How to backup a google sheet script? - google-sheets

I want to know how we can backup the code (script) automatically or manually in a google sheet?
Thanks in advance

You can use Google Apps Script to manage your scripts.
Here's the documentation

Use Clasp
It is a way to write code from your local computer and then "sync" it from the command line.
To send updates:
clasp push
To get updates:
clasp pull
You can then use any version control software like Git on the project because you have it locally as well as on Google's servers. Just remember to sync often!


Graphenedb Triggers Issue (

I m new to the Neo4j platform. Our team is working to migrate from SQL to Graph. We were able to enable APOC triggers when we were in working local environment but when we deployed it to Graphenedb instance we were not able to find any configuration or remote shell access to configure APOC triggers. I contacted their support, but there is no reply. We are in a kind of pickle here, so it would be a huge help to us if someone can provide any solution. We just want to write a single configuration line in the setting which would enable the trigger
Looking at the documentation it looks like you can enable APOC using these steps:

Read all the repos in bitbucket

I want to make a script in Python, that is able to read all repositories from a Bitbucket account, to find some content inside code files.
Is it possible to make this?

How to assign access rights to a Gerrit project using API / SSH?

I'm looking for a way to automatically add +2 permissions for certain refs for a lot of projects in Gerrit and unfortunately it seems there are no API calls to modify access rights, only to read them. Do you have any idea how to modify refs permissions for a big amount of projects?
I'm using Gerrit 2.9.
One possibility would be to create a batch script to modify the project.config for those projects and commit them back to gerrit.
This is how you can checkout the project.config for the All-Projects, it works the same for other projects:
Simply put:
Create list of project you want to change
Iterate over the lest
Checkout the refs/meta/config ref
Use script to modify project.config
Commit and push back to the server
More information about the project.config:

Rails App in Dropbox

I would like to backup my rails app usig a private git repo. I've decided to use Dropbox but I've already deployed to heroku, setup DNS for a custom domain name without backing up and would hate for something to go wrong by transferring my project.
Does anyone have experience with this or knows if something will go wrong? Should I reconfigure any files before transferring to a private dropbox folder?
Heroku's addons (i.e. custom domain) configurations are located on their server, not on your computer. Typically configs appear in ENV variables. Type heroku config to see what you have.
So yes, you are free to copy your code anywhere you like, and be sure to copy your dotfiles as well.
Personally, I use github for my code backups.
bitbucket now has private git repos. Unfuddle had them for a while too. These are all free, BTW.
In short - don't reconfigure or setup anything - have fun of some coding instead :)
If you just want your repo to stay safely in the "cloud" then:
Bundle (for git or mercurial)
Gmail the bundle to yourself as a reply to the same "pull" message". Or, in case you have a fellow coder, then gmail to him/her. Double-backup.
Done and forgotten. There is plenty of room in you gmail inbox and sent-items for the source-code of several projects.
IMHO it is:
shareable via smart-phone within 5 minutes maximum
pull/push/work anywhere
a natural habit

How to open p4 file by a hyperlink

For example, I have written a document and submited to p4.Then I would like to share it on the company intranet or notify the others by email.
I create a post and refer to the p4 document as a hyperlink in the post.
When the user click on it, his local P4 will be launched to sync the document according to his p4 config(would be failed if he is not allow to access the relevant repo), then the document will be opend on his PC.
By imaging this feature, I am just trying to find a solution to share p4 document easily.
Since I dont want to upload the documents to the intranet then sync it between p4 manually.
Any suggestion is welcome.
You can try using a custom url protocol and handler. This would allow you to write urls like p4v://Some/place/some/where/. The setup will depend on your platform.
You could then set the handler to the p4v executable with the -s option. This will open a location, but it won't provide any kind of syncing.
p4v -s "//Some/place/some/where/"
You may also need to coerce the url into a valid perforce path. For example, windows urls will include the text before the colon, causing problems.
p4v -s "p4v://Some/place/some/where/"
So you will probably have to write a wrapper script around the execution of p4v to do some text filtering. This is all kind of a pain, which is why I haven't done it myself.
Another simple technique is to set up your intranet web server to serve documents from a frequently-sync'd workspace, as described here: in the section "2. A Simple WCM Approach".
I have used this mechanism, with an Apache web server, and a Perforce client workspace with a cron script sync'ing the workspace every 10 seconds, to share documents via URL in a development environment with dozens of active developers, quite successfully.
The only thing that comes to mind is P4Web, which serves Perforce depot via HTTP. It still wouldn't solve the "sync automatically according to his p4 config", but at least you could send links to your document.
