I try CircleCI but failed - circleci

I want use CircleCI.
I try getting start.
I create a new repository.
repository name is 'hello-world', and specific branch name 'circleci-project-setup'
We’ll commit the config below to duri0214/hello-world on a new branch called circleci-project-setup. If you prefer, you can use an existing config.
Setting up CircleCI
click Set Up Project. hmm... I like python.
Upload config.yml on 'circleci-project-setup' branch.
Click Start Building and follow the prompt to add your config to a new branch and start your first pipeline. Note: You can also manually add a config.yml to your project root under a .circleci folder and push this to your VCS provider.
Click Start Building??? this is nothing. document is old?
I try commit and run button.
failed, failed, failed
Why can't i
Next try
error computing cache key: template: cacheKey:1:7: executing
"cacheKey" at <checksum "requirements.txt">: error calling checksum:
open /home/circleci/project/requirements.txt: no such file or
#!/bin/bash -eo pipefail if true; then pip install --user -r requirements.txt else pip install -r requirements.txt fi
ERROR: Could not open requirements file: [Errno 2] No such file or
directory: 'requirements.txt'
Exited with code exit status 1 CircleCI received exit code 1

As the documentation says, you need to place the circleci configuration in the .circlei directory
Click Start Building and follow the prompt to add your config to a new branch and start your first pipeline. Note: You can also manually add a config.yml to your project root under a .circleci folder and push this to your VCS provider.
About Click Start Building , I'm guessing it's a documentation miss, likely.

oh my goodness..
I use circleci directory instead .circleci.


Unable to initialise a git repo because .git: No such file or directory

I am recapping on git in preparation for a project at work and I am falling at the first hurdle when trying to initialise a repo.
I ran the following in GIT BASH (opened as administrator):
cd Users
cd <myuser>
cd Documents
cd git_recap
cd test_project
git init
The last command returns the following error:
C:Users/<myuser>/Documents/git_recap/test_project/.git: No such file or directory
My research tells me that this is a permissions error. I can repeat the exact same steps on my personal computer (not my work one) and it works fine. The problem is that I have no idea which permissions are causing the problem.
I checked the folder permissions for test_project as follows:
cd ..
ls -la
which returns (surmised):
drwxr-xr-x ./
drwxr-xr-x ../
drwxr-xr-x test_project/
I thought: maybe I need to open this folder up for everyone to write to it - fool proof method. I ran:
chmod 777 test_project/
Which returned:
chmod: changing permissions of 'test_project/': Permission denied
I then repeated this process up the folder hierarchy and received the same error message all the way up to the root folder of . I now wanted to see the permissions of all users:
cd ..
ls -la
Which returned:
drwxr-xr-x <myuser>/
To confirm that the issue is with the directory and my permissions within it, I decided to try initialise the repo in the root:
cd <my_user>/
git init
To my surprise, this worked and the repo was succesfully initialised.
Obviously I do not want to initialise my repo here. I want to initialise it in the appropriate test folder.
Any clues what might be wrong and what I might try to correct this?
I get identical results when doing the same set of steps from command line (also ran as administrator)
I have stumbled across what I believe is the solution: Windows Security Controlled Folder Access.
This feature is enabled by default on my work laptop and prevents tampering with certain User folders to provide better security in the event of a breach - in particular ransomware.
Unfortunately for me, IT have the power to turn it off - not me.

file_put_contents(/root/.composer/cache/repo/https---flex.symfony.com/): failed to open stream: Is a directory error

I build my symfony 4 application with composer install inside docker container.
Composer version 1.10.19
But i got this error.
file_put_contents(/root/.composer/cache/repo/https---flex.symfony.com/): failed to open stream: Is a directory
If i run composer install 1 more time without any interruption build is succeeded.
If i delete vendor and var/cache directory on project directory error accoured again.
I tried this methods:
trigger 'composer clearcache' command no success
Delete ~/.composer directory no success
chmod -R 777 ~/.composer no success
Some build of the same project inside different container is succeeded. My container starts with this volumes:
project directory
~/.ssh directory
I search across net but got no solution. PLease help.
This was a bug on Flex version <1.13.4
In latest version (as I write 1.13.4) the issue is solved.
The problem was:
Writing to the cache with an empty key will fail with "failed to open
stream: Is a directory", so do not try to do that.
We noticed this when cloudflare - or the backend service - responded with a "last-modified" header for our CI servers (AWS) but not for our local system. This triggered the condition to become true and it tries to write a cache file without a filename.
That problem was solved with commit d81196c3f3b5
Edit: as posted by #Tmb a workaround is to use: composer install --no-cache ...

