The verticle line in the third column has 2 gaps. How do I do I make it look full?
Here's the code:
\caption{Enzymatic cocktails and the respective tested concentrations in \%(v/v) used in Combined Hydrolysis}
\label{enzymatic cocktails}
\textbf{Cocktail} & \textbf{Enzymes} & \textbf{Concentration \%(v/v)} \\ \midrule
\multirow{2}{*}{A} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Cellulase} & \multirow{8}{*}{\begin{tabular}[c]{#{}c#{}}0.25\\ 0.50\\ 1.00\end{tabular}} \\
& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\boldsymbol{\beta}$-glucosidase} & \\ \cmidrule(r){1-2}
\multirow{3}{*}{B} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Cellulase} & \\
& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\boldsymbol{\beta}$-glucosidase} & \\
& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{xylanase} & \\ \cmidrule(r){1-2}
\multirow{3}{*}{C} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Cellulase} & \\
& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\boldsymbol{\beta}$-glucosidase} & \\
& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\boldsymbol{\beta}$-glucanase and xylanase} & \\ \bottomrule
Vertical lines like in c| and horizontal lines such as toprule, bottomrule, midrule, cmidrule from the package booktabs do not match.
\caption{Enzymatic cocktails and the respective tested concentrations in \%(v/v) used in Combined Hydrolysis}
\textbf{Cocktail} & \textbf{Enzymes} & \textbf{Concentration \%(v/v)}\\
\multirow{2}{*}{A} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Cellulase} & %
\multirow{8}{*}{\begin{tabular}[c]{#{}c#{}}0.25\\ 0.50\\ 1.00\end{tabular}}\\
& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\mathbb{\beta}$-glucosidase} & \\
\multirow{3}{*}{B} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Cellulase} & \\
& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\boldsymbol{\beta}$-glucosidase} & \\
& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{xylanase} & \\
\multirow{3}{*}{C} & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{Cellulase} & \\
& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\mathbb{\beta}$-glucosidase} & \\
& \multicolumn{1}{c|}{$\mathbb{\beta}$-glucanase and xylanase} & \\
So I went back to hlines in my code. Better would be to use the above mentioned package booktabs and avoid vertical lines instead.

How to create a multirow multicolumn table with subheadings below the first row

I am attempting to create a table in latex as below, although I am a bit confused about where and when the \multirow and \multicolumn commands are to be used inside a tabular environment. Col_1, Col_2, and Col_3 are supposed to be subheadings but they need to appear in the second row.
What I started off with is, (the columns are duplicated, so I wanted to split it into multiple rows as shown in the image) :
\multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{A}} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Model_1}} &
\multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{Model_2}} \\
& {Col_1} & {Col_2} & {Col_3} & {Col_1} & {Col_2} & {Col_3} & {Col_4} & {Col_5} \\
x\% & a\% b\% & c\% & x\% & y\% & z\% & 0. & 0. \\
You can place your subheaders in a row of their own, no need to worry about mutirows and such
\textbf{A} & \multicolumn{3}{c}{x\%} \\
& {Col\_1} & {Col\_2} & {Col\_3} \\
Model\_1 & a\% & b\% & c\% \\
Model\_2 & x\% & y\% & z\% \\
Instead of the layout you show in your image, I rather suggest to avoid vertical lines for a more professional looking result:
\textbf{A} &
\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textbf{Model\_1}} &
\multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{Model\_2}} \\
& {Col\_1} & {Col\_2} & {Col\_3} & {Col\_1} & {Col\_2} & {Col\_3} & {Col\_4} & {Col\_5} \\
x\% & a\% & b\% & c\% & x\% & y\% & z\% & 0. & 0. \\

Misplaced \noalign if using \ifstrequal

I get a "misplaced \noaling" error within an tabularx environment if I am using \ifstrequal.
This is working:
I & am & a & useless & table \\
I & am & a & useless & table \\
} {
I & am & a & useless & table \\
This not:
I & am & a & useless & table \\
I & am & a & useless & table \\
} {
I & am & a & useless & table \\
You could resort to good old \ifx:
I & am & a & useless & table \\
I & am & a & useless & table \\
I & am & a & useless & table \\
(I'm using rules from the booktabs package instead of \hline because they give better spacing)

Latex table multiple row and multiple column

I'm trying to create a table in Latex but without success. I tried different solutions but no one solves my problem.
I would like create a table like the picture below:
Can anyone show how to do this in Latex please?
One first sketch may be the following:
\multirow{3}{*}{A} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{User B} & %
\multicolumn{2}{c|}{User C} & \multirow{3}{*}{D}\\
& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Value} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Value} & \\
& B1 & B2 & C1 & C2 & \\
& & & & & \\
& & & & & \\
% etc. ...
It produces:
{\sffamily %
\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}% seven columns now, not six...
\multirow{3}{*}{A} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{User B} & \multirow{3}{*}{X} & %
\multicolumn{2}{c|}{User C} & \multirow{3}{*}{D}\\
& \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Value} & & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Value} & \\
& B1 & B2 & & C1 & C2 & \\
& & & & & & \\
& & & & & & \\
% etc. ...
Please, critically check all the differences between the original code and this latter.
Don't forget that several LaTeX packages can help you improving style, dimensions and spacing of your table: among these, I advise you to have a look at bigstrut.
\multirow{3}{*}{A} & \multirow{3}{*}{X} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{User B} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{User C} & \multirow{3}{*}{D}\\
& & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Value} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Value} & \\
& & B1 & B2 & C1 & C2 & \\
& & & & & & \\
You should now be able to operate on your own further changes to the model of table.
Check out the multirow package:
You have to include the library:
\multicolumn{number cols}{align}{text} % align: l,c,r
\multirow{number rows}{width}{text}
Then it looks like this:
\caption{Multi-column and multi-row table}
note: code examples from the link provided
