Allure Specflow throwing exception System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void BoDi.ObjectContainer.RegisterTypeAs(System.String)" - specflow

I need help to resolve exception that I am getting during allure specflow setup.
I have implemented Allure Specflow with Specflow 2.4.1 and it has worked perfectly.
I have updated Specflow and Specflow MSTTest to 3.7.13 and AllureSpecflow however after upgrade I am getting below error
Assembly Initialization method SNOW_MSTestAssemblyHooks.AssemblyInitialize threw exception. System.MissingMethodException: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Void BoDi.ObjectContainer.RegisterTypeAs(System.String)'.. Aborting test execution.
I am not sure why I am getting this error, If I remove Allure Specflow then my tests are working fine.
Any help here is really appreciated.

The SpecFlow Allure plugin doesn't support any SpecFlow versions after 3.5. It is not yet updated to use the latest versions.
The only workaround I have in mind is that you stick with SpecFlow 3.5 until Allure is updated.

This is resolved by downgrading Specflow to 3.1.97 and allure to 3.0.10. I am able to run test cases and allure reports are generated.


Jasper Report plugin in Grails 3.1.8

Generate PDF file using jasper report in Grails 3.1.8 . But when I
add dependencies some error is occurred. I can't adding any jasper report dependencies
in Grails 3.1.8. Please help me or any idea to use jasper report plugin in grails 3.1.8.I already used
compile "org.grails.plugins:jasper:1.11.0"
compile 'com.lowagie:itext:2.1.7.js2'
compile 'net.sf.jasperreports:jasperreports:6.2.1'
The plugin org.grails.plugins:jasper:1.11.0 is not grails 3 compatible. It is only up to Grails 2.x
There is a plugin for Grails 3 version here.
In other hand, you could run grails dependency-report for seeing what it is happening. It seems that there is a conflict between dependencies. But as I said, that plugin probably won't work with your project.
I was having the same issue. I fixed it by downloading the jasper report jar and kept it in a folder named lib, then showed the path in dependencies like this.
compile files('lib/jasperreports-5.5.0.jar')

GGTS IDE complains unable to resolve plugin classes but the application compiles and runs without issues

GGTS IDE complains unable to resolve plugin classes when importing but the application compiles and runs without issues. Could someone please help resolve this error
e.g. : When using grails jms plugin and defining the Queue annotation
import grails.plugin.jms.Queue
The error thrown by IDE is Groovy:
unable to resolve class grails.plugin.jms.Queue

Build Error when building blank Grails Project in GGTS

I have freshly downloaded GGTS 3.5.1 and pointed it to grails-2.4.0 and jdk_1.8.0_05 but I can't build just a blank grails project without getting build errors.
The exact error is.
Building Workspace
Errors Occurred During The Build
Errors running builder 'Java Builder' on project 'test'.
I have tried booting using the -clean flag, downloading other versions of groovy, grails and jdk. This error even occurs exactly the same on my desktop and laptop, so I guess something I'm doing in the setup has to be wrong.
What was the Groovy compiler specified for in your GGTS? I think for Grails 2.4 you'd need Groovy 2.3 compiler set in the preferences.

Unable to find SpecRun.exe when using SpecFlow 1.9 and SpecRun 1.1

Just downloaded the latest SpecFlow 1.9 from NuGet into the BookStore demo.
The scenarios run fine - everything passes.
When I install SpecRun 1.1 from NuGet and run the scenarios, SpecFlow gives me a dialog box that states: "Unable to find SpecRun.exe."
I have removed MSTest runner from app.config.
I have verified that SpecRun.exe is in:
It compiles fine, the site still runs fine - just not SpecFlow using SpecRun.
Am i missing a config step?
You probably need to upgrade both the NuGet-package and the VS IDE integration;
Worked for me at least :)
I believe the problem is with the removal of MSTest. I had the same error ("Unable to find SpecRun.exe"), and in my case it was because the Test runner tool in my project settings was not set to MSTest.
I faced the similar problem.
Try to install SpecFlow 1.9.2 extension via Tools->Extension Manager...

Grails webdriver installation error

I'm trying to install webdriver to for integration testing on Grails 2.0 but I always get this error and the installation is incomplete.
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/codehaus/groovy/ast/expr/RegexExpression
This problem is caused, because Groovy 1.8 deprecated the RegexExpression class.
What you can do is download the GMetrics library:
I had the same problem, and with that library (GMetrics-0.4.jar) added to the project fixed the problem.