Jenkins cannot find g++

I am learning all of these new technologies. I have a home server for private development with latest version of centos 7.6 (minimal installation). I am trying to keep the server as light as possible.
I have installed jenkins (v2.164.2) and it is up and running correctly. I have created a new Freestyle project to compile a g++ project hosted on another own gogs server. I have defined gogs url and credentials and then added the following in the execute shell command:
which g++; make clean; make;
When I press the "Build Now" button, it fails with the following message:
which: no g++ in (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin)
Cloning the repository, etc seems to be working fine.
I have NOT installed the default g++ version but instead I have installed the one that comes with devtools-7 (g++ v7.3.1). I have created a new file under /etc/profile.d/devtools.sh with the following text:
source scl_source enable devtoolset-7
If I login into a bash shell in the server and then run which g++, I get the expected output.
Finally, the question: why jenkins is not picking this up? As far as I know, adding that file under /etc/profile.d ensures that everyone will be able to access g++.
Thanks very much in advance for any help.
I have managed to fix it at the end. I leave the question just in case someone else runs into the same problem. I only had to add the following line as first line in the "execute shell" command field:
#!/bin/bash -l
make clean; make;
That #!/bin/bash -l did the trick. (Please mind the -l).
Found it here: What shell does Jenkins use?

How to update your surge.sh project?

I deployed a surge.sh project and it was published successfully, however, I want to make some updates to the project, the updates have been applied locally and can be seen working but it tried to publish it to the same domain again yet it doesn't appear updated. I also tried to tear down the project and re-upload it still it shows the old project, I cleared the cache too but it still didn't update. Any idea why?
To update a project you just need to publish it again to the same domain.
You can do this quickly by creating a file called CNAME in the project root directory to set the default domain name, like this:
echo site-name.surge.sh >CNAME
Then each time to update:
surge .
Alternatively, without a CNAME file, specify the domain in the surge command like this:
surge --domain site-name.surge.sh .
See https://surge.sh/help/remembering-a-domain .
This will not solve the need to tear down and republish the site described in the original post, but if you're not having that problem, it will make it quick to update your surge.sh project, as per the title question, without the need to edit the domain the usual prompt.
Open Git Bash.
Switch to the project directory.
Type surge and click Enter.
Click Enter in line "project".
Enter URL of your project in line "domain" and click Enter.
That's it!
Use the following deploy script to update your deployed Surge Project
"deploy": "surge --project ./path_to_build_folder --domain custom-domain.surge.sh"
Just go to your project folder, use cd to select your project directory, then type npm run build , then change directory to build directory cd build and then use surge
Example \
You need go to your project directory, in my case it's jamming
$ cd ../
King#DESKTOP-5ERNS17 MINGW64 ~/Documents/Projects/jamming (main)
$ pwd
King#DESKTOP-5ERNS17 MINGW64 ~/Documents/Projects/jamming (main)
Then you do npm run build, I guess you need to update the build.
King#DESKTOP-5ERNS17 MINGW64 ~/Documents/Projects/jamming (main)
$ npm run build
Once the build is compiled, go in to the build directory by using cd build and then do surge
King#DESKTOP-5ERNS17 MINGW64 ~/Documents/Projects/jamming (main)
$ cd build
King#DESKTOP-5ERNS17 MINGW64 ~/Documents/Projects/jamming/build
$ surge
That's how it worked with me. If I don't do npm run build before the surge just won't update it... I don't know if this is the right way...
To update your Surge project, simply run surge in the project directory and input the same domain you're already using in the domain: prompt.
Some users are describing a problem where they have to do a hard refresh to see their updates. This is to be expected, and happens with any static file host, since static files are cached by your browser to make page loads faster.
So to see the latest version of your Surge site, press Ctrl+Shift+J or F12 to open the developer tools, and right-click on the reload button in the browser's unibar, and click on Empty Cache and Hard Reload.
Open Cmd.
Switch to the project directory.
Type surge . and click Enter.
and change the random domain with your web that's want to update and hit enter.
That's it <3
Go to the directory project and use git or cmd and this structure:
type surge and hit enter
hit enter in project line
replace the random domain with your web url
hit enter

Cannot compile chaincode

I am trying to compile the chaincode_example02 followed by this guide with Option 2 (for Mac). All steps were passed except compiling the code. I have the following error:
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/chaincode_example02
go build
chaincode_example02.go:30:2: cannot find package "github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/shim" in any of:
/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.7.1/libexec/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/core/chaincode/shim (from $GOROOT)
($GOPATH not set)
You need to prepare the fabric source as libs follow command. Make sure GOPATH had been set first.
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger
git clone -b release-1.2 https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric.git
“Fabric” source code should be available locally in your GOPATH.
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com
mkdir hyperledger
cd hyperledger
git clone http://gerrit.hyperledger.org/r/fabric
As it says in the error message, your GOPATH environment variable is not set correctly.
Before doing a go build on the chaincode:
Make sure your GOPATH is set up correctly
Follow this guide
https://golang.org/doc/code.html#GOPATH )
Do echo $GOPATH to check the value of GOPATH
Make sure you have the fabric code in your GOPATH
change the import statement to github.com/hyperledger/fabric-chaincode-go/shim and use "go get github.com/hyperledger/fabric-chaincode-go/shim"
