Bibtex not showing in Latex Doc when inserted in main.tex - latex

I'm trying to include the following in my latex doc (references.tex)
author={C. {Szegedy} and {Wei Liu} and {Yangqing Jia} and P. {Sermanet} and S. {Reed} and D. {Anguelov} and D. {Erhan} and V. {Vanhoucke} and A. {Rabinovich}},
booktitle={2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
title={Going deeper with convolutions},
keywords={convolution;decision making;feature extraction;Hebbian learning;image classification;neural net architecture;resource allocation;convolutional neural network architecture;resource utilization;architectural decision;Hebbian principle;object classification;object detection;Computer architecture;Convolutional codes;Sparse matrices;Neural networks;Visualization;Object detection;Computer vision},
address={Boston, MA}
author = "Karen Simonyan and Andrew Zisserman",
title = "Very Deep Convolutional Networks for Large-Scale Image Recognition",
booktitle = "International Conference on Learning Representations",
year = "2015",
month = May,
address = {San Diego, CA}
title={Large scale distributed deep networks},
author={Dean, Jeffrey and Corrado, Greg and Monga, Rajat and Chen, Kai and Devin, Matthieu and Mao, Mark and Senior, Andrew and Tucker, Paul and Yang, Ke and Le, Quoc V},
booktitle={Advances in neural information processing systems},
month = dec,
address = {Lake Tahoe, NV}
However, when I include this in my latex doc, it doesn't show, any idea what is wrong here?
\fancyhead[RO,LE]{Scaling A Neural Network Based Flower Counting Application}
\chapter*{Permission To Use}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Permissions To Use}
\newgeometry{top=0mm, bottom=25mm}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Tables}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Figures}
\newgeometry{top=25mm, bottom=25mm}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{List of Abbreviations}
\chapter{Section Two Title}
\chapter{Section Three Title}
\chapter{Section Four Title}
\chapter{Section Five Title}
\chapter{Appendix Title}

Never ignore error messages. Have a look at the tiny red rectangle at the top right, this tells you where the problem is.
Multiple problems:
You must not use math commands like ^ in normal text mode
\acro{P$^2$IRC}{Plant Phenotyping and Imaging Research Center}
The command \ection is not defines, I assume you mean \section? (there are several occasions)
you must \cite{...} at least one entry from your .bib file


Capitalize journal title for apa in Latex

I am using overleaf to put together my references that follow the apa 7th edition. The journal titles however are not capitalized. How do I correct that? Note that I tried the method suggested in this post Capitalize journal name in latex but it didn't work for me.
Here is a minimal reproducible example:
\parencite{golinkoff1979comparison} said this
My refs.bib here
title={A comparison of fathers' and mothers' speech with their young children},
author={Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick and Ames, Gail Johnson},
journal={Child development},
The reference prints this:
This is a cross post:
Same method as in the post you linked to:
\shorttitle{short title}
title={A comparison of fathers' and mothers' speech with their young children},
author={Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick and Ames, Gail Johnson},
journal={Child development},
\parencite{golinkoff1979comparison} said this

LaTeX: Citation found in .bib-file but only name of citation returned, bibliography not printed

I got this issue in LayteX (Overleaf) where the \cite{} and \textcite{} command does find my source, but then returns the exact name of the source in my .bib-file. It looks something like this (I couldn't add images somehow):
While the correct output should be:
text... (World Bank, 2022) .... text
The source:
title = {World Bank Open Data {\textbar} Data},
url = {},
author = {{World Bank}},
urldate = {2022-10-07},
date = {2022},
file = {World Bank Open Data | Data:C\:\\Users\\jhans\\Zotero\\storage\\X739YI3J\\},
The package and file name. Name of the bib-file corresponds 1:1 with the imported library file:
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}
And as a result, the following command also does not return anything:
The error messages are:
Empty bibliography on input line 360.
Overfull \hbox (6.3094pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 34--35
Citation 'world_bank_2022' on page 1 undefined on input line 34.
As an illustration, I created a MWE with the exact same structure and packages as in my original file.
\usepackage[backend=biber, style=apa]{biblatex}
\addbibresource{Bibliography IIA ASP.bib}
\title{AS\&P Assignment 3}
\author{Hans van Beek, 497005}
\date{14 October 2022}
\section{Panel Data Modelling: Time-to-Export}\label{q1}
\subsection{Hypotheses}\label{q1: hypotheses}
The current analysis focuses on three hypothesised determinants of the time-to-export in hours (\textit{time\_to\_export}) between countries and over time using data from the World Bank (\cite{world_bank_2022}). The time-to-export is an important indicator of a country's quality of export and import conditions with a lower time-to-export (\textit{time\_to\_export}) in hours reflecting a more efficient economy. An appropriate determinant of the variation in the size of a country's economy could therefore be the GDP per capita (providing a good benchmark). The first hypothesis (i) therefore states that a higher GDP is

