nyc merge behaves differently locally than on circle ci - code-coverage

I am using nyc merge to combine my Cypress and Jest code coverage reports. When I execute the below steps locally, I get the combined report that I would expect (coverage is a bit more than either suite provides individually). I am executing the exact same steps in CircleCI and the combined report contains ONLY the Jest results. I have used SSH to verify that the Cypress coverage report is indeed being generated and copied around properly. I have verified that I am running the same version of nyc locally and on CircleCI (15.1.0).
mkdir -p reports
cp jest-coverage/coverage-final.json reports/from-jest.json
cp cypress-coverage/coverage-final.json reports/from-cypress.json
mkdir -p .nyc_output
npx nyc merge reports
cp coverage.json .nyc_output/out.json
npx nyc report --reporter=lcov --reporter=text --report-dir=reports


PyCharm pytest with coverage on Docker Compose interpreter doesn't show coverage report

I faced a problem, where PyCharm doesn't show report on pycharm with coverage run. I use Docker Compose interpreter and I tried it:
with pytest-cov installed.
with pytest-cov uninstalled.
with addopts = -s -v in pytest.ini.
Nothing seems to work. The test coverage report is not shown. No error messages, no warnings. It runs as usually.
Is there some specific actions that should be do if you want to run pytest coverage in PyCharm on remote (Docker Compose) interpreter?

why is my outdir from my kcov command always empty?

so, i need to integrate kcov in my gitlab-ci to see code coverage on a test executable executable. the documentation from kcov states that i need to run "kcov /path/to/outdir ./myexec" to generate a report in an html file. however, even if the command succedes, /path/to/outdir is still empty and i dont know why since the tests pass and kcov returns no errors
here is the .gitlab-ci.yml:
stage: coverage
- Build
- mkdir build/test/kcov
- cd build/test
- kcov --include-path=../../src /kcov ./abuse-test
- cd kcov
- ls
- TP3/build
- TP3/src
my test exec is abuse-test, it is generated via cmake->make and is in a folder called TP3->build->test->abuse-test
the output of the console in the ci is the following:
on igl601-runner3 5d2b3c01
Using Docker executor with image ...
Pulling docker image ...
Using docker image sha256:c2cf0a7c10687670c7b28ee23ac06899de88ebb0d86e142bfbf65171147fc167 for ...
Running on runner-5d2b3c01-project-223-concurrent-0 via dinf-prj-16...
Fetching changes...
Removing TP3/build/
HEAD is now at b2e1277 Update .gitlab-ci.yml
b2e1277..7cf0af5 master -> origin/master
Checking out 7cf0af56 as master...
Skipping Git submodules setup
Downloading artifacts for Build (8552)...
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok id=8552 responseStatus=200 OK token=Pagxjp_C
$ cd TP3
$ mkdir build/test/kcov
$ cd build/test
$ kcov --include-path=../../src /kcov ./abuse-test
All tests passed (3 assertions in 3 test cases)
$ cd kcov
$ ls
Uploading artifacts...
TP3/build: found 2839 matching files
TP3/src: found 211 matching files
Uploading artifacts to coordinator... ok id=8554 responseStatus=201 Created token=PxDHHjxf
Job succeeded
the kcov documentation states: "/path/to/outdir will contain lcov-style HTML output generated continuously while the application run"
and yet, when i browse the artefacts, i find nothing
Hi it looks like you're specifying /kcov as the outdir:
kcov --include-path=../../src /kcov ./abuse-test
Since you're working on a *nix based system, the / implies an absolute path from the root of your filesystem.
The cd kcov step assumes a relative path (down from your current directory) since it is missing the /.
So I guess changing your kcov command to:
kcov --include-path=../../src kcov ./abuse-test
Would fix your issue.

gcovr does't generate reports for some branches on Jenkins

We found that for some of our Github branches that are automatically pulled into Jenkins, gcovr does not generate any coverage information. It claims that no files are found and returns a code coverage of 0%.
Other branches work fine. Once we pull the code into master, gcovr can generate code coverage files for the very same code.
This happens because gcov creates files that hold the entire path, e.g. #usr#include#boost#numeric#conversion#detail#converter.hpp.gcov. If the branch name is part of Jenkins' workspace path, a long branch name may kick some of these generated file names over the filesystem's maximum file name length.
To fix this, set gcov to hash the filenames and run gcovr in two passes:
gcovr -r `pwd` --gcov-executable="gcov -s `pwd` -x" -k
gcovr -r `pwd` --gcov-executable="gcov -s `pwd` -x" -g --html --html-details -o coverage/index.html

Running bazel build with an aspect on test targets does not yield test output jars

running bazel build //... \
--aspects some-aspect.bzl%some_aspect \
does not create test jars outputs.
on the other hand running bazel test does create the test jar outputs:
bazel test //... \
--aspects some-aspect.bzl%some_aspect \
How come?
This question was updated to reflect use of aspects:
The original question:
running bazel build //... does not add test code to output jar.
on the other hand bazel test //... builds the test code but also
runs it.
Is there a way in bazel to build the test code without running the
I had a mistake in the values I gave the --output_groups flag.
It should have been --output_groups=+some_new_output,+default
The default can even be omitted:
This flag is not documented at all. There is an open issue on this in bazel github repo.
You may be looking for --build_tests_only.

Robotium Tests not running on Jenkins but local

i try to integrate my Robotium Tests on our Jenkins Server. I implemented an android Test Project that based on our app Project. Everything works like a charm when i run the Tests on my local Machine on Windows out of Eclipse and also by calling from shell by call
'adb shell am instrument -w <our-package>/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner'
So far, so good, but after i set up a build Job in Jenkins, let the Projects build by maven clean install sign etc. none of my tests will be proceeded. I also tried to call 'adb shell am instrument -w <our-package>/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner' as shell command after the build step but also no result. The build ended up with just 2 Tests shown log below
[workspace] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb shell pm list instrumentation ( (
instrumentation:com.zeppelin.zemos.test.addispo/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner (target=com.zeppelin.zemos.addispo)
+ /home/jenkins/tools/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools/adb shell am instrument -w com.zeppelin.zemos.test.addispo/android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner
Test results for InstrumentationTestRunner=..
Time: 0.031
OK (2 tests)
Just the 2 Tests AndroidTestCase and LoaderTestCase are shown up and it seems that all of my other Testcases (i've implemented 11) are not processed by Jenkins.
I spent a long time googling around but found no solution for this. Could this be a ant Problem? I have Version 1.8 local and 1.6 on the Jenkins Server. Or is there another Problem i cannot see.....
Thanks a lot
You can try uninstalling the package from device/ emulator, using
"adb uninstall your_package"
Then, do a clean debug install again and then run the tests.
