CDI inject specific interface implementation - dependency-injection

Say I have an interface Config
and two clasess implementing this interface:
class Config1: Config {
class Config2: Config {
I create one of those implementations by deserializing JSON using Jackson and want to provide it as CDI ApplicationScope bean in the common library:
fun config: Config {
return mapper.readValue(json, Config)
Now I have two applications, App1 rely on Config1 and App2 on Config2. I'd like to achieve the bahaviour that for example starting App1 Config1 is injected or Exception is thrown that there's no bean to satisfy constructor. Unfortunatelly this doesn't work:
class App1 (val config: Config1) { }
Is there any way to achieve it? Or i have to write a service that would do the instance check?

You might need to re-think the approach. With what you have, you cannot even perform instanceof check because you will be getting a proxy, not the actual bean instance (since your producer is #ApplicationScoped).
In CDI, beans are defined by their types and their qualifiers. From your description I understand that you need to differentiate between the two config anyway, so abstracting it into just interface won't work. You could have two producer methods, each for one of the configs and with different qualifiers. Each method looking something like this:
#Config1Qualifier //some custom qualifier that you slap on it
fun config: Config {
return someFunctionThatResolvesIt()
The injection point for it would then look like this (using Java syntax):
Config config;
The upside of this approach is that so long as your producer methods have normal scopes on them (such as #ApplicationScoped), then if they attempt to return null, it is automatically treated as an error - which looks like something you are trying to achieve anyway.
Approaching it from a completely different angle, you could take your current producer method and change #ApplicationScoped to #Dependent or #Singleton none of which use proxies and would allow to perform instanceof. But mind that specifically #Dependent might behave differently from what you want (just assuming you are using app scoped to keep singular instance).


How to enable Serilog minimum level overrides without particular convention of calling ForContext?

This article on Serilog minimum level overrides states:
The first argument of Override is a source context prefix, which is normally matched against the namespace-qualified type name of the class associated with the logger.
For this so-called "normal" behavior, wouldn't I need to manually set the .ForContext<>() differently for each class my logger is called from? In other words, how are namespace-specific minimum log levels supposed to work without a specific convention of how .ForContext is set?
If that makes sense, then how can I set ForContext automatically without calling it with a different argument everywhere?
For this so-called "normal" behavior, wouldn't I need to manually set
the .ForContext<>() differently for each class my logger is called
Yes, you would. A common way of doing it is by using the Log.ForContext<T>() on each class, in a member variable that gets shared across the different methods of your class (so that all logs get written with the same context). e.g.
public class SomeService
private readonly ILogger _log = Log.ForContext<SomeService>();
// ...
public class SomeRepository
private readonly ILogger _log = Log.ForContext<SomeRepository>();
// ...
If you are using an IoC container such as Autofac, you can have the .ForContext<>() call happen automatically when classes are resolved by the IoC container (by using constructor injection, for example).
If you are using Autofac specifically, you could use AutofacSerilogIntegration that takes care of that. There might be similar implementations for other IoC containers (or you'd have to implement your own).
If you are using Microsoft's Generic Host, then you'll need to configure it to use a custom ServiceProviderFactory which will be responsible for creating the instances and making the call to .ForContext<>()... An easy route is to integrate Autofac with Microsoft's Generic Host and then leverage the AutofacSerilogIntegration I mentioned above.

