Removing observations from SPSS Dataset - spss

I would like to delete some observations from the table in my SPSS, if values meet, for instance:
If product + value from column meet, I want to remove it/make it SYSMIS (only this observation, the observation from another column for this row needs to be still available, so make flag and temporary select is not enough)
Tried several approaches like:
None of it works
Is there a way to remove observations in another way than delete it from raw data? I'd like to avoid it

You might save a lot of work by looking up some basic spss syntax tutorials. See here for a good site.
In the present case all you need is this:
To make your syntax work with recode, you can do this:

It sounds like you might not want to delete the original data, but instead just run your analyses on a subset of data. In that case, use SELECT IF:
This will delete any row that doesn't fit the condition, and so all subsequent analysis will include only the rows that do.
If you want to be able to filter the rows only temporarily - you can use filter command instead of select.


Taking Column A values comparing to Column B values if they are the same post to Column C

I'm trying to take the names from column A compare them to the names in column B and then have the similar names get listed in column C.
The problem is these names are automatically updated and out of order, and I need the function in column C to update with them. Also, the names will not be in order, this is why I can't use A=B function. The picture shown is an example of what the solution would look like or something similar. After completing this, I would like to continue using the same function to break down the name data even more. Watched a lot of videos on this, can't find anything specific enough to work.
Side note, I have found a way to do this using different pages within the sheets but not in the same sheet side by side. ex. of what solution
I have tried watching lots of YouTube videos, but nothing goes into detail enough and seem to only explain when similar values are next to each other in column A and B.
This is what I use for 2 different sheets but can't find / understand why when changing values in function to single sheet it wont work:
Also, another side note: Can't use True or False. And for uneven number of names in the list ex. Column A has 10 and B has 7 it sorts A for names in B and post similar in C.
Try below formula-
You can use VLOOKUP to check common values between columns and store them in another column.
Although this will create gaps in the output column. you can get rid of it by by simply using a filter or so.
all you need is:

Converting a multi column range into one column

I have an instance where I would love to be able to get a column of all the unique names in a range. The problem I am having is that the range is multicolumn.
Let's assume my data is in A1:B3
This works fine if I do:
But if that range is named and I do
=unique(NamedRange) or =unique(A1:C3)
Then it will spill over the column. Worse if I want to filter or sort the results in the same formula and then run into errors because the formulas want single column/row or the rows/columns don't match anymore.
I don't deal with named ranges a lot, but I did just make a formula today that had 10 columns in it that I stuck into a range like that so that I could do a complex (for me) filter that gave me the difference of two different ranges, similar to: =FILTER({B4:B93;C4:C93;D4:D93;E4:E93;F4:F93}, NOT(COUNTIF(H5:H, {B4:B93;C4:C93;D4:D93;E4:E93;F4:F93}))). I would REALLY love if I could clean that up and make that messy set B4:F instead.
Is there any formula level function that could stick these all in one column?
Usually I am looking to do other things with it like sort and filter and the multiple columns get even messier.
Thanks for your time. I DID try searching for this, but I could not seem to find the answer.

Selecting cases based on values in previous rows

I have a binominal value in SPSS called "emotion" that contains "91" and "95". I would like to select all cases that come after twice "95" and are encoded with "91" themselves. Does anybody know a synthax that makes this possible?
Make sure your data is sorted in the relevant order, then run this:
compute selectthis=(yourvar=91 and lag(yourvar)=95 and lag(yourvar,2)=95).
select if selectthis=1.

How to Find out if a column contains any duplicates

I have a column of numbers. I want to know if there are any duplicates. I don't need to know how many or what their value is. I just want to know if there are any.
The best way I could figure out was to have another column of equal height to the column of numbers, with the formula:
So this will put a TRUE next to every number that has one or more duplicates in the list.
From here I need to see if this second column contains a TRUE.
So I have a final cell with this formula in it:
=lookup(true, B:B)
This always displays FALSE, even when there are duplicates in the list, with corresponding "TRUE" values next to them in column B.
Also, is there a simpler way of solving this problem?
Note: I can get it to work if the single cell result simply does an =OR(B:B) but I still want to know why my first way won't work and if there is an all around simpler way of doing this.
you can use both =unique(A:A) and also =counta(unique(A:A))
note: the A:A is just a dummy array i threw in for example, replace with whatever column you want to refer to.
to get a final yes or no, you could nest it together by putting =if(eq(counta(A:A),counta(unique(A:A))),"No Duplicates", "Contains Duplicates")
I'm not sure whether simpler (I am confident the formula could be simplified!) but copy/pasting the following might be deemed so:
This should return 0 only if there are no duplicates. If a single entry is repeated twice (three instances) and all other values are unique, the result should be 3.
TRUE is curious as the behaviour is not what I expected and I differs from Excel where true would be converted to TRUE, which normally indicates an automatic change from text to function. I don't have an explanation but it may be connected with lookup because the boolean behaves as I would expect in say an if formula.

How do I use Macros to copy select data from one worksheet to another on Excel?

I need to create a Macro on Excel to keep track of changing contracts. There's already an existing macro that updates the contract data so I need to create another macro...
There are two worksheets. On the first worksheet is a bunch of data with each row representing one contract. There are several categories (Contract #, Date, Price, etc.).
I need to write a Macro that finds only certain contracts fitting specific criteria (like, contacts at a specific date or a certain price), copies and pastes them into the second worksheet.
What I've done so far:
I've figured out a bit of a convoluted way of doing it using IF and OR functions. So using OR I specify the criteria and IF to basically find the corresponding data if things are TRUE.
When things are false, a 0 is entered. The problem is I have tons of rows of zeroes---rows/contracts that didn't fit the criteria. When I try to use the find command (CTRL+F) to find, highlight, and properly delete (with rows shifted up) all the zeroes, Macro doesn't record it and I'm not sure how to write it in the code.
Any insight would help!
Just change your formula to:
