This overload of UniqueKey.PrimaryKeyToGuid cannot be used if the grain uses the primary key extension feature - orleans

trying to write an hello world program with orleans and I am getting this exception.
I am using .net 5
the Microsoft.Orleans.CodeGeneration.MSBuild nuget pakage
InvalidOperationException: This overload of UniqueKey.PrimaryKeyToGuid cannot be used if the grain
uses the primary key extension feature.
at Orleans.Runtime.UniqueKey.ThrowIfHasKeyExt(String methodName)
at Orleans.Runtime.UniqueKey.PrimaryKeyToGuid()
at Orleans.Runtime.GrainId.GetPrimaryKey()
var result = await _clusterClient.GetGrain<IHelloWorldGrain>("leke").SayHelloToAsync(name);
public class HelloWorldGrain : Grain, IHelloWorldGrain
private int _invocationCount = 0;
public Task<string> SayHelloToAsync(string name)
return Task.FromResult($"Hello {name} from {this.GetPrimaryKey()} - I have said hello {_invocationCount++} times.");
public interface IHelloWorldGrain: IGrainWithStringKey
Task<string> SayHelloToAsync(string name);enter code here

This {this.GetPrimaryKey()} should be changed to {this.GetPrimaryKeyAsString()}


NUnit - Mock Repository and test with dummy data

I'm trying to establish a way of unit testing my service layer (& repositories) using some dummy data. I've seen examples of this before with Generic Repositories but I'm struggling to get something working whilst using a DatabaseFactory.
When I call the GetPhrase method from repository.Object I just get null back everytime.
I'm using NUnit and Moq. Any pointers on where i'm going wrong would be appreciated, or let me know if i'm better off going down a different road
e.g. Connecting to a local db for tests (SQL CE etc)
Here are the main components of the code:
public class PhraseRepository : RepositoryBase<Phrase>, IPhraseRepository
public PhraseRepository(IDatabaseFactory databaseFactory)
: base(databaseFactory)
public string GetPhrase(string phraseCode)
return this.GetMany(p => p.PhraseCode == phraseCode).First().Descript;
public interface IPhraseRepository : IRepository<Phrase>
string GetPhrase(string phraseCode);
public class CLPRiskPhraseService : ICLPRiskPhraseService
private readonly IPhraseRepository phraseRepository;
public string GetPhrase(string phraseCode)
return phraseRepository.GetPhrase(phraseCode);
public void GetPhrase()
var phrases = new FakePhraseData().GetPhrases();
phraseRepository.Setup(m => m.GetMany(It.IsAny<Expression<Func<Phrase, bool>>>())).Returns(phrases);
var result = phraseRepository.Object.GetPhrase("H300");
// Assert
NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Description0", result);
Invoking phraseRepository.Object.GetPhrase("H300") in your test will always return null unless you set it up to return something different.
I think you're mistakenly thinking that this call to GetPhrase will invoke GetMany like the concrete PhraseRepository does, but you need to remember that it's just a mock of the interface IPhraseRepository. A method on a mocked object will always return the default value of the return type (in this case string) unless you use Setup to change the behavior of that method.

SimpleInjector - Register a type for all it's interfaces

Is it possible to register a type for all it's implementing interfaces? E.g, I have a:
public class Bow : IWeapon
#region IWeapon Members
public string Attack()
return "Shooted with a bow";
public class HumanFighter
private readonly IWeapon weapon = null;
public HumanFighter(IWeapon weapon)
this.weapon = weapon;
public string Fight()
return this.weapon.Attack();
public void Test2b()
Container container = new Container();
// this would match the IWeapon to the Bow, as it
// is implemented by Bow
var humanFighter1 = container.GetInstance<HumanFighter>();
string s = humanFighter1.Fight();
It completely depends on your needs, but typically you need to use the Container's non-generic registration method. You can define your own LINQ queries to query the application's metadata to get the proper types, and register them using the non-generic registration methods. Here's an example:
var weaponsAssembly = typeof(Bow).Assembly;
var registrations =
from type in weaponsAssembly.GetExportedTypes()
where type.Namespace.Contains(".Weapons")
from service in type.GetInterfaces()
select new { Service = service, Implementation = type };
foreach (var reg in registrations)
container.Register(reg.Service, reg.Implementation);
If you need to batch-register a set of implementations, based on a shared generic interface, you can use the RegisterManyForOpenGeneric extension method:
// include the SimpleInjector.Extensions namespace.
This will look for all (non-generic) public types in the supplied assembly that implement IValidator<T> and registers each of them by their closed-generic implementation. If an type implements multiple closed-generic versions of IValidator<T>, all versions will be registered. Take a look at the following example:
interface IValidator<T> { }
class MultiVal1 : IValidator<Customer>, IValidator<Order> { }
class MultiVal2 : IValidator<User>, IValidator<Employee> { }
Assuming the given interface and class definitions, the shown RegisterManyForOpenGeneric registration is equivalent to the following manual registration:
container.Register<IValidator<Customer>, MultiVal1>();
container.Register<IValidator<Order>, MultiVal1>();
container.Register<IValidator<User>, MultiVal2>();
container.Register<IValidator<Employee>, MultiVal2>();
It would also be easy to add convenient extension methods. Take for instance the following extension method that allows you to register a single implementation by all its implemented interfaces:
public static void RegisterAsImplementedInterfaces<TImpl>(
this Container container)
foreach (var service in typeof(TImpl).GetInterfaces())
container.Register(service, typeof(TImpl));
It can be used as follows:

