TriggerIO: Run web on different port -

How can I run forge web on a different port? I couldn't find anything on the docs.

Sorry, you can't yet! If you desperately need to change it, see the run_web method in .template/generate_dynamic/
NB if you alter the port there manually, changes will be lost if we re-download your templates!
We do have a better solution on the way, as the TODO implies...


How to update changes to the worldserver config file

I'm extremely new to this. I've managed to get a server up and running, but i'm struggling on understanding how to apply changes to the worldserver.conf.
I've made the changes i'd like already, but cannot figure out how to apply this to the server.
Any help would be appreciated, please :)
For many settings, you can just edit the worldserver.conf file and then run a .reload conf command (in-game, or in console without the dot).
Some settings require a whole server restart though, so sometimes you need to restart the worldserver process to see the changes.

typo3 website move to other domain - need help step by step

I just got a typo3 website and need to transfer to an other domain.
Is it enough to copy all the folders (except typo3temp?) to the new place?
First I just changed baseurl in ts but it didn't do anything..
Should I do anything with the database when it still on the same server?
In case your question is about "cloning" a complete TYPO3-system an rsync/copy of the whole folder (yes including typo3temp) is the best idea, as this works on all versions, everything else (like excluding typo3temp) depends a whole lot on your TYPO3 expertise to resolve. The database needs to be copied as well. If you need to change db-name or db-credentials on the new system you need to change them in
As soon as you have done this Install Tool and Backend should work: At first try the Install Tool:
If that doesn't work your problem is with the webserver configuration or dns.
If that works (and the reports there show no errors), try the Backend:
In case your question is about which changes are necessary to your TYPO3-installation if domain changes and the web server itself is configured correctly, then there are probably two things you need to change, in order to make the frontend work (although both cases might be omitted, depending on your configuration):
sys_template record, if any of those use absRefPrefix or baseurl. If you have access to the MySQL-Database a
SELECT pid FROM sys_template WHERE config LIKE "%baseurl%" OR "%absRefPrefix";
might help finding the template, however these template configuration might also be stored in files (typically in fileadmin/templates/**)
sys_domain records, a MySQL
SELECT pid FROM sys_domain;
might uncover where those are stored
However these changes are only necessary to enable the frontend to work.
Add a domain record in the backend. And while you don't need the content of the typo3temp folder, make sure the folder actually exists.
When you go to the new domain name in your browser, what happens?
Do you get redirected to the old domain? If so, maybe there is an .htaccess redirect happening.
Do you get to the new domain, but if you click on a link end up on the old one?
Do you get an error? If so, what is the error?
Does something else happen?

Virtualized Puppet master showing alphanumeric error when trying to load the dashboard

When I try to go to the puppet dashboard it loads up a white page saying
The environment must be purely alphanumeric, not ''
I googled this error a bit but there does not seem to be a finite solution yet. As fast as what I've done I've looked into the conf.d files, but I'm afraid to make the wrong edit. I'm still new to this and was wondering if anyone has ever ran into a similar situation?
This happens if one tries to access puppet console in wrong port (8140) instead of 443, assuming default ports are being used.
This also happens when you install puppet-passenger The opensource.
In this case - everything is OK!
Install Open Source agent and be a Puppet Master :)

JBoss newbie can't load app to custom port

Thanks in advance for your patience. I'm a recent "convert" to JBoss, having the maintenance of an application thrust upon me, and so long as we don't touch it, it works just fine. However, the mandate has come down to port the app from Solaris to Linux Fedora, using version 4.2.3GA.
I am using the jboss-port-bindings.xml to specify the ports I want to use, but when I bring JBoss up it loads to standard port 8080 rather than 40029 like I specify in the file. I have triple-checked the configuration and it's set up on the Linux box exactly the way it's set up on the Solaris box - all the required files are where they are supposed to be, etc.
Anybody have an idea as to why I can't use the specified ports? If you need more information than what I have supplied, please just ask.
We found the problem. The jboss-service.xml file we had in the server/default/conf folder was correct, but we also needed to add the same file to the server/appname/config file, where appname is the name of our application. This told the app where to go looking for the jboss-port-bindings.xml file and now everybody's happy.
Don't know why we didn't have to have that configuration under Solaris, but anyway, this solved the problem. Thanks to those who had a look at the question. Chalk this one up to experience.

Click-once for services?

I have an app that runs as a service, and I'd like it to be able to check a URL to see if a new version is available, and if so to download and install it. I can manually hack something together, but would be great if I could create an MSI package to update the service, and any other components that are part of my distribution. I'd also like it to be done without any UI, so the user is unaware of the update.
Are there any good solutions for this?
This could be tricky depending on what your update might want to do.
If you intend on deleting and re-installing the service, this may require a reboot, which will certainly be visible to the user.
In order to replace the components of the service, the service has to be stopped first. If your service itself is detecting the update availability, it may have to kick off another process to stop the service, run the installer/updater and then restart the service.
Try It has this feature.
You could try MEF ( and use
public ISomeComponent SomeService;
Its not actually an auto update, but the service could be always up to date. I am not sure if it works.. its just an idea :-)
