Blackberry Access App crash when input type date is clicked in IOS 14 device - blackberry

Blackberry Access App gets crashes when input type date is clicked in IOS 14 device. I am using latest version of blackberry access (v3.2). This happens only in blackberry access. On safari in IOS 14 device, it works fine.

BlackBerry is aware of this issue and has implemented a fix. The fix is present in the beta release of BlackBerry Access. If you are interested, you can sign up for our beta programs here:
This will be fixed in the next update of BlackBerry Access that will be available soon.


How to confirm App Store will respect my minimum iOS version?

We have set the minimum version of our App to iOS 10 in the Deployment Target setting in its build target in Xcode. I want to confirm that someone running iOS 9 cannot download the app. The app is on the App Store already.
I have a device which I would like to load iOS 9 on in order to test this. I checked Xcode and I can only download iOS10 on the simulator. There are sites all over the place with .ipsw files I can download, however they are for jailbroken phones - they are not signed by Apple. I do not want to jailbreak the device. Anyway I think that would not even work as I couldn't get to the App Store anyway.
There are a few iOS device models where the maximum iOS version supported is iOS 9, such as the iPhone 4s, and equivalent vintage iPad. Apple still signs iOS re-installs on such devices. You might be able to borrow or buy a used one fairly cheaply, and use that for Deployment target testing.
There is nothing to confirm. An app with a deployment target of iOS 10 cannot under any circumstances run on iOS 9. It won’t be downloaded to an iOS 9 device. But you cannot prevent the downloading of the app in some other way (though it still cannot run on an iOS 9 device). So just believe in reality and move on.

Google Plus SDK - Getting "Your browser is not supported anymore." iOS

I want to use Google Plus sharing for my iOS application.
I previously used native sharing, but this website from Google+ says that it's deprecated and suggests using basic sharing.
Problem is, after I've done that, when I open the link, it (obviously) opens in Safari and I'm getting the error on the error:
"This browser is no longer supported" and something asks to update a browser.
I'm using iPhone 7 Plus on iOS 10. I've also tried simulator for iOS 9.
Any advice?

How can I make allow users with older versions of iOS to download an older version of my app

I've updated my app and due to some of the functions I'm releasing it has to be for iOS 10 and up. I understand that there is a way for users that have not upgraded to iOS 10 to be able to get the older version of my app but I haven't been able to figure out how to enable that in the app store. I just tested on a device and currently if you have iOS 9 it will tell you that you can't get the app because it is only supported on iOS 10. No option to download the previous version.
According to the redit article below Apple enabled the behavior I want. I just don't know how to turn it on for my app.
So to update everyone: This only works if the app is already purchase. All new purchases will force to upgrade to the latest OS.
I think this feature just works if you already purchased the app and want to reinstall it.
A solution would be to purchase the app on your Mac and then try again on the iOS device.
Here is an article about it:

iOS Google App Indexing not working

I am currently working on adding Google App Indexing to iOS app.
But it works only on one device - iPhone 4 (iOS 7).
On other devices [GSDDeepLink handleDeepLink:url] do nothing for the same url.
What can be wrong? And what is the difference between iOS 7 and iOS 8 for GSDDeepLink?
Please don't forget it's still "Limited Release", not everything is documented well probably. In "Introduction to App Indexing" page there is "Technical requirements" section, and they wrote :
Developed on apps with a minsdkVersion no higher than 17.
Available on searches using the Google app version 2.8+, and Chrome for Android 4.1+.
Available for signed-in users.
Developed using a base SDK of iOS8. // Answer of your question maybe?
Available on searches using the Google app version 5.3+, and Chrome for iOS.
Available for signed-in users.
That means won't work in iOS7.

AirDrop Not Working

I'm using UIActivityViewController or UIDocumentInteractionController for Airdrop for sharing the files between devices for my document sharing application.
the same code which was working in iOS7 but now in iOS8 when I'm trying to connecting to other device it keeps on showing waiting but there is no request is sent to the other device.
Is there any thing changed in iOS8? I have checked with safari and other apps they are working fine for the same devices.
What should I need to do? To make them work.
The reason that airdrop was not working due to my application got build with iOS 7 SDK but, when I use 8 SDK the airdrop got worked in iOS 8 and iOS 7 devices.
In order to support airdrop in iOS you need to build you're app with 8 SDK