Can I do piece-wise configuration of scoping for my objects in Ninject?

We have several cases where we are providing services in code libraries where we know scoping and lifetime rules for the service providers in the code library. We would like to configure that information in the library itself without having to have that knowledge bubbled up to the composition root.
I have been unable to figure out if it's possible to implement this with the current version of Ninject.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using Ninject;
using Ninject.Extensions.Conventions;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Ninject.Modules;
public class Spike
private IKernel kernel;
public void SetUp()
this.kernel = new StandardKernel();
this.kernel.Load(new Registry());
this.kernel.Bind(x => x
public void TearDown()
public void GetThing1AndThing2()
// arrange
var thing1 = this.kernel.Get<Thing1>();
var thing2 = this.kernel.Get<Thing1>();
// act
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(1, Thing1.ConstructorCount, "wrong number of constructor invocations");
Assert.AreEqual(2, Thing1.DoTheWorkCount, "wrong number of method invocations");
public void GetIThing1AndIThing2()
// arrange
var thing1 = this.kernel.Get<IThing1>();
var thing2 = this.kernel.Get<IThing1>();
// act
// assert
Assert.AreEqual(1, Thing1.ConstructorCount, "wrong number of constructor invocations");
Assert.AreEqual(2, Thing1.DoTheWorkCount, "wrong number of method invocations");
public class Registry : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
public interface IThing1
void DoTheWork();
public class Thing1 : IThing1
public static int ConstructorCount { get; set; }
public static int DoTheWorkCount { get; set; }
public Thing1()
Console.WriteLine("Thing1.ctor underway");
public void DoTheWork()
Console.WriteLine("Thing1.DoTheWork underway");
public static void ResetCounts()
Thing1.ConstructorCount = 0;
Thing1.DoTheWorkCount = 0;
In this test case, the ilbrary is represented by the Registry, Thing1, and IThing1 classes. The user of the library is the test fixture, where the Spike.SetUp() method shows the code we'd ideally like the library user to write (where they'd pass in a path containing the dll instead of new-ing up a Registry object).
With the code as written, fetching the Thing1 service multiple times in Spike.GetThing1AndThing2() exhibits the desired singleton behavior. Fetching the Thing1 service multiple times via its published interface as in Spike.GetIThing1AndIThing2() does not exhibit singleton behavior but rather constructs two separate Thing1 objects.
So is it possible to do what I'm asking: to specify the singleton behavior in the DLL itself while having the scan performed when the composition root is formed?
You need to introduce conventions. E.g. Add an attribute specifying the scope or use a naming convention so that you can identify the scope from the name.
Then setup the binding conventions correctly. E.g
this.kernel.Bind(x => x
.Configure(binding => binding.InSingletonScope());
this.kernel.Bind(x => x

