Show Due dates for linked issues in Jira - jira

I want to make a Confluence page which tracks my jira tickets and the issues that are linked to those tickets.
Till now I have done this:
project= ABC AND "Epic Link"= 'Epic1' AND status != 'closed'
I want to create a table that has Jira- key, summary, tasks, due date, status and linked issues.
I want to make sure that I show linked issues that are only linked to the current epic (that is Epic1) and also show the due dates of these issues.
I have tired doing this:-
project= ABC AND "Epic Link"= 'Epic1' AND status != 'closed' AND issuefunction in linkedIssuesOf(" "Epic Link" = Epic1 ")
but it doesn't seem to understand this issueFunction in or issue in
Can someone please help me out

Try using the following-
project = ABC AND "Epic Link" = Epic1 and issue in childIssuesOf("Epic1")


Filter stories based on status but include all their subtasks

I want to select all Stories which are not in the status "Backlog".
Those should be selected and for all of them I want to get the complete list of all subtasks they have.
project = "Android Appli" AND issuetype in (Story, Sub-task) AND status != Backlog
Would can't handle to say something like Story.status != Backlog
On my thouhgts was to do something like a combined selection
issuetype in (Story, Sub-task) FROM (project = "Android Appli" AND issuetype = Story AND status != Backlog)
Probably this is not possible with out-of-the-box JQL functions in Jira.
You may need to have an extension (add-on/app) installed on the Jira, like ScriptRunner or JQL Tricks.
Try something like this:
project = "Android Appli" AND (
issuetype = Story AND status != Backlog OR
issueFunction in subtasksOf("issuetype = Story AND status != Backlog")
Please note that issueFunction is special field related to paid ScriptRunner add-on.
You might have JQL Tricks installed instead.
See also more information in my related answer:

How to return number of opened ticket type bug

Is their any function in Jira using JQL to return a number of opened ticket and issue type Bug?
labels = ABCD AND Type!= Bug AND status !="In Progress"
Try this JQL
Project = "Project name" AND labels = ABCD AND Type= Bug AND status ="In Progress"
Query Result = Number of Bugs which are in status "In Progress"
Note: Status "in-Progress" and "To-Do" can mean that the issue is in Open state.
The definition of Status is completely project specific and can be controlled by the Jira Admin. (general status - To do, In-progress and done)

How to look for user who updated JIRA issue using jira-python?

I don't seem to have the permissions to view the transitions on issues.
The commonly used snippet: [(t['id'],t['name']) for t in j.transitions(issue)] returns an empty list on a valid issue. I can see the issue, its transitions from the Web interface.
When the issue is in the "Fixed" state, I would like to find which user changed it from "Assigned" to "Fixed". Here is my workflow:
How do I achieve this with python-jira?
Insert the following. I use python-3 so you may have to adjust your print statement formats.
issue = jira.issue('project-682', expand='changelog') changelog =
for history in changelog.histories:
for item in history.items:
if item.field == 'status':
print ('Date:',history.created,' From:',item.fromString, 'To:',item.toString, ' By: ',

JIRA JQL - Find all subtasks that are in X status, where the parent is in X status

I'm having an issue where I can't see the status of the parent task, and can only see the status of the sub-task. I would like to find all sub-tasks that are in a certain 'status' where the parent of that sub-task is (or is NOT) in a certain 'status.' Is this possible?
i.e. I would like to find all sub-tasks that are currently in the status "Assigned", where the parent of the sub-tasks is NOT in the status "In Development"
I have tried to Google the problem, as well as check through SF, but did not find anything. The only similar question that I found was "JIRA JQL - Find all subtasks that are open where the parent is closed" which was answered by #g.dlugoszewski:
type = sub-task and status = Open and issueFunction in subtasksOf("status = closed")
Yes, I'd use the Script Runner add-on with its custom JQL functions such as the one you quoted. Perhaps like this
type = sub-task and status = Assigned and issueFunction in subtasksOf("status != \"In Development\"")
Try something like this:
status = "To Do" AND type = sub-task AND issueFunction in subtasksOf("status = 'In Progress'")
In this case the status = "To Do" for sub-tasks and 'In Progress' for parent tasks. Change for what status you want.
Referencing a saved filter might help you, e.g. status = X and filter != "My Saved Filter"

how to find JIRA issues that were opened on specific stories, when this story list is changing

We are working with green hopper and have Stories. When a Bug is opened it is linked to a story through the 'Story Label' field.
Now I would like to create a query that will show me all bugs related to a sprint, meaning all bugs that relate to the Stories assigned to the sprint.
Here is the query to get all stories:
project = TMP AND issuetype = Story AND fixVersion = 11113
And Here is the query to get all bugs of a story:
project = TMP AND issuetype = Bug AND "Story Label" = jim-887
How do I combine both?
You may want to look at the third-party JQL Tricks plugin. It has a function, hasLinks(), that you could use. For example:
project = TMP and issuetype = story and fixVersion = 11113 and linkedIssuesInVersion(11113,"bug related to story")
More on the usage of that in this blog post.
Nicholas Muldoon
Try the following (extraneous spacing added for clarity):
project = 'TMP' and(
(issuetype = Story and fixVersion = 11113) or
(issuetype = Bug and "Story Label" = jim-887)
