Graphenedb Triggers Issue ( - neo4j

I m new to the Neo4j platform. Our team is working to migrate from SQL to Graph. We were able to enable APOC triggers when we were in working local environment but when we deployed it to Graphenedb instance we were not able to find any configuration or remote shell access to configure APOC triggers. I contacted their support, but there is no reply. We are in a kind of pickle here, so it would be a huge help to us if someone can provide any solution. We just want to write a single configuration line in the setting which would enable the trigger

Looking at the documentation it looks like you can enable APOC using these steps:


How to backup a google sheet script?

I want to know how we can backup the code (script) automatically or manually in a google sheet?
Thanks in advance
You can use Google Apps Script to manage your scripts.
Here's the documentation
Use Clasp
It is a way to write code from your local computer and then "sync" it from the command line.
To send updates:
clasp push
To get updates:
clasp pull
You can then use any version control software like Git on the project because you have it locally as well as on Google's servers. Just remember to sync often!

Is there a way to track usage of a global shared library in Jenkins?

At my work most developers are free to write their own Jenkinsfile for their own team's projects.
As the Jenkins admin, I provide developers with a global shared library.
Most projects are using either v1 or v2 or v3 or another version of this library, using the idiom library("theSharedLib#v#").
Question: Is there a way for me to find out which Jenkinsfile is using which version of the shared library without having to actually lookup into all those Jenkinsfile files (50+ files in as much git repos)?
What I would see best is some mechanism that write up (into a file on the Jenkins master or in a DB) which project/Jenkinsfile is using which version at the time the library is loaded.
A possible solution would be to add some code to every function inside the library that will actually do this reporting. I could then see which function is used by who. Any better solution?
I wrote to gather information such as this from Jenkins. It has a plugin that will run a regex against the console log of a completed job and can then post events to elastic search.
Jenkins helpfully posts library loads at the start of the log such as:
Loading library sharedLib#version
So a simple regex like
"^Loading library\S+(?P<library_name>.*?)#(?P<library_version>.*?)\S+$"
added to the console_log_events plugin would generate events in an elastic search for each usage and each version.

Performing denodo tasks from Jenkins

I am trying a create a working prototype for performing denodo activities from my Jenkins server.
Steps that i want to perform are :
Import a VSQL file from GIT to Denodo from Jenkins.
Create a view in Denodo from Jenkins.
Run this VSQL file in Denodo from Jenkins.
I am new to Denodo world and i am not sure if Denodo has any APIs for doing this.
Can someone let me know if this is really possible? If so where can i find a solution for this requirement. I tried searching in the internet for last few days, but couldn't find a solution.
The problem why you don't find to much on the web for this is that the files and query language in denodo is called vql not vsql. Try searching for that, you will find a lot there.
Anyways about your problem:
You have two options to work with CI and CD in Denodo. If you use Jenkins and just want to create views based on actions in other systems, e.g. create a base view as soon as a new table is created in the source you can just send the vql create script (containing create wrapper an create view) via jdbc or odbc to the server. For that create a technical user on denodo and load the driver to the jenkins server.
The other option is if you are using Denodo 7 to use the solution manager. There you have a rest API where you can create Revisions, test them on different environments and deploy them. Not sure if you can create a revision based on vql code that comes from Jenkins, but I think this should be possible.

Spring Cloud Data Flow + SqlServer + Tables creation

SCDF project creates tables/sequences on the fly while starting the application. but our database is in shared environment, it doesn't have any create table permission. Is it possible to create tables/indices/sequences well before that are needed for Spring Cloud Data Flow project to run ?. if you have any SQL scripts, please provide me the link ?..
The SCDF and Skipper rely on Flyway for database schema migration between the releases. It is a strict requirement, so, unfortunately, there's no way around it right now.
You could work around this situation by letting Flyway create all the required schemas automatically in either dev/staging like environments and then manually you could export the schema/data using the approved database tooling to the other environments that have restricted access.
Once when the tables/data exists, Flyway wouldn't interfere or reattempt to create the schemas when SCDF bootstraps. I hope this helps.

Can we restore to previous commit in neo4j?

Is there any way to restore data from neo4j?
I just lost all data and want to restore to previous state of neo4j.
Please help me with this.
Neo4J Server must be configured to run backups. If your server wasn't configured to create backups, then there is not a way to restore your data using Neo4J. This is controlled by the Neo4J config option online_backup_enabled.
This feature is enabled by default in Neo4J 2.1.6 Enterprise. However, you have to manually run a backup in order for one to be created. So, unless you ran a backup, then you aren't going to find one which was automatically taken anywhere on your system. Sorry :-(
In the future, you can configure and run backups following the Neo4J documentation.
