AnsiString header file - c++builder

I am migrating from an old version of Borland C++ to the newest. In my code I had used String (AnsiString). In the new compiler it does not recognize String or AnsiString as a valid type, so I put in vcl.h in the file where I use String. Now I get 103 errors, all saying "reference to byte is ambiguous" (various system .h files). Is vcl.h not the header for AnsiString?

The actual header file that defines AnsiString is dstring.h, and always has been (the header file that defines UnicodeString is ustring.h). The System::String alias is defined in sysmac.h.
vcl.h includes these headers for you. If you are getting errors, either you did not create a VCL project properly to begin with, or your project is misconfigured.


LoadFromFile with Unicode data

My input file(f) has some Unicode (Swedish) that isn't being read correctly.
Neither of these approaches works, although they give different results:
I'm using Delphi XE
How can I LoadFromFile some Unicode data....also how do I subsequently SaveToFile? Thanks
In order to load a Unicode text file you need to know its encoding. If the file has a Byte Order Mark (BOM), then you can simply call LoadFromFile(FileName) and the RTL will use the BOM to determine the encoding.
If the file does not have a BOM then you need to explicitly specify the encoding, e.g.
LoadFromFile(FileName, TEncoding.UTF8);
LoadFromFile(FileName, TEncoding.Unicode);//UTF-16 LE
LoadFromFile(FileName, TEncoding.BigEndianUnicode);//UTF-16 BE
For some reason, unknown to me, there is no built in support for UTF-32, but if you had such a file then it would be easy enough to add a TEncoding instance to handle that.
I assume that you mean 'UTF-8' when you say 'Unicode'.
If you know that the file is UTF-8, then do
LoadFromFile(f, TEncoding.UTF8).
To save:
SaveToFile(f, TEncoding.UTF8);
(The GetOEMCP WinAPI function is for old 255-character character sets.)

ILASM does not set FileVersion

I have an .il file which I can compile without any problems. I can strong name it and so without any issues. But I am not able to set the file version via the attribute as I would expect it. How can I set the FileVersion for an assembly when using ilasm?
If I do a round trip I get always a .res file which does contain only binary data which is not readable. What is inside this res file and can I edit it?
The code does not work
.assembly myAssembly
.custom instance void [mscorlib]System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute::.ctor(string) = { string('') }
The issue can be solved by using the .res file. It is not sufficient to do a round trip with ildasm and ilasm. The IL file does not reference the .res file. I had to add it to the ilasm call manually. The data in the res file seemed to contain the infos which are written into the PE header which is ok for me.
The final command line needed was
ilasm /dll /res:test.res
I still do not know what exactly is inside the res file but I can exhange it with the meta data information of any other assemlby that I create manually and then decompile it to replace the metadata of the original assembly as I need.
It seems not many people are doing such stuff.

Export C functions for LabView with c++builder

I have a DLL that I have ported from VC2008 to C++ Builder XE2. The DLL is used in LabVIEW's TestStand.
TestStand, when importing the VC2008 DLL, can see the function names and their arguments. When using the C++ Builder DLL, all its sees are the function names and not the arguments. All exports are C functions and use extern "C" declspec( dllexport ).
Is there a way to get the exports correct?
I have read that adding a TLB file will do the job, if this is true, how do I create a TLB that exports only C functions?
TestStand can read a .c/.cpp file and derive parameters from that file. You still load the DLL and select the function you want to call. You then 'verify' the parameters and select the .c/.cpp file in the dialog. TestStand will find the function with the same name and insert the parameters itself.
The function must be very specific, I had to create a dummy .c file that contained the prototypes as TestStand could not handle the #defines for dllexport and dllimport. It likes a very specific format. For the function:
TESTAPI bool StartTest( long inNumber ) {}
where TESTAPIis either extern "C" __declspec( dllexport ) or extern "C" __declspec( dllimport I had to write the line below in my dummy file:
bool __declspec( dllexport ) StartTest( long inNumber ) {}
That does it.
DLL function parameters cannot be determined from exports alone, unless they are being decorated by the calling convention (which is unusual to do in a DLL). If a TLB (aka a Type Library) solves the problem, then the VC2008 DLL is likely an In-Process ActiveX/COM object rather than a flat C DLL. If so, then in C+Builder you can use the IDE wizards on the "File | New" menu to create an "ActiveX Library" project, then a "COM Object" to add to the library. Then you will have a TLB that you can define your object with, and the IDE will generate stub code that you can fill in with your object's implementation.
If that is not what LabViews is expecting, then I suggest you contact them and ask. If all it needs is a TLB with flat C functions (which is very unusual, because TLB's are object-oriented), then you can omit the "COM Object" portion and just create an "ActiveX Library" project to get a bare-bones TLB, then add your definitions to it as needed, an then add your exports to the project.
From the reference here:
Avoid using the extern "C" syntax to export symbols. The extern "C" syntax prevents the C/C++ DLL Adapter from obtaining type information for function and method parameters."
A little late to the game, but your problem may be that C++ Builder is decorating the exported function with a leading underscore. The TLIB command line utility should help prove this (assuming tlib still ships with C++Builder)
TLIB mydll.lib, mydll.lst
Look at the resulting lst file and see if it contains StartTest or _StartTest. LabView is probably expecting to find a function without the underscore.
You can add a DEF file to your C++Builder project that will suppress the leading underscore. Try this:
Use the __cdecl calling convention instead of __stdcall.
Export plain "C" functions. No C++ classes or member functions.
Make sure you have an extern "C" {} around your function prototypes.
Create a DEF file that aliases the exported functions to a Microsoft
compatible name. Alias the names so they don't contain a leading
underscore. The DEF file will look like this:
; MSVC name = C++Builder name
StartTest = _StartTest
Foo = _Foo
Bar = _Bar
5- Add the DEF file to your BCB DLL project and rebuild it.
Check out these ancient articles for more details:
The reverse article (creating C++Builder DLLs that get called from VC++ created applications) is buried in this archive: : /articles/bcbdll.htm. It describes the DEF file trick in more detail, plus some other options.
Note that my answer is based on the way thing were in 1998 or so. They may have changed since then. If they have, then the C++Builder command line tools impdef, tlib, tdump, plus the Microsoft equivalents of those tools, should be able to show you exactly what is in your DLL vs the MSVC one.
I suggest to use ActiveX object: you can create an automation object in C++Builder and in Labview / TestStand you can import this object. If you use automation, in Lavbiew you will have the correct parameter definition. Make sure you are using a set of compatible type variables with Labview / TestStand.
For example, this fragment of code is the implementation of an array passed from Labview to C++:
STDMETHODIMP TCanLibraryImpl::DataDownload(VARIANT Data, long* RV)
*RV = 0;
TSafeArrayLong1 mySafeArray(Data.parray);
int dLen =mySafeArray.BoundsLength[0];
In Labview you will pass to this function an array of I64

