I am using K-means clustering on a dataset with shape (563, 207383) via Dask-K-means (CPU based), and am getting the following error:
"Dask K-means Exception heppen Too many indices for array"
But when I use RapidsAI dask_k-means (GPU Based) it works fine on the same dataset.
Could there be a bug in Dask-Kmeans, or do I need to set some configurations before using it?
Thanks in advance.
I had the same problem. Upgrade to 2021.04.0 solved the issue.
I have created a new tflite model based on MobilenetV2. It works well without quantization using CPU on iOS. I should say that TensorFlow team did a great job, many thanks.
Unfortunately there is a problem with latency. I use iPhone5s to test my model, so I have the following results for CPU:
500ms for MobilenetV2 with 224*224 input image.
250-300ms for MobilenetV2 with 160*160 input image.
I used the following pod 'TensorFlowLite', '~> 1.13.1'
It's not enough, so I have read TF documentation related to optimization (post trainig quantization). I suppose I need to use Float16 or UInt8 quantization and GPU Delegate (see https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/performance/post_training_quantization).
I used Tensorflow v2.1.0 to train and quantize my models.
Float16 quantization of weights (I used MobilenetV2 model after Float16 quantization)
pod 'TensorFlowLiteSwift', '0.0.1-nightly'
No errors, but model doesn’t work
pod 'TensorFlowLiteSwift', '2.1.0'
2020-05-01 21:36:13.578369+0300 TFL Segmentation[6367:330410] Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
2020-05-01 21:36:20.877393+0300 TFL Segmentation[6367:330397] Execution of the command buffer was aborted due to an error during execution. Caused GPU Hang Error (IOAF code 3)
Full integer quantization of weights and activations
pod ‘TensorFlowLiteGpuExperimental’
Code sample: https://github.com/makeml-app/MakeML-Nails/tree/master/Segmentation%20Nails
I used a MobilenetV2 model after uint8 quantization.
GpuDelegateOptions options;
options.allow_precision_loss = true;
options.wait_type = GpuDelegateOptions::WaitType::kActive;
//delegate = NewGpuDelegate(nullptr);
delegate = NewGpuDelegate(&options);
if (interpreter->ModifyGraphWithDelegate(delegate) != kTfLiteOk)
Segmentation Live[6411:331887] [DYMTLInitPlatform] platform initialization successful
Loaded model 1resolved reporterDidn't find op for builtin opcode 'PAD' version '2'
Is it possible to use MObilenetV2 quantized model on IOS somehow? Hopefully I did some mistake :) and it's possible.
Best regards,
This is a link to GITHUB issue with answers: https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/39101
sorry for outdated documentation - the GPU delegate should be included in the TensorFlowLiteSwift 2.1.0. However, looks like you're using C API, so depending on TensorFlowLiteC would be sufficient.
MobileNetV2 do work with TFLite runtime in iOS, and if I recall correctly it doesn't have PAD op. Can you attach your model file? With the information provided it's a bit hard to see what's causing the error. As a sanity check, you can get quant/non-quant version of MobileNetV2 from here: https://www.tensorflow.org/lite/guide/hosted_models
For int8 quantized model - afaik GPU delegate only works for FP32 and (possibly) FP16 inputs.
I'm using BigQuery for machine learning, more specifically the k-means method for an unlabeled dataset where I'm trying to find clusters.
I'd like to know if someone has discovered how the BQ ML initiates the centroids.
I already tried looking at the documentation but either there is nothing or I couldn't find it.
CREATE MODEL `project.dataset.model_name`
model_type = "kmeans",
num_clusters = 3,
distance_type = "euclidean",
early_stop = TRUE,
max_iterations = 20,
standardize_features = TRUE)
(SELECT * FROM `project.dataset.sample_date_to_train`
The results differ a little each time I run.
Has someone experience with that subject?
For someone who is still looking for an answer, recently there has been an update on BigQuery ML about this topic. Two new paramaters have been added to the CREATE MODEL statement, i.e.:
Basically you can set your custom K observations (belonging to the data table) that will serve as initial centroids for your K-means algorithm. You can find the relative documentation at this link. Maybe it's not the most exciting solution to your problem, but it's still something you can work with if you need reproducibility.
