I have to modify the UI of OpenWrt LUCI. I'm an UX developer & don't want to build system packages every-time to test the dev work. Is there a way to run LUCI only so we can modify the UI code ?
You can try:
It's base on luci 21.02
how to setup 8th wall project for web ar for Mac and use our system instead of using their web editor . I want to code in my computer and test and then upload that to their console rather then coding it in their web editor .
Steps to locally develop 8thwall webAR without using 8th wall cloud editor
Create a project using 8thwall dashboard and navigate to the dashboard settings and copy the appkey.
copy this base glitch get-started project and replace the appkey with your project appkey.
Navigate back to the dashboard and authorize your browser with the help of the dev-token.
You are ready to now use and test 8thwall development locally.
You can later self-host the project instead of copy pasting the code and reformatting according to the 8thwall cloud editor.
You can also directly remix any of the glitch projects as well which is a much quicker option.
NOTE: The glitch projects are under-maintained hence refer docs for latest SDK version as well as syntax changes
You can develop locally by choosing self-hosted project option with 8thwall, then downloading 8thwall's own web repository to tinker with. I struggled with the 8thwall docs to figure this out but the web repository makes locally development pretty straight-forward.
Follow the steps on the getting started guide ,
firstly you'll need to create an 8thwall account and self-hosted project.
Copy your unique App Key from the project settings page.
Clone the source code from the repo, replacing the app key in index.html file with your own app key (this lives in the header of the html file) :
<script async src="//apps.8thwall.com/xrweb?appKey=insert-your-key-here"></script>
8thwall included a serve script, which serves your source code on local network over https. This means you can add your local URL as a trusted domain in your self-hosted project settings for testing.
you'll need to ensure Node.js and npm are installed to run the script
Using the serve script depends on your computer, (there's instructions here for Windows also) but for the case of Mac, open a terminal in your project directory :
cd <to_this_serve_directory>
npm install
cd ..
./serve/bin/serve -d <sample_project_location>
I use Node version 16.16.0 as I had issues with my current node version 18.12.1. You can get Node version manager npm package to help manage your Node versions.
What's great about this is when you run the serve script from your terminal, this generates a QR code so you can test your app on a mobile device over local network. Make sure you copy the entire Listening URL into your browser, including the port number. e.g. https://245.678.0.11:8080
Final thing to mention, don't include the port number in your trusted domains URL. e.g. https://245.678.0.11
I have a full Docker image that has Flutter SDK, Android SDK, Dart SDK, etc, all installed and in the $PATH.
I made it work on Intellij Idea, I can click "deploy" and it launches, but then I don't know what else to do.
I thought Intellij Idea would work inside this container, and so it would find Dart SDK, etc, and work.
How can I compile my flutter project using the SDK from the container on Intellij Idea? And also how to use intellisense, etc, all from things inside the container
Seems like this is not something that is currently supported in IntelliJ, according to a forum-post answered by JetBrains staff.
How I see it, you have three options:
Switch to Visual Studio Code and follow these instructions
Use the in the forum-post mentioned Projector, which runs your IDE on a Server and you can connect to it using a web browser, or a Electron desktop client
Expose your SDKs from your Docker container and set the paths manually on your host system
With #3 I mean something like this, when running your container:
docker container run -itd \
-v /local/path/to/sdk:/docker/path/to/sdk \
and then in your IDE you can set the path to that, or you could even set some environment variables like e.g. ANDROID_HOME to point to the local bind location.
You may try this.
Go to File -> Project Structure
Set the path for Module, Library, Project, and SDK
Sometimes IntelliJ requires the PATH setup here.
Hi I am really new to robot framework and docker so please bear with me.
I have test cases written in robot framework using PyCharm which are executing fine.
I also have grid up and running which contains one firefox and one chrome browser.
I want to run my testcases in parallel on that grid. Every test case on a separate browser side by side. I need help on what changes to make in my project and how to execute them on docker.
Tests run on Grid browsers if we pass the following params to Open Browser keyword:
Open Browser ${URL} ${Browser} ${NONE} http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
I'd suggest trying Selenoid, I use it for paralleled cross-browser run on Docker: https://aerokube.com/selenoid/
I have an idea setup CI with Robot Framework, you can get some information to build it:
I am working on a hardware device running OpenWrt. I was wondering if I can manage my hardware and run shell scripts etc. remotely using OpenWisp2. Is it possible? If yes, then how to do that?
Not at the moment I'm writing.
You can only send configuration files, which can include scripts that can be also added to the crontab.
Sending commands will be possible once this branch is merged: https://github.com/openwisp/openwisp-controller/pull/31
I am trying to install an app to a jailbroken iPhone from PC via USB (using AFC2), for personal research. The app is actually an installer, so it has no UI.
My biggest 2 problems are: I don't know any API to run a command via an USB services, to run the binary after copying.
Then, I installed a LaunchDaemon plist to start my installer, but it seems that the binary is copied with no execution rights (maybe a limitation in AFC2), so the launch daemon fails.
So now I am stucked. Do you have any ideeas?
Thanks to creker I made some steps into achieving my goal. He provided me with several solutions, but I chosen the automatically install DEB via Cydia, since it looks the most simple and elegant method of all.
Nevertheless, I hit some bumps with this method also:
now I am able to succesfully install the .deb file via Cydia; I load the app and a launch daemon in the deb, but the launch daemon is unable to start the app, since installd fails to validate the app, which was fake-signed with ldid (I thought ldid signing is sufficient for running in jailbroken environment); so I guess either I sign it for real or I use a tweak like AppSync, to bypass validation
I also tried the following formula: a launch daemon to launch a bash script, which then starts the app, since I saw that cydia and OpenSSH registers some launch daemons like that, but my script / launch daemon is ignored, so I presume there should be a trick somewhere. Am I missing something here?
Do you have a WiFi? If not, you can use USB tunneling. Then you can SCP your app on a device and install it with SSH (give it persmissions you need and then launch). That's enough for testing. Or you can pack it into debian package with postinst script that will do all the installation. Debian packages can be installed manually through ssh and deb -i command. Or you can copy it into /var/root/Media/Cydia/AutoInstall and it will be installed automatically on device boot.
As for root:wheel, you can do this in your postinst script. The script by default is executed with root permissions. Just set all necessary permissions in it for all your files. If it's a daemon, you can even manually add it to launchd and launch immediatelly.