When I built my Electron app for production, I noticed ffmpeg.dll was included. Why is ffmpeg bundled with Electron?
You may know that electron uses chromium for desktop applications building.Chromium has a fork of FFMPEG that it builds from source to generate the ffmpeg.dll file that goes to Electron builds for Windows.
You can read more about it from this link
When I read the document of electron.
Electron Forge
Electron Forge is a batteries-included toolkit for building and publishing Electron apps. Get your Electron app started the right way with first-class support for JavaScript bundling and an extensible module ecosystem.
I have several questions about this sentence:
1.building Electron apps.
so it can build electron code to .msi and .exe installer, right?
2.JavaScript bundling
what's the difference between this and webpack or vite for packing javascript code?
3. what's the meaning of extensible module ecosystem?
I build an electron app that will be distributed as both portable and installable version.
I added electron-updater to get the installed version automatically updated. I see that portable version is downloading the update as well, even though it cannot update.
I am looking for a function isPortable() in electron to switch off autoupdater in portable app. For now i found out that I can check process.env.PORTABLE_EXECUTABLE_DIR for directory but I wonder if there is more straightforward option.
I've just finish developing an electron app for editing PDFs. And I want to create :
APPX Package on Windows Store (for Windows).
DMG Package on App Store (for Mac).
I've searched a lot and didn't find yet how to do it.
Could Anyone help me and tell me how to do it please.
Check out the following tutorial to learn how to create an MSIX for an electron application, using Advanced Installer:
MSIX package for electron application
Advanced Installer has lightweight support for MacOS, but it can only create ZIP-based packages for Java-based applications. So you can't use it to build an DMG for your electron app.
Disclaimer: I work on the team building Advanced Installer
I have an electron application.
my app is using python for her living.
by using electron-packager and then electron-installer-windows
by the tutorial in https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-installer-windows
i made .exe(portable version) and .msi(installation version) files out of it.
the thing is, i want to give my clients 1 file (either msi or exe) that will let them use the application. (will install python and then automatically install my electron msi).
any suggestions?
I've just spent a very long time looking through everything on https://electron.atom.io/docs/ but I cannot find any mention of how to put the files for Mac and Linux. Only Windows, which I already have set up.
I remember that NW.js had such instructions, which I followed in the past, but it's obviously too ridiculous to accept that I should have to look at a competitor's manual to figure out how to distribute Electron apps.
I remember that at both Linux and Mac had some very fancy/weird packaging need, very unlike Windows.
I would recommend looking into electron-builder which would help you with generating packages for all of the mentioned systems (with auto-update and other goodies).
You can also take a look at electron-boilerplate to see how it can be nicely implemented (this boilerplate has a release command that allows you to generate packages).
For the mac version you can use electron packager to generate a .app file then you can use appdmg to generate a .dmg
For the linux version you can use electron packager to generate a executable although it comes with lots of other files.
I've tried electron-installer-debian but I couldn't install the output .deb