Delphi .res file changer

I'm looking for a ready-to-use piece of code that would be able to read and modify Delphi .res files. The thing is that I need to create an application that will be compiling many Delphi projects at once (using the dcc32.exe file). However, it is necessary for me to change file version and language before compilation, and as far as I know, I have to modify the .res file to do that.
Have you come across any code that would give me an interface to .res files allowing me to modify the data contained in it? The thing is that I want to change only those two pieces of information keeping the rest unchanged. This is why I can't compile my own .res file based on a script.
An application executed from a command line would also be OK if it allows to be called with parameters and does what I need it to do.
Thank you very in advance!
If all you need is to add file version resource then create appver.rc file, compile it with brcc32 and in one of your app unit (for example appver.pas) add {$R appver.res} (as Marian noticed you must turn off Delphi project option to include version info).
I created command line programs that increase build numbers in .rc file, create new branch/tag in SVN with new version in branch name, compiles .rc to .res, and build application.
My .rc files with such info (Polish language) looks like:
#define IDR_VERSION1 1
BLOCK "StringFileInfo"
BLOCK "041504E2"
VALUE "CompanyName", "xxx\0"
VALUE "FileDescription", "yyy\0"
VALUE "ProductName", "zzz\0"
VALUE "FileVersion", "\0"
VALUE "ProductVersion", "\0"
BLOCK "VarFileInfo"
VALUE "Translation", 0x0415, 1250
For all things .res, look at Colin Wilson's "XN Resource Editor", for which he provides the source code:
And probably all you need is his resource utility library:
I haven't used this source, but if I needed it, that's the first place I'd look. His resource editor is very useful, btw.
There is ChangeRes which seems to match your needs.
Check out sources:
It is our utility which reads .RC file with version information and increments build number. We use it inside our build process. Here is an excerpt:
incverrc.exe ..\gedemin\gedemin.rc
"%delphi_path%\brcc32.exe" -fogedemin.res -i..\images gedemin.rc
"%delphi_path%\dcc32.exe" -b gedemin.dpr
The utility uses TIncVerRc class written by Chris Morris.
Check Resource Tuner Console on They position that product for tasks like yours. Also there's a free rcstamp tool on CodeProject.

KaZip for C++Builder2009/Delphi

I have download and install KaZip2.0 on C++Builder2009 (with little minor changes => only set type String to AnsiString). I have write:
KAZip1->FileName = "";
KAZip1->Active = true;
KAZip1->Active = false;
now he create a with included xxx.txt (59byte original, 21byte packed). I open the archiv in WinRAR successful and want open the xxx.txt, but WinRAR says file is corrupt. :(
What is wrong? Can somebody help me?
Extract not working, because file is corrupt?
KAZip1->FileName = "";
KAZip1->Active = true;
KAZip1->Active = false;
with little minor changes => only set
type String to AnsiString
Use RawByteString instead of AnsiString.
I have no idea how KaZip2.0 is implemented, but in general, to make a Delphi/C++ library that was designed without Unicode support in mind working properly you need to do two things:
Replace all Char with AnsiChar and all string to AnsiString
Replace all Win API calls with their Ansi variant, i.e. replace AWin32Function with AWin32FunctionA.
In Delphi < 2009, Char = AnsiChar, String = AnsiString, AWin32Function = AWin32FunctionA, but in Delphi >= 2009, by default, Char = WideChar, String = UnicodeString, AWin32Function = AWin32FunctionW.
WinRAR could be simply failing to recognize the header. Try opening it in Windows or some other zip programs.
with little minor changes => only set
type String to AnsiString
That's doesn't work always right, it may compile but it doesn't mean it will work right in D2009 or CB2009, you need to show the places that you convert Strings to AnsiStrings, specially the code deal with : Buffers, Streams and I/O.
It's not surprising that your code is wrong; KaZip has no documentation.
Proper code is:
//Create a new empty zip file
//Open our newly created zip file so we can add files to it
//Compress text.txt into xxx.txt
//Close the file stream
