How to create custom AR button - roomle

Does someone have any examples how to generate AR URL?
Reading Web SDK documentation, seems that there is no functionality to do that.
Found but not sure that`s still way to go since it has not been updated for 2 years.

If you are using the Roomle SDK you can use saveCurrentConfiguration to get the configuration id (hash) of the current configuration. Not sure what you used at the moment to obtain a configuration id but you need to call this in order to save it on the Roomle server and open it in another place.
Also make sure to set the configuratorId URL param when linking to the AR site.


How to assign a copied jira board to project using API?

I'm trying automatize some processes. I create a project using Jira API and can not find possibilities to change the board's setting using API.
How I am doing it using UI. Firstly I copy the board then I walk to my copied board's settings and change its location to desired project. After that I delete the old board of this project. I did not find any method for assign board's configuration. There are only some API methods for getting configuration not setting. Have you got any suggestions for this ?
It doesn't look like there are currently any API methods that would allow you to perform that change. My suggestion would be instead use the Create method to create a new board with the copied configuration, and set the project location during creation.
You could also potentially try use the PUT method, which is what's called when you change the location from the UI. However that is from the frontend, so your mileage may vary as far as authentication and use in general.

Reading an app setting value from iOS Settings-MyApp using Ionic

I want to create a app specific setting(app preference) in iOS(iPad) and read that in my Ionic(v5) code. I have seen plugins like this but not working with the cordova-9 as it was not updated. Looks like this project is abandoned.I was able to create a setting bundle during the build and place it under the settings->Myapp (key-value) but from the program reading is not working.
My requirement is very simple. I need to externalize the back-end server IP/name as it might change sometimes. I was thinking if I can create a property under Settings->MyApp->Server then I can edit it in the Settings and read it while starting the app.
Is there a different approach that I can follow?
Please let me know if you have any pointers.

Can I Use Google Tag Manager in Electron?

I am trying to integrate Google Tag Manager into an Electron app,
but it doesn't seem to be working. it seems like gtm codes I planted in the app are NOT sending the analytics data anywhere.
I found this issue on Electron github repo. Seems like some people are having the same issue.
I wonder if it's impossible at all to integrate GTM on Electron, or is there any way around to do this?
While reading Alexander Leithner's answer, a further question popped up.
on Google Tag Manager - Dev Guide - Security, it says:
While most of the tag templates in Google Tag Manager are also
protocol relative, it's important to make sure that, when setting up
custom tags to fire on secure pages, those tags are also either
protocol relative or secure.
Does file:// protocol matters because GTM is protocol relative? Wouldn't it be possible to bypass this with GA's forceSSL=true option which can be set on GTM Interface?
[Final Update]
I found the perfect answer in this blog post:
Run Google Tag Manager And Google Analytics In Local Files.
Thank you Eike Pierstorff, for giving me the hint of setting storage to none, it led me to this post.
GTM by default used to use the same protocol as the webpage - that's what "protocol relative" means. I.e. there is a bit of code that loads the GTM library, and if this uses the file protocol (as per the embedded wegpage) it will try to load the library as a file, which does not work. However GTM has switched from protocol relative to https by default, so I don't think GTM is your problem here.
You mention Analytics data, and if this refers to Google Analytics then your problem is not with GTM, it is that GA does not work on local files. Google Analytics uses a cookie to store the clientId (which is needed to aggregate individual hits into sessions/users), and since you cannot set cookies on a local file this does not work.
A possible workaround would be to go to your GA tag in GTM, to the "set fields" settings, set "storage" to "none" (which means that no cookie is set) and pass in a clientId manually.
As this comment by Samuel Attard (MarshallOfSound), who is an Electron developer, states that Google Tag Manager does not work when the including webpage is loaded using a file:// URL.
If you'd instead load your application via http:// (or more preferably via https://), you would be able to use Google Tag Manager.

external hyperlink in guidewire policy center

I need to do an hyperlink to an external page in Guidewire Policy Center.
I am using a function in a gsx enhancement file that returns a String with the url according some parameters.
The problem is that I don't know how to use the url to redirect to another page.
As Carlos mentioned you need to create / use an ExitPoint PCF. The documentation is linked in his answer so I won't do it again, however in case it becomes invalid for some reason here's the long and short of it.
You need to create a new PCF file and make of type exitpoint
In there you make an exitPointParameter, fill out the necessary fields, and you're set.
Then you can put your link wherever you want and just put in the action nameOfExitPointPCF.push("")
You can put other parameters in there, and it'll build it for you, just refer to the documentation.
For really simple external links, there's one called ExternalUrl.pcf that I assume is in the out of the box configuration.
You must create a ExitPoint PCF file. You can read about that in module documentation. Open the page with Firefox...
PolicyCenter/doc/wwhelp/wwhimpl/js/html/wwhelp.htm#href=Configuration Guide/pagefunc.34.4.html returns me a File Not Found

I'm trying the API and I think I'm getting a weird problem because I'm not able to create my links properly: I can use the link for starting the app without parameter: this link
It works perfectly but as soon as I try to put some parameter following the doc for appending query parameters, it returns a File Not Found Webpage.
I tried: (that's the example they give)
I have the feeling I'm really missing something but no idea what. Is that so easy to add parameters: just a/ and then appending parameters??
Alex from here:
We recently made a major back-end change to accommodate some new technical limitations that Apple imposed with iOS 9.3.1, and unfortunately it looks like we didn't fully update all our docs yet!
Your links are correct, but the /a is no longer necessary. So they would be:
When you open these, you'll be able to see the link clicks coming through on this dashboard page
Thanks for noticing this. I'll make sure we get the documentation changedto reflect the new system.
Edit: also note that those examples above create new links with the specified parameters. If you simply want to append an additional parameter to an existing link, you'd do this:
