App Tracking Transparency reset after user choice - ios

I've just implemented the ATT request in my applications. It appears at the app first opening but I would like to show it again if the user wants to change his preferences from the app settings (internal).
I tried to call the requestTrackingAuthorization method again but it enters immediately to the completion handler. Is there a way to reset the status?


iOS 13 check for provisional authorization status of CLLocationManager

As per the WWDC video,, when you ask for "AlwaysAuthorization" permission you will see only "When In Use, Once and Don't allow". Even if you tap on "When In Use", the delegate call back will come back as kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways. This is working as expected. But is there a way to find out that the request is still provisional or actually-always-allow?
There is no enum associated to this permission. The only allowed enums are:
kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined, kCLAuthorizationStatusDenied, kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways, kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedWhenInUse
Because I want to show an alert as soon as user grants the "While In Use" permission, to tell them that the app will only work if you provide "Always Allow" via system preferences and I can navigate them to the system settings page of my app via a tap, just like how Zenly is doing it:
You can check if you're getting location updates in the background for more than 10 seconds after the application gets in the background. If yes, then you have the permanent Allow Always. If not, then you have the provisional Allow Always (or any other authorization that you can check explicitly).

Milkmangames Easypush ANE, can an OS cancel click be detected

I am calling
At a relevant time in my program to initiate the iOS subscribe to push messages dialogue. If the user clicks OK I get a an event confirming acceptance and giving me the token.
However if the user clicks Cancel in the OS dialogue I do not get anything, if the user presses Cancel I wish to respond to this.
Can Cancel be detected?
I think this is the same issues as calling the register when Cancel has been previously pressed, because again nothing happens.
When a user clicks 'Agree' then the registered event occurs
However, when 'Dont Agree' is clicked nothing happens, an event exists called
However this never occurs and I do not know why, but if this event did occurs it would be what I am looking for.
Directly from MilkmanGames themselves:
"Apple actually doesn't give us a notification for this case. What you could do is set a timeout (and/or listen for the next Event.ACTIVATE) and use the EasyPush.areNotificationsEnabled() function."

Return to sourceApplication after openUrl request is completely handled

I'm implementing an iOS app that handles a custom protocol.
Writing the method application(openURL:sourceApplication:annotation:) in my AppDelegate was easy but I'm left with a problem: I want that - once the user have done with the request - my app move to the background and send the user back to the caller sourceApplication (e.g. a browser, a QRCode reader, or any another app).
This is just like the difference between "tel:" and "telprompt:" url calls: in the former case the phone app remains active, in the latter case, after the call, the user is send back to the sourceApplication.
In order to let my app handle my custom protocol like "telprompt:" does, the only way I can think about is terminate the app once the user action is completed... but this is against iOS Human Interface Guidelines (they say "Don’t Quit Programmatically") and my app can be rejected by Apple.
On Android it is easy: you respond to an Intent with an Activity and when you call finish() on that activity the user is back to his previous app/browser/whatever.
Anyone knows a good way to achieve this on iOS?
Just to clarify:
my app don't call openUrl, it responds to openUrl requests from browser, QRCode reader, other apps;
I don't have to make phone calls;
when I handle a request I ask the user for some data, contact a server, and that's it: the interaction is finished and it would be very nice to drive the user back to previous app without let him use the home button.
I believe you should call openUrl when you are done, with the source app url in param.
That's what facebook does when you use the "connect with facebook" API.

How to handle rapid like/unlike at updating UI ios

I have an app. In this app, a user can like/unlike something. If the user tap the button like, it would change text to unlike, vice versa.
To make the like/unlike event run seamlessly to user, i change the text first, and then make request to my API, saying that the user like/unlike this. The API decides whether the action is liking or unliking depends on value at database. The API then returns a message stating the action made ("liked"/"unliked"). The app receives it, and then update the UI according to the result, in case the action intended by user fails.
If all runs smoothly, the user won't detect the changes made by API result.
This is the flow of liking something
user like -> button text changes to "unlike"
-> app make a request -> request is queued to operation queue
-> request run -> API decides whether that something is liked/unliked by the user
-> API returns action (in this case, "liked") -> app updates button text ("unlike")
Now my question are:
How do I handle rapid button tap by user?
How do I handle failed requests (internet disconnected, or no signal) while handling the problem no. 1?
nb: I don't want to disable the button (the app has to run seamlessly. Facebook app don't do it either, i just checked). Oh, and I use AFHTTPRequestOperationManager and set its maxConcurrentOperationCount to 1.
I resolved my problem using this answer
with a bit modification. The first time user click the button, I set a request flag to false, so that even if the user click the button many times, request won't be made before the first request is done.

Where do I put logic for when an iOS application hard closes and comes back?

I have an iOS application where I need to persist a set of data after the application HARD CLOSES (when the user double clicks the Home button and slides the application upwards). Then, when the application comes back to the foreground, I need to fetch that data and do something with it. I'm just not sure where I need to put that logic for Application Hard Close and Resuming the Application.
In your AppDelegate
When your app is going to be closed, but still in Multitasking menu the following method is getting called
If after 3 minutes user doesn re-open your app this method is going to be called
If user re-opens your app from multitasking menu the following method is getting called
If user is going to close your app from multitasking menu this method is getting called(you will have limited time to perform some logic here)
When user presses home twice applicationWillResignActive and applicationDidEnterBackground is called. You can save data here.
When user opens app, applicationWillEnterForeground is called, you get data which you save and process.
When a user hard-closes the application, the UIViewController's Delegate's method called applicationWillTerminate. Here I can catch and save the model data before it's all destroyed.
Then when a user launches the application again, there are many choices like didFinishLaunchingWithOptions where I can grab the data stored to disk.
Your app no longer gets an applicationWillTerminate call ever. You are simply silently killed while in the background. You have to write your app to save state in the applicationDidEnterBackground handler, as nmh describes. That's your only option.