affiliations and corresponding author comment as footnotes on latex article

I am trying to use the LaTeX article document class to create a simple paper with the authors listed on the title page with their (potentially multiple repeating) affiliations as numeric footnotes and other author comments as symbolic footnotes. For example, I want something like
However, I haven't been able to make this happen despite trying multiple different solutions. Is there a simple way to do this?
I have tried using the bigfoot package to create multiple different types of footnotes combined with footmisc with the multiple option to get multiple footnote markers with commas between them, but I end up with superposed markers and no footnotes. My minimal latex document is:
\title{My title}
David Kaplan\footnoteAAffil{A University}\footnoteAAffil{Another University}\footnoteANote{Corresponding author}\footnoteANote{Equal contributors}
Prince Charming\FootnotemarkAAffil{2}\FootnotemarkANote{2}
And the output I get is:
One possibility is to switch to the amsart class and then using the amsaddr package:
\title{My title}
\author{David Kaplan $^{1,2,\ast,\dagger}$}
\address{$^1$A University}
\address{$^2$Another University}
\address{$^{\ast}$Corresponding author}
\address{$^{\dagger}$Equal contributors}
\author{Prince Charming $^{1,\dagger}$}
With help from others, I posted a solution to this question here. For completeness, I am copying the solution below:
\documentclass{article} % <---- No titlepage
\title{My title}
%\usepackage[dont-mess-around]{fnpct} % <---- I decided not to use fnpct, but rather put in the commas by hand
% Hook into the \thanks command for the article class to print the footnotes
\def\thanksAAffil#1{% <--- These %'s are necessary for spacing
\protect\footnotetextAAffil[\the \c#footnoteAAffil]{#1}}%
\protect\footnotetextANote[\the \c#footnoteANote]{#1}}%
\author{% <---- Not sure if these %'s are necessary, but can't hurt
David Kaplan%
\thanksAAffil{A University}$^{,}$\thanksAAffil{Another University}$^{,}$%
\thanksANote{Corresponding author}$^{,}$\thanksANote{Equal contributors}%
, %
Prince Charming%
\footnotemarkAAffil[2]$^{,}$\thanksAAffil{Still another university}$^{,}$\footnotemarkANote[2]$^{,}$%
\thanksANote{Another note}%
, %
Mohamed Ali%
\thanksAAffil{I am the greatest U.}%
This is the abstract.
More Text

Warning Underfull \hbox (badness 6510) in paragraph

I get a warning while citing an article in my bibliography:
Warning : Underfull \hbox (badness 6510) in paragraph at lines 618--619
in my latex file.
Rumelhart, D., Hinton, G. \& Williams, R. Learning representations by back-propagating errors. Nature 323,533–536 (1986).
How do I solve this?
The problem is that your doi does not break lines. To avoid this, you could use the xurl package:
Rumelhart, D., Hinton, G. \& Williams, R. Learning representations by back-propagating errors. Nature 323,533–536 (1986). \url{}
If this line break in the middle of the link is too aggressive, you could also try the url or hyperref package:
Rumelhart, D., Hinton, G. \& Williams, R. Learning representations by back-propagating errors. Nature 323,533–536 (1986). \url{}

Latex Indentation

I have a list which I want to indent from the section title. I have tried \indent and \hspace{1cm} without success.
Here is my code
\indent The American Geophysical Union.\\
\hspace{1cm} The Seismological Society of America.
For consistent indentation of a "somewhat list-like structure", use adjustwidth from changepage:
The American Geophysical Union.
The Seismological Society of America.
However, I'd suggest a regular list-like structure like itemize:
\item The American Geophysical Union.
\item The Seismological Society of America.
