"GPWRT_34065 [ERROR] Gpload error: unexpected error -- backtrace written to log file" - mapping

I've recently updated a mapping in Informatica designer which used to work without any problem, I added two columns in the target table, i did some calculation in an expression, then link two-port to the newly created columns in the target table, but when I started the session, after few time I got the error below :
*WRITER_1_*_1 GPWRT_34065 [ERROR] Gpload error: unexpected error -- backtrace written to log file*
note: the data in the new columns don't contain any special characters or delimiter.

problem solved, I have recreated the target table,there was a missing field in the first table. so after adding it, the workflow ran successfully


AutoRest error : (Duplicate Operation detected (This is most likely due to 2 operation using the same 'operationId' or 'tags')

I am trying to automatically generate a REST client (C#) from swagger.json file.
The generation ends up with an error:
node.exe : ERROR (DuplicateOperation): Duplicate Operation '' >
'Exports' detected(This is most likely due to 2 operation using the
same 'operationId' or 'tags'). Duplicates have those paths:
I find this error little bit strange, as we are not using operationId's at all (I can confirm that there are no operationId's in swagger.json).
We are using duplicate 'tags', yes. But as far as I understand, tags are used by SwaggerUI to group related methods together.
Does AutoRest really require "tags" to be unique, or it is a misleading error message?
I added unique operationId's to my swagger.json (did not have operationId's at all previously) and that solved the issue.

clang-tidy: Analyze file with multiple errors

Is it possible to analyze a C/C++ file in clang-tidy, while ignoring its syntax/compilation errors?
I have a very big file that has several compilation errors, but I still want to analyze it with clang-tidy.
I'm getting the following error message:
20 warnings and 20 errors generated.
Error while processing <myfile.c>
error: too many errors emitted, stopping now [clang-diagnostic-error]
I saw that in a smaller file, it is possible to have some syntax errors, but still, issues like index past the end of the array are displayed.
Is there a way to still have my file to be analyzed, despite the errors (like increasing the number of possible errors)?
You may instruct clang-tidy to continue processing errors by applying -ferror-limit=0 to the compilation flags, that is, add the following to clang-tidy command line:
The default value for -ferror-limit is indeed 20.
Alternatively, you may want to set the limit to a higher number of your choice, rather than disabling the limitation completely.
Note that if you are using the run-clang-tidy.py script, rather than clang-tidy directly, you'll need version 5.0 for -extra-arg parameter support.

Error while trying to run an andhoc insert query using voltQueueSQLExperimental

I am getting an error while trying to execute a dynamic insert query in volt db using the voltQueueSQLExperimental() function. The SQL is fine as i ran it separately on the volt web studio. The error is as follows:
Error: VOLTDB ERROR: USER ABORT Attempted to queue DML adhoc sql
'insert into volt_temp_constraints
(asset_id,config_id,session_id,sam_id) values (12,13,'abc',12)' from
read only procedure at
Please note that the SQL generated is dynamic and adhoc and this cannot be generated statically before hand.
Documentation is not their strength... ;), but I could reproduce your bug.
As I see it VoltDB marks compiled Procedures as read-writer or read-only. As one can infer from here. Unfortunately there currently does not seem to be any other way around it other than creating a INSERT/UPDTE/UPSERT SQLStatement as a Object Property and simply not using it.
Maybe you can contact one of the developers to add a some way on confutation for this.
By the way, the Exception can be found here: https://github.com/VoltDB/voltdb/blob/master/src/frontend/org/voltdb/ProcedureRunner.java in line 620

Error: An error occurred while skipping data rows

I am getting these errors in flat file connection manager.
Error: [SSIS.Pipeline] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED. The PrimeOutput method on Flat File Source returned error code 0xC0202091. The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
I am reletively new to ssis and I am finding it quite hard to figure out the issue. Please let me know your views.
On your flat file connection properties - Look for the property "AlwaysCheckForRowDelimeters" - SET it to FALSE.
Hope that helps.
"An error occurred while skipping data rows" - I had this error in a package and found the problem was reading files inside a for loop. More files matched the criteria than intended, so a file with an invalid schema was also matched.
More generally I think this is related to either the file not matching the connection definition, I have also seen people online saying it is related to the flat file using a text qualifier (i.e. " in a csv) but having no closing quote.
I had this error today, and my package was looking for more files than existed based on the conditions of the for each loop. The text qualifier wasn't the issue causing this particular error.
near the Start button press drop-down menu arrow
choose package_name Debug Properties
than under Configuration Properties open Debugging
than under Debug Options choose Run64BitRuntime and turn it to False

ant build got failure due to "Unable to delete file xxx.jarSAVE"

when i am doing ant build, every time build got failed due to Unable to delete file xxxx.jarSAVE. But this file is not there in that folder. i am attaching build trace here. Can any one help me for the same.
D:\2.4_BV_BuildArea\aiRES-Comp\Build.xml:162: The following error occurred while executing this line:
D:\2.4_BV_BuildArea\aiRES-Comp\Java\Build.xml:225: The following error occurred while executing this line:
D:\2.4_BV_BuildArea\aiRES-Comp\Java\src\com\ibsplc\iRes\tax\build.xml:127: Unable to delete file D:\2.4_BV_BuildArea\aiRES-Comp\Java\src\com\ibsplc\iRes\tax\dist\iRes_Tax_ejb.jarSAVE
ANT thinks that the name a file it it supposed to delete is iRes_Tax_ejbSAVE. But the actual name of the file which really exists and ANT is supposed to delete is iRes_Tax_ejb.jar
This means its a space issue. In some config or property file there is a whitespace between iRes_Tax_ejb.jar and SAVE is not being picked up.
search for the <delete> tag in all your build.xmls and you'll come to know which file is it picking the name iRes_Tax_ejb.jar to delete from.
Also search for the word SAVE in all your build.xmls
Then go and fix the space. This is tricky sometimes as when you see the text file, space might be visible, but ANT is not able to pick it up due to encoding issues. So you'll have to use the correct editor.
