Ready API (v2.4) integration with TFS for code repo - tfs

I am very new to API automation through ready API , I want to store all my code on TFS but ,I couldn't find any doc or video as to how to do it , although there are many docs and sources available as to how to do it on git HUB but not on TFS, Need your help on same
I am currently using Ready API 2.4 version and TFS 2017
Request you to guide me on this

Found this official doc: Git Integration, which guides you to store tests and test projects in source control, so you could store all code on TFS by connecting to Remote TFS 2017 Repository and clone it.


Is it possible to migrate code from Bitbucket to TFS 2018.3 (On premise) with history?

We are trying to migrate the code from BitBucket to TFS (on-premise) 2018.3 and we are looking for a possible way to migrate the code with history.
We searched a lot and haven't found a way or tool for this process.
Are there any tools which help to create bidirectional sync between TFS and BitBucket?
According to your description, seems you want to migrate code with git version control in bitbucket to TFVC version control.
In this case, we recommend you to try external tools like Git-TFS for importing.
git-tfs is a two-way bridge between TFS (Team Foundation Server) and git, similar to git-svn. It fetches TFS commits into a git repository, and lets you push your updates back to TFS.
Other things about the migration, you could take a look at our suggestions here:

VSTS to TFS on-premises datas migration

I would like to migrate all possible datas from my VSTS Project to an on-premises TFS server 2015.
I dont know wich data can or cananot be migrated, the most important for me is the history of versions and the source control code.
I'we watched the internet about it but found only tutos from 2014...
I'm aware of tools like OpsHub but i want a free solution if it's possible.
If someone can help, it will be appreciated :D
Thanks all (and forgive my bad english, not my native language).
The only option is via third-party tools. There is no capability to migrate from VSTS to on-prem TFS.
For version control migration, it's fairly easy to migrate TFVC repos via git-tfs -- you have the TFVC repo converted into a Git repo, then convert the Git repo back into a TFVC repo in the target system.
If you're already using Git, it's as simple as adding a new remote to your repo and pushing it.

Is there a way to use MS TFS with SAP cloud plattform / WEB IDE?

SAP provides a git repository in the SAP cloud plattform to be used with SAP WEB IDE. But is there a way to use a client side Team Foundation Server (TFS) (behind a firewall) and without git as the version control system in WEB IDE?
If not, anyone tried to sync a git repo (SAP cloud) with the git repo if used as TFS backend automatically?
Presently there is no out of box connector for TFS-SAP integration. There has been a related uservoice, you could vote it to get more attention.
Integrate TFS with SAP Solutions Manager
As for syncing git repo between tfs and sap automatically, there is no this tool or plug-in. You may need do this with the help of git command,local git repo, pull from one and push to another. It's also be able to directly build external git remote repository in TFS.
At present WEBIDE can be only integrated with git available in SAP Cloud Platform as source control.

Using Xcode with TFS 2015 on-premises

Is there any way to check in code from Xcode to TFS 2015 on-premises installation? Even if TFS is just acting as a go between for Xcode and Git? The main thing we'd like to be able to do is for iOS code to be checked in to TFS with changesets recorded, and work items/bugs available.
Any suggestions? We are not looking to move to VS Team Services / VS Online.
you have 2 options.
The best option is to create a new TFS Team Project with Git for source control. Or you can add a Git repo so an existing Team Project. This is a standard Git repo, but hosted in TFS. It works just like any other hosted Git repo. Clone the repo and off you go.
If you cannot use Git inside TFS and you must use TFVC then you can use git-tf. This is effectively a bridge between a local git repo and a centralized TFS TFVC repo. This article should get you started
Both VSTS and TFS 2015 include full support for Git-based source control projects. You can follow MSDN article Share your code in Git using Xcode to push your project to TFS.
After pushing your project to TFS, you'll have full history and work item available:

Can we use TFS as Source Code Repository for Salesforce?

Can we use TFS as Source Code Repository for Salesforce? If yes then is there any TFS/Salesforce API which can be used to fetch the latest code from Salesforce Dev Org?
You can store your code in any SCM system. Salesforce orgs also have meta-data that affect configuration and this must be exported, usually via an SFDC plug-in to an IDE like eclipse. Deploying code to SFDC must be through their interfaces and requires test code. This could all be scripted in .NET / PS via SFDC API, but that is beyond the scope of a post like this IMO.
Yes. You can fetch the code from Project collection and deploy into Sandbox.
However, the command line fetch from TFS is still evolving and in TFS 2013 , there are some new changes.
AutoRABIT - a release management suite for Salesforce Applications has support for deployments from Team Foundation Server [ TFS 2013 ] - Salesforce Sandbox or auto-commit from Sandbox to TFS .
