How to update changes to the worldserver config file - docker

I'm extremely new to this. I've managed to get a server up and running, but i'm struggling on understanding how to apply changes to the worldserver.conf.
I've made the changes i'd like already, but cannot figure out how to apply this to the server.
Any help would be appreciated, please :)

For many settings, you can just edit the worldserver.conf file and then run a .reload conf command (in-game, or in console without the dot).
Some settings require a whole server restart though, so sometimes you need to restart the worldserver process to see the changes.


Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Failed to generate SSPI context.' but it works sometimes

So as mentioned, when I first start my computer and open up my VS and project. I then click the start of the project and it works just fine. If I add an element to an HTML file I can sometimes just hot reload and it works. If I add something as simple as a console.writeline and save then restart I would get this, or I need to restart this if I add more than one thing to an HTML file and I get this issue. I shut down VS and then sometimes I need to restart my computer and it works just fine. Why does this happen.
I don't know what the real solution is but what I did to fix this was deleted my database and migrations. I added a new migration and update-database and it worked. I was hoping there was a better solution before I did this but I could not find the answer.

Docker reload does not reflect changes in CSS files

I've configured docker to reload automatically when i make changes to my project files. It works fine when i make changes in HTML or .py files but does not reflect any changes to CSS files. this question has also been asked here but there is no answer yet. Please help!
I'm using Flask python with gunicorn. Exactly following this course on udemy.
Figured that this error is unpredictable. Its a problem with virtualbox used by Docker. The simplest workaround i found was to run another parallel application which apparently resets virtualbox. Clearing browser cache after doing that solved the problem for me.
While this is just a workaround, if anyone has a clear solution, please share it here.
I had the same problem and solved it using this suggestion by #famelis:
The problem, IMHO, is with the browser. It is using the cache for css and js.
If you are in development environment you can use google chrome and open the programmer's tools (Ctrl+Shift+I)
Then in the Network tab the "Disable cache" must be checked, and this solves the problem.
In production you need to have different paths/names for the files, possibly with version number, for the browser to re-read the files and not use the cache.

TriggerIO: Run web on different port

How can I run forge web on a different port? I couldn't find anything on the docs.
Sorry, you can't yet! If you desperately need to change it, see the run_web method in .template/generate_dynamic/
NB if you alter the port there manually, changes will be lost if we re-download your templates!
We do have a better solution on the way, as the TODO implies...

rails view not updating

I have started with my first rails project using Redmine. I have started to dig into the code to get a better idea and having a hard time understanding the erb files. When I go to make a simple change to the welcome.html.erb file, I make the change and check in the browser and there is no change. Once I save a file is there something that I need to run before the view will be updated? I did not think so, but that is why I am here asking because the view will not update the page when I save the file.
Thank you in advance for any help.
UPDATE: After I update the .html.erb file and open it up again in vim, my changes are still there. Only problem is that the page does not reflect what the change has been made to and when I view source it is not there either?????
It looks as though my cloud server is slow to update the pages so I need to check and see why this is. There is no problem with the pages when working locally and the page was updated in the source the next morning.
Using an IDE is not a good idea when you're learning Rails.
Try opening a console and cd into your application directory. Then run rails s and you should see your application running on a browser when you point to localhost:3000
You can leave the server running and modify your view file with any text editor. Changes should reflect automatically without even need to restart the server.

WSS caches old Workflow version

I'm currently developing three workflows that are supposed to handle the status of items in different lists.
Each Workflow is attached to a separate list.
When I'm deploying and debugging in my development Environment, everything works fine.
Except for the case, when an item is created via an incoming mail.
I already figured out, that I have to restart some services and then it'll work, but I'm still not sure wich of the services is caching the workflow.
Afterwards I build a .wsp file which I deploy on a server.
Each time I deploy the solution, I do a retract and delete solution first.
After deployment I'll recreate the workflows on the lists
It seems to me that this has no effect. An older version of the workflow is still triggered, if I create a new instance in the list.
I already restarted the whole server and still no result.
Has anyone an idea what else I could try in order to get this working?
Thanks in advance.
If Timer Service is the one that calls your code, then restart Windows SharePoint Services Timer (OWSTIMER.EXE).
When workflow waits on something, it gets serialized (hydrated). When event happens, OWSTIMER.EXE deserializes (dehydrates) and continues workflow execution.
So timer is the one that wakes workflow up.
So this problem kind of resolved itself.
I was reading an article on Kirk Evanns Blog on an issue with the development of workflows in VS2008 for WSS.
I had not realized that I still had an illeagle reference in my Project properties.
I removed the reference. The second thing I tried was deploying with -upgradesolution rather than doing a retract-delete-add-deploy...
I don't know which of both did the trick, but I can finally see the new workflows kicking in.
Thanks for your help.