Structuremap constructor overloading

I have a command class that needs to have 2 constructors. However,
using structuremap it seems that I can only specify one constructor to
be used. I have solved the problem for now by subtyping the specific
command class, which each implementation implementing it's own
interface and constructor. Like the code below shows. The
ISelectCommand implements two separate interfaces for the
string constructor and the int constructor, just for the sake of
registering the two subtypes using structuremap.
However, I consider this a hack and I just wonder why is it not
possible for structuremap to resolve the constructor signature by the
type passed in as parameter for the constructor? Then I could register
the SelectProductCommand as an ISelectCommand and
instantiate it like:
public class SelectProductCommand : ISelectCommand<IProduct>,
ICommand, IExecutable
private readonly Func<Product, Boolean> _selector;
private IEnumerable<IProduct> _resultList;
public SelectProductCommand(Func<Product, Boolean> selector)
_selector = selector;
public IEnumerable<IProduct> Result
get { return _resultList; }
public void Execute(GenFormDataContext context)
_resultList = GetProductRepository().Fetch(context,
private Repository<IProduct, Product> GetProductRepository()
return ObjectFactory.GetInstance<Repository<IProduct,
public class SelectProductIntCommand: SelectProductCommand
public SelectProductIntCommand(Int32 id): base(x =>
x.ProductId == id) {}
public class SelectProductStringCommand: SelectProductCommand
public SelectProductStringCommand(String name): base(x =>
x.ProductName.Contains(name)) {}
P.s. I know how to tell structuremap what constructor map to use, but my again my question is if there is a way to have structuremap select the right constructor based on the parameter passed to the constructor (i.e. using regular method overloading).
The short answer is this post by the creator of Structuremap.
The long answer is regarding the structure you have in that piece of code. In my view, a command is by definition a "class" that does something to an "entity", i.e it modifies the class somehow. Think CreateNewProductCommand.
Here you are using commands for querying, if I'm not mistaken. You also have a bit of a separation of concern issue floating around here. The command posted defines what to do and how to do it, which is to much and you get that kind of Service location you're using in
private Repository<IProduct, Product> GetProductRepository()
return ObjectFactory.GetInstance<Repository<IProduct, Product>>();
The way I'd structure commands is to use CreateProductCommand as a data contract, i.e it only contains data such as product information.
Then you have a CreateProductCommandHandler which implements IHandles<CreateProductCommand> with a single method Handle or Execute. That way you get better separation of concern and testability.
As for the querying part, just use your repositores directly in your controller/presenter, alternatively use the Query Object pattern
I think I solved the problem using a small utility class. This class gets the concrete type from ObjectFactory and uses this type to construct the instance according to the parameters past into the factory method. Now on the 'client' side I use ObjectFactory to create an instance of CommandFactory. The implementation of CommandFactory is in another solution and thus the 'client solution' remains independent of the 'server' solution.
public class CommandFactory
public ICommand Create<T>()
return Create<T>(new object[] {});
public ICommand Create<T>(object arg1)
return Create<T>(new[] {arg1});
public ICommand Create<T>(object arg1, object arg2)
return Create<T>(new[] {arg1, arg2});
public ICommand Create<T>(object arg1, object arg2, object arg3)
return Create<T>(new[] {arg1, arg2, arg3});
public ICommand Create<T>(object[] arguments)
return (ICommand)Activator.CreateInstance(GetRegisteredType<T>(), arguments);
public static Type GetRegisteredType<T>()
return ObjectFactory.Model.DefaultTypeFor(typeof (T));