How to inject an e4view with Guice injection

I am working on an existing Eclipse RCP based on Luna which consists of 99% 3.x API. We want to change this in an ongoing process; so when I was given the task of creating a new view, I wanted to use the new (in Luna, anyways) e4view element for the org.eclipse.ui.views extension point.
My problem is that part of the RCP uses xtext and thus, several components are available by using Guice.
I am now stranded with something like this
public class MyViewPart
#Inject // <- should be injected via Guice (I used, otherwise E4DI would complain)
ISomeCustomComponent component;
#PostConstruct // <- should be called and injected via E4 DI
public void createView(Composite parent)
// ...
To get this injected with Guice, I would usually use an AbstractGuiceAwareExecutableExtensionFactory (as usually done in Xtext contexts) like this:
name="my view"
But I did not expect this to work, because I thought it would bypass the E4 mechanism (actually, it seems to be the other way round and the e4view.class element seems to ignore the extension factory and just uses to inject it with E4DI. To be sure, I have set a class loading breakpoint to MyViewPart which is hit from ContextInjectionFactory.make()).
As I said, I didn't expect both DI frameworks to coexist without conflict, so I think the solution to my problem would be to put those object which I need injected into the E4 context.
I have googled a bit but I have found multiple approaches, and I don't know which one is the "correct" or "nice" one.
Among the approaches I have found, there are:
providing context functions which delegate to the guice injector
retrieving the objects from guice and configure them as injector bindings
retrieving the objects from guice, obtain a context and put them in the context
(The first two approaches are mentioned in the "Configure Bindings" section of
And of course I could get the objects from Guice in the MyViewPart implementation, but that's not what I want...
[Edit:] In the meantime I have explored the options above a bit more:
Context Functions
I tried to register the context functions as services in the Bundle Activator with this utility method:
private void registerGuiceDelegatingInjection(final BundleContext context, final Class<?> clazz)
IContextFunction func = new ContextFunction()
public Object compute(final IEclipseContext context, final String contextKey)
return guiceInjector.getInstance(clazz);
ServiceRegistration<IContextFunction> registration =
context.registerService(IContextFunction.class, func,
new Hashtable<>(Collections.singletonMap(
IContextFunction.SERVICE_CONTEXT_KEY, clazz.getName()
and called registerGuiceDelegatingInjection() in the BundleActivator's start() method for each class I needed to be retrieved via Guice.
For some reason, however, this did not work. The service itself was registered as expected (I checked via the OSGi console) but the context function was never called. Instead I got injection errors that the objects could not be found during injection. Maybe the context functions cannot be contributed dynamically but have to be contributed via declarative services, so they are known as soon as the platform starts?
(Answer here is: yes. As the JavaDoc to IContextFunction says: Context functions can optionally be registered as OSGi services [...] to seed context instances with initial values. - and since the application context already exists when my bundle is started, the dynamically registered service is not seen by the ContextFactory in time).
Injector Bindings
I quickly found out that this solution does not work for me, because you can only specify an interface-class to implementation-class mapping in the form
You obviously cannot configure instances or factories this way, so this is not an option, because I need to delegate to Guice and get Guice-injected instances of the target classes...
Putting the objects in the context
This currently works for me, but is not very nice. See answer below.
[Edit 2:] As I have reported, putting the objects in the (application) context works for me. The downside is that having the objects in the application context is too global. If I had two or more bundles which would require injection of object instances for another DSL, I would have to take care (e.g., by using #Named annotations) to not get the wrong instance injected.
What I would like better is a way to extend the Part's context with which my e4view is created and injected directly. But so far I have not found a way to explicitly target that context when putting in my instances ...
Thanks for any further hints...
Try the processor mechanism of E4: You should be using a (Pre or Post) Processor (along with the PostContextCreate annotation) to register your POJOs into the (global) IEclipseContext.
The solution that worked for me best so far was getting the IEclipseContext and put the required classes there myself during the bundle activator's start() method.
private void registerGuiceDelegatingInjection(final BundleContext context, final Class<?> clazz)
IServiceLocator s = PlatformUI.getWorkbench();
IEclipseContext ctx = (IEclipseContext) s.getService(IEclipseContext.class);
ctx.set(clazz.getName(), guiceInjector.getInstance(clazz));
This works at least for now. I am not sure how it works out in the future if more bundles would directly put instances in the context; maybe in the long-term named instances would be needed. Also, for me this works, because the injected objects are singletons, so it does not do any harm to put single instances in the context.
I would have liked the context function approach better, but I could not get it to work so far.

CDI and multiple instances

I'm just investigating possibilities of DI frameworks and I made some stupid example for it. I have simple service.
public class Service implements ServiceI {
private Source source;
private Translator translator;
public Service(Translator translator, Source source) {
this.translator = translator;
this.source = source;
I want to have two instances of this service one which is initiated with TranslatorA and SourceA and second which will be injected with different values.
How can one have two instances with different beans injected inside?
I'm interested in ways how to achieve this in both Guice and Weld CDI.
So far I created multiple Guice modules and specify bind-to in it as I like. But I'm not completely sure if it is correct way. And this completely fails in CDI as there are no modules.
I thing that having multiple instances must be pretty common case or am I wrong?
The way you would do this with CDI is by setting up a producers for translator and source. It's the only way to control which implementations are used for injection at runtime. The implementation details may vary based on your exact needs but something like this should get you on the right track
public Translator produceTranslator(#Dependent TranslatorA implA, #Dependent TranslatorB implB) {
return checkRuntimeCondition() ? implA : implB;
And the same for the source. That way when you inject Service, CDI'll call the producer method for each parameter and use a runtime condition to select the implementation. YMMV on the details, you may need to set up additional qualifiers to avoid ambiguity.

