How can I forward iOS 2FA SMS code to slack? - ios

With Apple getting ever more stringent by enforcing 2FA on all iOS accounts, a unique challenge that we've encountered is how to setup a system where Apple’s 2FA codes for a shared dev account can be forwarded to perhaps our private slack channel? Hence enabling multiple members on a team access to Apple’s services.

I got so annoyed by this that we then developed a hack.
It’s a Python script that’s running in a terminal on the mac mini CI machine and using some vision SDK tooling, checks the screen every few seconds for the 2FA dialog pop-up.
If it finds it, it then navigates the pop-up, crops the 2FA code, does OCR on it, and relays the code through the Slack API to a dedicated internal buildbot channel that our devs get notified on.
Sample cropped 2FA code screenshot:
The result, is the general shared apple id account is now much more convenient and efficient to access by our devs for CI/CD or any other client App Store info updates.
So that’s one way to do it. 😎


Google IOT device on webhooks & post

Is there any way to create your own google IOT device based on webhooks and POST-request? Without using firebase, IFTT, node.js
Samples that Google are very poor, they don`t show all steps of creating your own app, they just showing how to deploy "their sample"
I tried to make action with dialogflow & webhook, it was pretty simple. Just processed JSON in POST request to Azure function.
But when I try to create IOT device, its ask me for fulfilment url and it does not even tries to reach that address. I read about action.device.sync, action.device.execute, it just does not communicate with the specified address, giving simulator some voice command doesn`t affect at all. Are there any ways to create IOT device to work with POST-requests & web-hooks?
The answer is it depends.
There are many different ways to do server-device communication: web sockets, local servers, hub/local control, polling, MQTT, and likely many others. All of these solutions have trade-offs, and work in particular circumstances. Depending on exactly what IoT device you want to build, its requirements and technical specs, and what cloud providers you are using, you may identify what works best.
If you run the sample, you'll see it is sending JSON requests to a server and expect JSON responses back. This is must like Dialogflow & a webhook. In this case, the smart home platform communicates solely with the server.
Your server can then communicate with the device in any way that you want. I'm not too familiar with Azure offerings. It might have an MQTT service as well, or some other sort of push notification service you might be able to use.
If you're seeing simulator issues, you may need to make sure your authentication is set up correctly, and you'll need to first complete account linking on your phone before you can use the simulator.

How does TeenSafe iOS App Access Text Messages?

Today I saw a news feature on the TeenSafe app. They showed features such as locking out an iPhone and eavesdropping on the text messages sent by a phone. I understand how this might be possible on Android but how can this be done on a non-jailbreaked iPhone?
This is interesting, but it sounds kind of scary though knowing someone else is tracking your every move. Anyway, I read their website and I saw this:
How does TeenSafe work
TeenSafe Control uses Mobile Device Management (MDM) Protocol, similar to the way corporations secure devices used on their networks in order to protect their network from Internet threats. An MDM certificate is installed on your teen’s iPhone and paired with the TeenSafe Control App on your iPhone, giving you the power to control it remotely. TeenSafe Control’s proprietary method of incorporating MDM makes it difficult for your teenager to disable or remove it. In cases where they find a way, we will alert you via email.
You can look up on Mobile Device Management to find out more.
Ok, I found out here:
Basically, you need your teen's iCloud username and password and iCloud backup has to be enabled for the device. So no special magic here and it's not perfect.

Is Inter Process Communication possible between iOS applications using Sockets?

I have gone through a lot of articles on internet and most say that IOS applications allow IPC using protocol handlers (URL Schemes). But, Can't we achieve IPC using sockets, if one application opens a port and the other tries to connect to it ?
iOS8 introduced IPC support by exposing mach ports for so called "application groups". Check out this great tutorial:
It requires a bit of setup (to define application groups in dev portal, generate proper entitlements, etc..) but is not really so difficult and Xcode 6 does most of the job automatically (just enable "App groups" in general capacities section).
I can confirm, it works (I was able to create 2 apps sending messages to each other).
On iO7 there is no official support for IPS, but If you do not plan to upload your app to AppStore, you could try to exploit inter-app audio communication to achieve this.
Check out Apple's code sample, which demonstrated inter-app sound data stream between 3 apps:
Associated WWDS video:
I haven't try to exploit it for non-audio usage but can't see the reason why shouldn't it work. Data rate is great, and sound data are just bytes and do not have to be redirected to the speaker, but interpreted however you like.
Of course, it will be rejected in AppStore review, but it is still fine for enterprise or own usage.
No, it is not for several reasons. 1) Apple does not allow this internally and has security layers to prevent this. 2) Applications fire applicationDiD/WillEnterBackground after a short delay, at which point the way you can interact with it plummets.
If you really want to send data between applications, set up a server with certs to match your app so you can use APN (apple push notifications) to send data in silent pushes to applications. Then, set up endpoints on the server that trigger those sends, and have apps consume the API that the server exposes.

Is there a single "analytics/marketing" SDK solution for mobile apps?

I hope this is not off topic for StackOverflow since it is not just software development related but also marketing. But I guess this problem is something we developers are all confronted to.
To monitor and market our iOS app, we use a bunch of third party SDKs:
Google Analytics to understand what's happening
a push notification system (e.g. Urban Airship)
a "smart" review prompting engine (e.g. Apptentive)
a testing / crash reporting system (e.g. Testflight)
should you want to run app installs ads, you also need the FB SDK, an SDK to track Twitter conversions, etc.
you may also want to track where other installs come from via something like Tapstream.
So we are already running more than 6 3rd party SDKs in our app, and it does not feel right:
each of them will do some kind of hand shake every time the app is opened
it's as many potential issues
each of them will have a different web interface
Is there a way to optimise all this, i.e. to have just one SDK doing most things? Or does someone know of a lib to wrap all this stuff under one lib for instance?
There is no getting around a few of these. If you want to talk with FaceBook, Twitter, etc. You will need their SDK no matter the 3rd party SDK you choose.
You could actually write your own setup to track and deal with everything, but there are those that have done it before.
For example, Parse will do:
push notifications
a "smart" review prompting engine (you can do this yourself by reviewing the analytics)
crash reporting system
it also uses FB SDK, Twitter SDK already to help with user logins where users my want to use their credentials from their sites on your app
user login
cloud database
You could technically throw an "event" into the analytics to track how many folks are using your app that was installed from x store. However, this would require a different version of your app for each store. Sounds like an interesting idea none the less. Tapstreme and others are basically marketing though, not really something required to do something specific. You will need an SDK if they are tracking something specific themselves.
one web interface
There are multiple systems built like this. they are called BaaS or Backend as a Service.
Hope this helps, Cheers

Blackberry push notification tutorial

I have registered with RIM for the push notification evaluation. But i cant find good sources for implementing push notifications. There are some samples in the sdk but i couldnt find out a way to implement them. So, i am looking for a good tutorial where i could find step by step implementation of push notification services...
RIM's samples for the server side involve setting up a web application container (e.g. Tomcat), setting up a backend database, and then building their Spring-based application. This sample web app handles things like device registration, content subscription, etc. and features a portal to manage everything.
The bare minimum that is required, though, is to send a WAP Push message which is just an HTTP POST to their Push Service servers. Here is a thread from the BlackBerry Support Forums that describes how to use their low-level PAP API to construct this message. Pay attention in particular to the messages by the user mdicesare.
There's also another SO question that has some tips.
