How do I write these symbols in LaTeX?
One possibility is the mathabx package:
If you don't need the big versions, then the stix package would be another alternative.
I tried \verb|\{|, and it will print \{. If using \verb|{| without the backslash, an error would occur that says ! File ended while scanning \TX#get#body
Use the following to replicate this error on Overleaf or WinEdt:
\verb|{| & Error. \\ % The use of \verb|{| here generates the error!
I the above code, "\verb|{|" will generate the error.
With the kind help from, I understand now that "{" can be displayed in tabularx using \listinline{{}. But this gives a plain-text style "{". Is there a way to make the "{" more code style? See the below picture for comparison.
You can use the listings package:
\lstinline{\}} & Error. \\
This happens in some (but not all) documents, where '$\int$' in an equation displays as '$\Delta$' in the compiled pdf. For those documents, I tried both Winedt and Overleaf and the same things just happen.
The problem can be replicated by using the following codes in the main.tex file:
\setlength {\marginparwidth }{2cm}
\title{Generalized $t$-Distribution Noise Model\thanksref{footnoteinfo}}
\author[AuthorCategory1]{Author 1}\ead{author1#somewhere}
\author[AuthorCategory2]{Author 2}\ead{author2#somewhere}
\address[AuthorCategory1]{Address 1}
\address[AuthorCategory2]{Address 2}
\section{This is a section}
\int \nonumber
The autart.cls can be found online, for example at
You will get a result like this:
And from my own exploration, the problem can be solved surprisingly if changing the title from
\title{Generalized $t$-Distribution Noise Model\thanksref{footnoteinfo}}
And you will get the correct integral symbol as follows:
It seems that you can also solve the problem by removing the "esint" package, or change the document class from autart to article. I guess there is some conflicts defined in these class/packages, maybe, and result in this funny phenomenon.
Is there a way to solve the problem without changing the title, while using autart document class and esint package?
Ironically, the problem is in the \no#harm macro your class defines, which redefines \protect. You can work around the problem by removing this defintion like this:
\xpatchcmd{\no#harm}{\def\protect{\noexpand\protect\noexpand}}{}{\typeout{patch ok}}{\typeout{patch fail}}
\setlength {\marginparwidth }{2cm}
\title{Generalized $t$-Distribution Noise Model\thanksref{footnoteinfo}}
\author[AuthorCategory1]{Author 1}\ead{author1#somewhere}
\author[AuthorCategory2]{Author 2}\ead{author2#somewhere}
\address[AuthorCategory1]{Address 1}
\address[AuthorCategory2]{Address 2}
\section{This is a section}
\int \nonumber
Need to know the code for symbol less than or greater than in this format:
Note: detexify and the comprehensive book of symbols were with no help.
Also this one is depreciated:
Like this?
y_k \mathop{\lessgtr}_{noise}^{speech} \eta
How to use inverted A character(Phonetic Symbol) in an equation in LaTex? Do I have to use any specific package for it? I used \textinvsca, but it says "undefined control sequence"
There are a myriad of ways you can achieve this. Most notably, consult How to look up a symbol or identify a math symbol or character?.
This reveals you need tipa (more specifically, \usepackage{tipx}):
You can also rotate-and-scale a regular A:
\forall is the universal quantifier:
How can I put a question mark above a less-than-or-equal-to symbol(\leq) in LaTeX?
You can use stackrel:
2 \stackrel{?}{\le} 3
Or, if you use the amsmath package, you can use overset as follows:
2 \overset{?}{\le} 3
\stackrel{\text{\tiny ?}}{=}
Use the accents package. You can do more fun stuff with TeX primitives, but here's the easy and most flexible way:
Test: $a \qleq b$.