setExposureModeLocked does not work for iPhone 11 and above - ios

So, I have an application where I am streaming images and need consistent results across all images even when exposed to bright light(NO AUTO ADJUSTMENTS).
For this I used a AVFoundation as follows:
[device setExposureMode:AVCaptureExposureModeLocked];
This works great for any model below iPhone 11.
It seems like the newer camera modules do not react the same to the functions called in AVFoundation as the older ones. In these images the first 2 has the flash on and after the flash is turned off.Here is an example of any iPhone below the 11.
Here is an example of any iPhone 11 and above.
As you can see they do not lock the same way. If anyone has a similar issue please share your experience or comment what you think may help.
Thanks in advance.


ios - AVFoundation custom compositor not working in ios 8.3

I've been working on a project using AVFoundation and on that I've been trying to use the AVMutableVideoComposition's customVideoCompositorClass. Everything works fine in ios 9.x and above.
But when I run the same project in an ios 8.3 device (iPhone 5s), only audio plays and video player remains black for the entire composition playing.
Then I tried to run the AVCustomEdit sample code provided by apple which also uses customVideoCompositorClass for video frame processing (Uses opengl es 2.0). Same black thing also happened there too. In this project for texture generation from CVPixelBufferRef it uses CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreateTextureFromImage and CVOpenGLESTextureCacheRef. Not sure it causes the black issue?
I would be very happy if anyone can suggest me some pointers regarding this. Thanks in advance.

iOS 9.3 can not get thumbnail from photo library using iPhone App running on iPad

We have had an iPhone App that's configured to run only as an iPhone App.
One aspect of this App has been able to access the photo library without an issue whatsoever. That is until iOS9.3, where the iPad simulator, from iPad4 and up, will not display photo thumbs at all. It simply shows nothing other than a blank square where the thumb ought to be displayed.
Now, the iPhone simulator works totally fine. Images thumbs are read into and by the ALAssetsLibary.
I've learned that the ALAssettsLibrary is no longer supported on iOS9. Certainly the Apple Class Reference for this object has a redline through all of the methods:
**But if thats the case, why is is that it still functions on an iPhone device, that's 5, 5S, 5C, 6, 6S, 6S Plus?
And why will it not work on an iPad?
Has anyone got a workaround?**
I can see that this issue comes about if the App is configured an iPhone-only-app that's being run on an iPad?
I found this link on the Apple dev forum site:, where folk are having the same issue as me? People are reporting this as a bug?
I tried downloading this, too, (link below), as perhaps a means of slotting this in to fix my issues:
And it behaves in EXACTLY the same way I'm describing is happening in my App.
Has anyone seen this before?
Editing now as this link to SO is an individual having exactly the same issue and no answers yet?
Unable to see images in Camera roll in iPad Simulator when run at iPhone resolution
Ok - for anyone that has read the above, I can tell you now that iOS10 has fixed this silly issue.

My app on iPad can't read photo after iOS9.3

My app only support iPhone device, it can run correctly under iOS9.2 on both iphone and iPad. But after updating to iOS9.3 and iOS9.3.1, my app on iPad can't read user's image. (Both ALAsset and PhAsset have the same problem. )
The image will return nil, and I ensure it's a bug, because it can read image correctly, when I change my support device to universal in Xcode.
Is it a bug for iOS? Or it becomes the rule? All app need to support universal ??
What's the fastest way to make myapp support iPad? I just want to use the scaling like the way iPhone app run on iPad.
I have also faced same kind of problem two days ago, I think you need to update your xcode. Update your xcode to the latest version 7.3
It worked in my case.
I met exactly the same problem and I fixed it.
I can't find any quick solution, and I decide to make my app into support universal.
This means support both iPad and iPhone.
The main efforts are the resolution issues. iPhone is 16:9(320x568 for logical resolution) and iPad is 4:3(768x1024 for logical resolution).
To speed up the modification and no change for my art images, so I put my content int the middle on 4:3 screen.
One good thing to support iPad, users can easily search on app store when he use iPad.

iOS Simulator Rendering issue for PDF Reader Core for iOS

I have searched around on here, but couldn't find anything to answer my question. I have developed a custom app for the iPad; it involves using a set of PDf documents that change pages based on a 1 second time frame. To achieve this is have used the 'PDF Reader Core for iOS' external library. Please find the link here:
The app works perfectly fine on the actual iPad, however I also wish to run the app on Mac Mini Machines, so the obvious thought I had was to boot the project in the iOS Simulator on the machines (saves me recoding it for OSX.). Now, here is my issue. The app works pretty smoothly in the simulator, the only issue I have is that there is a slight render lag between the page change on the Simulator. It isn't at full resolution, and appears blur whilst it renders, however the time frame to change is so quick that the simulator doesn't have enough time to render to full resolution. I have also emailed the developer of the library and he provided some suggestions however, these didn't seem to fix the issue.
I am aware that this could be to do with the actual PDF Reader itself, however I wanted to ask if anyone had any suggestions if this could be fixed in regards to the iOS Simulator? Any way to speed up the simulator?
I am using OSX Yosemite, Xcode 6.4 and Objective-C.
It seems at this moment i may have to recode for OSX. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Apparently random purple 'tearing' on iPhone 5 camera under iOS 7

I'm using AVFoundation to set up and display a custom camera interface. I've used a lot of code from Apple's AVCam sample code project. It works mostly but every now and then the camera display 'tears', with parts of the screen displaying a bright purple.
I have no idea why this could be happening. It seems to be completely random (usually happens when I move the camera around though). Has anyone else experienced this?
This is a common issue for iPhone 5 and iOS 7. I have experienced it quite a few times (on multiple iPhone 5 models) even with native
When asking questions that might relate to HW issues you'd better state your device and OS version because it can help us help you.
Try running your code on another device and if that helps I'd suggest you visit nearest Apple Store to claim this problem.