Passing in the type of the declaring class for NLog using Autofac

Following on from this question I would like autofac to inject the type of the declaring object into the constructor of my NLog service, so that it can correctly log which type is logging entries.
My NLogService class looks like this...
public class NLogService : ILogService
private readonly Logger _logger;
public NLogService(Type t)
var consumerType = t.DeclaringType.FullName;
_logger = LogManager.GetLogger(consumerType);
However it fails on app startup because it obviously cannot work out what to inject into the constructor of the NLogService with the following error...
None of the constructors found with
'Public binding flags' on type
can be invoked with the available
services and parameters: Cannot
resolve parameter 'System.Type t' of
constructor 'Void .ctor(System.Type)'.
So, my question is - how do i instruct autofac to inject the type of the calling class?
I tried this...
public NLogService(Type t)
var method = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod();
Type consumingType = method.DeclaringType;
var consumerType = consumingType.FullName;
var consumerType = t.DeclaringType.FullName;
_logger = LogManager.GetLogger(consumerType);
But i just end up with MyProduct.Domain.Services.Logging.NLogService
What i want is the type of the class that is doing the actual logging.
i have already tried this suggestion and it didnt work for me either.
Could make your NLogService generic, i.e. NLogService<T> and use Autofac's open generics support?
Then you could do this:
public class NLogService<T> : ILogger<T>
private readonly Logger _logger;
public NLogService()
_logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(T).FullName);
There is no real good way to do this with Autofac, because does not have support for 'context based injection' (which is what you are trying to do). There is a workaround, but it aint pretty...
What you can do is revert to property injection and define a base class or interface for that ILogService property. For instance, you can define the following interface:
public interface ILoggerContainer
public ILogService Logger { get; set; }
Now you can implement this interface on all types that need a logger:
public class Consumer : IConsumer, ILoggerContainer
public ILogService Logger { get; set; }
With this in place you can configure Autofac as follows:
.OnActivating(e =>
var type = typeof(LogService<>)
e.Instance.Logger = e.Context.Resolve(type);
Another workaround, that you may find cleaner is to inject an ILogger<T> with the same type as the type of the parent type:
public class Consumer : IConsumer
public Consumer(ILogger<Consumer> logger) { }
This makes the configuration much easier and prevents you from having to have a base class. Which one is most appropriate is up to you.
As I said, these are workarounds, but to be honest, you might need to reconsider your logging strategy in your application. Perhaps you are logging at too many places. In the applications I write there is hardly ever a need to log, and when I do, I write an logging message that is expressive enough so that there is no need to communicate the type that triggered the event. And when you log exception, you will always have a complete stack trace (and exception logging should almost only happen in the outer layer of your application and not within services anyway).
The following technique works well in our experience:
Create an attribute like below, which can be applied at class level or at the injection site:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Class)]
public class LoggerAttribute : Attribute
public readonly string Name;
public LoggerAttribute(string name)
Name = name;
Create an Autofac module that you register with the ContainerBuilder:
public class LogInjectionModule : Module
protected override void AttachToComponentRegistration(IComponentRegistry registry, IComponentRegistration registration)
registration.Preparing += OnComponentPreparing;
static void OnComponentPreparing(object sender, PreparingEventArgs e)
var typePreparing = e.Component.Activator.LimitType;
// By default, the name supplied to the logging instance is the name of the type in which it is being injected into.
string loggerName = typePreparing.FullName;
//If there is a class-level logger attribute, then promote its supplied name value instead as the logger name to use.
var loggerAttribute = (LoggerAttribute)typePreparing.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LoggerAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault();
if (loggerAttribute != null)
loggerName = loggerAttribute.Name;
e.Parameters = e.Parameters.Union(new Parameter[]
new ResolvedParameter(
(p, i) => p.ParameterType == typeof (Logger),
(p, i) =>
// If the parameter being injected has its own logger attribute, then promote its name value instead as the logger name to use.
loggerAttribute = (LoggerAttribute)
if (loggerAttribute != null)
loggerName = loggerAttribute.Name;
// Return a new Logger instance for injection, parameterised with the most appropriate name which we have determined above.
return LogManager.GetLogger(loggerName);
// Always make an unamed instance of Logger available for use in delegate-based registration e.g.: Register((c,p) => new Foo(p.TypedAs<Logger>())
new TypedParameter(typeof(Logger), LogManager.GetLogger(loggerName))
You can now inject a named Logger in any one of these ways depending on individual scenarios:
By default, the injected logger name will be given the full type name of the class it is injected into:
public class Foo
public Foo(Logger logger)
Use a constructor parameter [Logger] attribute to override the logger name:
public class Foo
public Foo([Logger("Meaningful Name")]Logger logger)
Use a class-level [Logger] attribute to set the same logger name override for all constructor overloads:
[Logger("Meaningful Name")]
public class Foo
public Foo(Logger logger, int something)
public Foo(Logger logger, int something, DateTime somethingElse)
Use constructor parameter [Logger] attributes on each constructor overload to set different logger names depending on the context of how you were constructed:
public class Foo
public Foo(Logger("Meaningful Name")]Logger logger, int something)
public Foo(Logger("Different Name")]Logger logger, int something, DateTime somethingElse)
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you register types to be resolved with logger constructor injection using Autofac's delegate registration, you MUST use the two parameter overload like so: Register((c,p) => new Foo(p.TypedAs<Logger>()).
Hope this helps!
It is possible to do this without generics.
However, please note that in Autofac 6.x, the resolution process has changed to use a resolve pipeline. This doesn't matter for most scenarios, but it does when you want to use the lifetime events like OnPreparing, etc. Most of the answers here on SO around overriding the Preparing event are very old and are now outdated. You can't override Preparing directly anymore.
There is an example on the Autofac documentation site doing this for log4net, and it works with NLog with only minor changes. Here is the basic idea:
public class Log4NetMiddleware : IResolveMiddleware
public PipelinePhase Phase => PipelinePhase.ParameterSelection;
public void Execute(ResolveRequestContext context, Action<ResolveRequestContext> next)
// Add our parameters.
new ResolvedParameter(
(p, i) => p.ParameterType == typeof(ILog),
(p, i) => LogManager.GetLogger(p.Member.DeclaringType)
// Continue the resolve.
// Has an instance been activated?
if (context.NewInstanceActivated)
var instanceType = context.Instance.GetType();
// Get all the injectable properties to set.
// If you wanted to ensure the properties were only UNSET properties,
// here's where you'd do it.
var properties = instanceType
.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
.Where(p => p.PropertyType == typeof(ILog) && p.CanWrite && p.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0);
// Set the properties located.
foreach (var propToSet in properties)
propToSet.SetValue(context.Instance, LogManager.GetLogger(instanceType), null);
Please also note that you have to understand how middleware works in Autofac. The documentation is a good place to start.
