Open Form with Request-Product-Button - roomle

we would like to open a modal with a form when the user clicks the request-product-button. We want to send the configuration with the form.
How do we get the values into the form and how to open a modal on click?

Here is the documentation on how to listen to onRequestProduct:
In the callback you get configurationId, image, partlist, price, labels and configuration. Depending on what you need you can then open your modal and pass them as values.


Update values on one jsp on submitting other in struts2

Hi i have functionality in which two jsp there. result.jsp and data.jsp.
When click on button data.jsp open in popup window. i add data in that form and submit data. On submitting popup will close and want data total on result.jsp.
How can i update result.jsp on submitting data.jsp with updated value??
You can use something like this in javascript included in your pop-up jsp as
url below is action you need to call after submitting the pop-up which generally is just a refresh to result.jsp(the action you used to view result.jsp)
//earlier code . now refresh the final page.
//more code

JQuery Mobile & passing variables in links via the querystring - but the querystring doesn't refresh

I am doing a PhoneGap app with JQuery Mobile and I have two pages, one that has a dynamic list of pages and one that has a form to either edit or create a page. These are in a single html file.
Tapping on a list item passes ?action=edit and tapping the "Add" button I have, passes ?action=add querystrings.
Here is a jsfiddle to visualize the pages
NOTE: The example doesn't act quite the same as the live code.
I am running my app on an Android phone and if I do these actions, the correct querysting is observed in the alert box: -
Click the add button on list page
Click back on the form page
Click the an edit list item link on list page
However, if I do it the other why around (click edit first, then the add button) clicking the add button never shows the add querystring in the alert box
(the jsfiddle example always locks the first clicked link's querystring, which is even worse than the live code!)
The problem here is that you're using a multiple template to do this. If you were using this as separate pages, this would work as normal. As a multiple app, the best way to handle this would be to make a link trigger the setting of some global variable that keeps track of the current state of the app.
Make the edit links like this
Page 15
Then make the script something like this:
var editingId = 0
function editPage(id){
editingId = id;
$("div#editingPage").live("pageshow", function(){

How can I update a hidden form field on AJAX submit in Rails 3?

Questions on Rails 3.0.7, and JQuery 1.5.1
I'm trying to do the following thing. I have a web page with a form on one side that lets me create a category, and a list of items on the other side, with a checkbox for each item. I would like to be able to check the check box, for each item, so that when I submit the form to create the category, the newly created category also creates a has_many through association with each item.
So the association part works almost, I can submit a list of checked checkboxes, and Rails creates the association on the backend if I send the list of checked items.
Here's what doesn't work:
I am trying to submit the form via Ajax, so I wanted to bind an event handle to the rails.js 'ajax:beforeSend' event, so that it would scan through my list of checked checkboxes and at the checked ids to a hidden form field.
The problem is: I try to get a list of all the checked boxes, and add them to the hidden field when the user clicks the Submit button. Therefore, I figured I'd place the code to do so in the ajax:beforeSend event handler. What I "THINK" I'm noticing however, is that rails.js has somehow already processed the form fields, and constructed the HTTP query before this handler fires. I notice this through the following behavior:
Observed Behavior
1) I can reload a fresh page, click the button to submit the form, the alert boxes from my handler pop up saying that no boxes are checked, and the created category in my db has no associated items (CORRECT BEHAVIOR)
2) I then click 1 checkbox, the alert boxes pop up showing which boxes are checked (CORRECT). But then when I submit thee form, the category in the DB still has no associate items. And I can see through firebug and the server logs that and HTTP query was sent containing the old parameter list, not the newer one. (WRONG)
3) I then submit the same form again, changing nothing, and it shows me the correct number of items.
So I get the impression that the parameter construction is lagging. I hope this wasn't too long, an someone can help me figure out what is going on.
My Question:
What event do I need to bind to, so that the form gets submitted with the correct parameters? Or is there another way to go about it completely?
Here's my code below.
/* Now we need to configure the checkboxes to create an association between
* the items, and the interaction that is being created. First we will bind a
* function to the click event, and if the box is then checked, we will add
* the item id to the list of interaction items. If it is unchecked, we will
* remove the item from the list of interaction items.
.live('ajax:beforeSend', function(event){
// First get a list of all the checked Items
var checked_items = new Array();
$('#items input[type="checkbox"]:checked').each(function(){
// Then add this list of items to the new_interaction form to be submitted
Bind to the click event on the submit button itself. The click event will be processed before your ajax beforeSend event.
$('#my_form .submit').click(function() {
// rest of your code here
A more flexible solution (say, in case you wanted to submit the form with something other than a click) would be to bind to the form's submit event.
$('#my_form').submit(function() {
// Tweak your form data here

Orbeon: creating my own delete button

2/28: Seems the Go uri is only if you create your own persisten layer. I'm going to try and use a link on my form to do this. If I can figure out how to find the form_id of the current form.
Original Question:
I'm trying to restrict who can delete a form instance. It seems if people can get to the form-runner summary page, they can click the delete button and delete a form (even if they are not allowed to do any "/orbeon/fr/hr/expense-report/edit/*" options.
Anyone found a way around this issue. I wonder if we could use the GO button on the form /edit/ view to build our own delete feature.
If I look at the page source from the hr/expense-report/edit/f36b446c3ddbf7c63ec033d5c6fa7ce4 view, that the from does have the details to the actual form instance.
form id="xforms-form" class="xforms-form xforms-initially-hidden xforms-layout-nospan" action="/orbeon/fr/Test/Hidden_Search/edit/f36b446c3ddbf7c63ec033d5c6fa7ce4"
I wonder if that information could be passed to the "GO" button, if I have that on my page?
Right now, if users can access the Form Runner summary page, they can also access the "delete" button. Showing the "delete" button on the summary page for some users but not others, requires a change to Form Runner, which shouldn't very complicated.
For instance, if you only want the "delete" button to be shown for users with the role can-delete, on this xforms:bind of fr/summary/view.xhtml add the attribute:

smartgwt browser history

is there a way in smartgwt to go back in history?
E.g. I have an page with a button which does a Ajax page change of the current page to another. And on this new page there should be a button to return back to the previous page?
Can this be done with smartGWT? or do I have to make a new Ajax call to switch back to the previous page?
The functionality you want is provided by History class. Need to declare in web.xml and then use History.fireItem("SomeURL"), this will appear in app url as the string after # in URL is History ID ( something like, you can use arbitrary IDs.
Use History.registerCallback() to register a function that opens requested History ID (eg. tab name/ID) on URL change (History's ValueChange function) and use History.addHistoryEntry() to update the page URL when other tab is selected.
If you implement this History class then you can use the browser's forward and back icon for the same purpose.