Injecting generated classes without writing too much module configuration code

Here's the situation: I have an abstract class with a constructor that takes a boolean (which controls some caching behavior):
abstract class BaseFoo { protected BaseFoo(boolean cache) {...} }
The implementations are all generated source code (many dozens of them). I want to create bindings for all of them automatically, i.e. without explicit hand-coding for each type being bound. I want the injection sites to be able to specify either caching or non-caching (true/false ctor param). For example I might have two injections like:
DependsOnSomeFoos(#Inject #NonCaching AFoo aFoo, #Inject #Caching BFoo bFoo) {...}
(Arguably that's a bad thing to do, since the decision to cache or not might better be in a module. But it seems useful given what I'm working with.)
The question then is: what's the best way to configure bindings to produce a set of generated types in a uniform way, that supports a binding annotation as well as constructor param on the concrete class?
Previously I just had a default constructor on the implementation classes, and simply put an #ImplementedBy on each of the generated interfaces. E.g.:
// This is all generated source...
interface AFoo { ... }
class AFooImpl extends BaseFoo implements AFoo { AFooImpl() { super(true); } }
But, now I want to allow individual injection points to decide if true or false is passed to BaseFoo, instead of it always defaulting to true. I tried to set up an injection listener to (sneakily) change the true/false value post-construction, but I couldn't see how to "listen" for a range of types injected with a certain annotation.
The problem I keep coming back to is that bindings need to be for a specific type, but I don't want to enumerate all my types centrally.
I also considered:
Writing some kind of scanner to discover all the generated classes and add a pair of bindings for each of them, perhaps using Google Reflections.
Creating additional, trivial "non caching" types (e.g. AFoo.NoCache extends AFoo), which would allow me to go back to #ImplementedBy.
Hard wiring each specific type as either caching/non-caching when it's generated.
I'm not feeling great about any of those ideas. Is there a better way?
UPDATE: Thanks for the comment and answer. I think generating a small module alongside each type and writing out a list of the modules to pull in at runtime via getResources is the winner.
That said, after talking w/ a coworker, we might just dodge the question as I posed it and instead inject a strategy object with a method like boolean shouldCache(Class<? extends BaseFoo> c) into each generated class. The strategy can be implemented on top of the application config and would provide coarse and fine grained control. This gives up on the requirement to vary the behavior by injection site. On the plus side, we don't need the extra modules.
There are two additional approaches to look at (in addition to what you mentioned):
Inject Factory classes instead of your real class; that is, your hand-coded stuff would end up saying:
DependsOnSomeFoos(AFoo.Factory aFooFactory, BFoo.Factory bFooFactory) {
AFoo aFoo = aFooFactory.caching();
BFoo bFoo = bFooFactory.nonCaching();
and your generated code would say:
// In
interface AFoo {
interface Factory extends FooFactory<AFoo> {}
// ...
// In
class AFooImpl extends BaseFoo implements AFoo {
AFooImpl(boolean caching, StuffNeededByAFIConstructor otherStuff) {
// use otherStuff
// ...
class Factory implements AFoo.Factory {
#Inject Provider<StuffNeededByAFIConstructor> provider;
public AFoo caching() {
return new AFooImpl(true, provider.get());
// ...
Of course this depends on an interface FooFactory:
interface FooFactory<T> {
T caching();
T nonCaching();
Modify the process that does your code generation to generate also a Guice module that you then use in your application setup. I don't know how your code generation is currently structured, but if you have some way of knowing the full set of classes at code generation time you can either do this directly or append to some file that can then be loaded with ClassLoader.getResources as part of a Guice module that autodiscovers what classes to bind.

How to separate interface from implementation in Grails services?

I was wondering if it's possible to create a service interface on Grails and I can't find a proper way of doing it.
This explanation isn't satisfactory, since it seems to mix Java and Groovy:
It seems to me like a bad design flaw of the framework, given that the interface mechanism is one of the best features of Java (and most OO languages).
Any idea to clarify this issue?
You can have an interface, but actually you don't need one. If I understand you correctly you would like to have two implementations of a service and be able to choose which one to use.
Simply implement two services named for example MyService1 and MyService2, then in grails-app/conf/spring/resource.groovy you can specify:
beans = {
// syntax is beanId(implementingClassName) { properties }
or even:
beans = {
if (someConfigurationOption) {
} else {
This is how you tell Spring which service to actually inject for myService. Now you will be able to use myService like:
public MyController {
def myService
and Spring will auto wire a proper implementation. This allows you to configure which service implementation to use based for example on some configuration.
Define the service interface in a class com.mycompany.mypackage.MyInterface.groovy stored under src/groovy
Define the service implementation stored under grails-app/services
class MyService implements MyInterface {
// service implementation goes here
Its not a design flaw. Groovy is different than java in that it is a dynamic language that uses 'duck-typing'. Whats interesting in groovy is that there are also interfaces. So if you follow #don's suggestion, you can make sure that your service conforms to the interface, but the way you do DI with grails is to just specify the service implementation. i.e. you do not get the compile time check where you use the service implementation, like you do in java.
Note that there is no tight coupling here. Coupling implies that something is bound to a type. But with groovy's loose typing system, types are essentially dynamic creatures. So in java, if you declare a type to be a specific implementation, the code might not compile if you change the type later. In groovy, the code will always compile if you use the 'def'...(I think this is correct)
The best solution I found for this is using Spring bean aliases. Basically you need to:
1) Create an interface in src/groovy ( MyService.groovy )
2) Inject your service wherever you need it:
class MyController {
MyService myService
3) Create your regular services implementing that interface ( ImplOneService.groovy, ImplTwoService.groovy )
4) Add an entry to resources.groovy where you define which implementation to use (eventually, testing for environment, or anything else you need):
beans = {
if (...development, useFTP, etc...) {
springConfig.addAlias 'myService', 'ImplOneService'
} else {
springConfig.addAlias 'myService', 'ImplTwoService'
Complete sources here
My comments: Using interfaces in groovy really seems like some kind of "I want to stick with some java stuff I'm more comfortable with". In this case, strong-typing. But it's exactly the nice part of groovy saying "No worries, you can keep the java way if you want".