If I had to guess, it probably uses a similar logic to TensorFlow (BQML might be using TF under the hood as it is). Random partitioning seems to be the TensorFlow default, so that would be my guess.
The reason you are seeing different results each time you train the model, is due to the random nature of the initial values assigned to the centroids. The K-means algorithm begins by randomly selecting a value(position) for the k number of centroids chosen. If you review this documentation it explains the exact process when using the K-means algorithm1.
I have two CoreML models. One works fine, and the other generates this error message:
[espresso] [Espresso::ANERuntimeEngine::__forward_segment 0] evaluate[RealTime]WithModel returned 0; code=5 err=Error Domain=com.apple.appleneuralengine Code=5 "processRequest:qos:qIndex:error:: 0x3: Program Inference overflow" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=processRequest:qos:qIndex:error:: 0x3: Program Inference overflow}
[espresso] [Espresso::overflow_error] /var/containers/Bundle/Application/E0DE5E08-D2C6-48AF-91B2-B42BA7877E7E/xxx demoapp.app/mpii-hg128.mlmodelc/model.espresso.net:0
Both models are very similar, (Conv2D models). There are generated with the same scripts and versions of PyTorch, ONNX, and onnx-coreml. The model that works has 1036 layers, and the model that generates the error has 599 layers. They both use standard layers - Conv2D, BatchNorm, ReLU, MaxPool, and Upsample (no custom layers and no Functional or Numpy stuff). They both use relatively the same number of features per layer. They follow essentially the same structure, except the erroring model skips a maxpool layer at the start (hence the higher output resolution).
They both take a 256x256 color image as input, and output 16 channels at (working) 64x64 and (erroring) 128x128 pixels.
The app does not crash, but gives garbage results for the erroring model.
Both models train, evaluate, etc. fine in their native formats (PyTorch).
I have no idea what a Code=5 "processRequest:qos:qIndex:error:: 0x3: Program Inference overflow" error is, and google searches are not yielding anything productive, as I gather "Espresso" and "ANERuntimeEngine" are both private Apple Libraries.
What is this error message telling me? How can I fix it?
Can I avoid this error message by not running the model on the bionic chip but on the CPU/GPU?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
That's a LOT of layers!
Espresso is the C++ library that runs the Core ML models. ANERuntimeEngine is used with the Apple Neural Engine chip.
By passing in an MLModelConfiguration with computeUnits set to .cpuAndGPU when you load the Core ML model, you can tell Core ML to not use the Neural Engine.
I'm training a LinearSVC model and I want to get the training error of it. Is it possible to get it w/o evaluating it manually?
sklearn is using liblinear for this task.
You can take a quick glance into the sources here:
self.coef_, self.intercept_, self.n_iter_ = _fit_liblinear(
X, y, self.C, self.fit_intercept, self.intercept_scaling,
self.class_weight, self.penalty, self.dual, self.verbose,
self.max_iter, self.tol, self.random_state, self.multi_class,
self.loss, sample_weight=sample_weight)
which shows that only coefficients, intercepts and number of iterations are processed by sklearn's python-API. Whatever else is available in liblinear's output is not grabbed. You can't directly read out the training-error without changing the internal code.
There might be a possible hack turning on verbose-mode, redirect the output and parse additional info available there. But this assumes the info you look for is available there and it's also hacky and i won't recommend it.
Just use the score-method. It won't be too costly compared to fitting.
Since there is randomness involved in the computation of a random forest classifier, it is necessary to define a random seed to get reproducible results. How does one do this for OpenCV CvRTrees? I do not see such a parameter in CvRTParams.
Update: The API change of OpenCV 3 removed CvRTParams. However, the title question remains.
it depends on the opencv version you are using.
While 2.4.9 seems to use the global cv::theRNG() , where you can just set theRNG().state = something,
This no longer seems to be possible in opencv3.0