Difference in results between google ad words API and keyword planner console - google-ads-api

I’m trying to forecast the value of various keywords using the google Adwords API, using the traffic estimator service. So far, the clicks, costs per click, and other metrics returned through the API don’t come anywhere close to those retrieved through the Keyword Planner console. There are several adjustable forecast parameters in the console such as language, location, and search network, and I tried to match these parameters in the API.
I'm wondering if there is some other element that needs to be adjusted that I'm missing. For example, the console gives you the option to "select an ad group" for the forecast, and I'm not sure how this would be applied within the API.

If you're interested in obtaining the results that the KW planner provides in the Ads web UI, you'd need to use the TargetingIdeaService instead of the TrafficEstimatorService.
There's also a reference document with some pointers explaining how to map the web settings with the TargetingIdeaSelector values available in the API.
Note that in my experience, you'll sometimes still find discrepancies between what's shown in the web UI and the stats provided by the API. This is also a recurring theme in the Ads API forum (just search for "TargetingIdeaService Difference" or similar).


Google Spreadsheet API Developer

I am no longer trying "to embed Google Maps so when I click on it opens Google Maps with 100 meters radius." I understand "Google Maps is not a part of the core services.
I am now trying to use a Work Around without Google Maps and am now asking for help with the "Work Around"....
I want to be able to use the method from this YouTube video to create the Search option another Google support team rep(Vienna) referred me to. In the video he did a search for shoes, shirts and dresses to find his customers. I want to do a search by zip and/or city and state to find mine...."Google Sheets - Search, QUERY function"===https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSGKO5gx974
I need help with this part as well with the Google Sheets function list. Which Google Sheet function or a combination of functions will allow me to do the 150-200 meters radius search within the "Google Sheets"? I am not tech savvy and need help to determine which ones can be used. Here are some of the functions that appear to be able to be used from what I think FLATTEN, FREQUENCY, LINEST, MAP, MMULT MDETERM , SUMX2PY2, DAVERAGE, DCOUNTA, DSTDEV, DVAR, DELTA, FILTER, SORT, SORTN, UNIQUE, QUERY, ISFORMULA, CELL, ect.... ===https://support.google.com/docs/table/25273?hl=en#query=
The Viennes also sent a link. https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/routes_preferred/support#:~:text=Before%20you%20call%2C%20make%20sure,1%2D877%2D355%2D5787
As I was looking over the page, I came across the link to theMarketplace.
I was wondering which one of those databases could be used in the function to accomadate what I am trying to accomplish. Is it the Zip Code Tabulation Area, Geolocation API, CARTO, Roads, API, Routes API. Maps JavaScriprt API, ect....
With those three things listed above, I am sure something can come close to doing a radius/range search in Google Sheets.
If any, at least by the City and/or State search.
I am in need of a Developer, can you suggest one?

YT search API to search for Arabic speaking channels locally in Israel

How can I retrieve all Arabic speaking channels locally in Israel.
Using the API explorer, I don't see such an option.
Which fields are mandatory for search to call the search API?
Is there any way to fulfill this task?
API Explorer
I couldn't get results
There are lots of parameters in the API v3 Docs for Search that you can play around with, some in particular you might find helpful are:
and you'll need to set type = "channel" to return only channels.
The only mandatory parameter is part which is what data you want returned from your results. For this search call, you only have one option for part, which is "snippet".
This is the only way to do it simply within your multiple parameters, and it will take 100 quota per search, assuming you have an API key already.
If you press 'Try This API' on the right, it'll even give you code snippets you can copy in a variety of languages, since you didn't specify one in the prompt.
Depending on the language, a call could look like the following:
GET https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&location=Israel&regionCode=IL&relevanceLanguage=ar&type=channel&key=[YOUR_API_KEY] HTTP/1.1

How to extract conversion results based on different attribution models from the Google Adwords API

I need to extract data from the adwords API to allow me to see the impact of different attribution models on conversion. I'm visualising my adwords data in the Klipfolio tool. My adwords account is set up to use the position based model but I'd also like to show last click conversions. This is essentially the data which is available in the adwords manager interface. I'm making my API calls via the supermetrics tool but can also create them directly in Klipfolio.
I'm not entirely familiar with the adwords query language but it does look like that there is a field for attribution type.
I've got as far as extracting data via this, using the Klipfolio interface:
DURING {date.add(-7).format('yyyyMMdd')},{date.today.format('yyyyMMdd')}
Exactly what I'm looking for is WHERE function where I can specify a different type of attribution model from the current.
I cannot obtain this data from our Google Analytics data as our conversion data from GA is, unfortunately, duplicated. We're using the adword's conversion tags de-duplication functions to get around this issue.
I'd be very grateful if anyone could share an example of how an API request could look with the attribution model field present or, indeed, give some feedback on whether this is even possible.
Hi you can find more information about the CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT report here
You can find there the WHERE and SELECT fields like this:
SELECT CampaignName, Clicks, Impressions, Cost
WHERE Impressions < 10
Usually the reason for the duplications it's the selection of SELECT parameters, but I cannot say this for sure without more information.

Not able to see time zone, place or geolocation of any tweets

I am following two tutorials right now and both are up and running and I've gotten plenty of tweets/sentiment scores from them:
1) Twitter Stream Analytics on Azure https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/stream-analytics-twitter-sentiment-analysis-trends/
2) Twitter Analysis with Spark Streaminghttp://ampcamp.berkeley.edu/3/exercises/realtime-processing-with-spark-streaming.html
I am using the free oauth tool provided from apps.twitter.com.
I've tried getPlace, getGeoLocation in the Spark Streaming app and every tweet I get has a null value for those two fields. I have tried filtering for tweets that only have values for getPlace, get GeoLocation and I get null for both (I ran the app for almost 20 minutes).
I've also tried getting TimeZone in the Azure app (so I can get some sort of geography data) and even then I kept getting null values for TimeZone.
Possible Obstacles
1) Does the free twitter api filter out the place/geoLocation information so I end up buying a subscription to a better api?
2) Do I need to explicitly search for tweets that have geoLocation/Places? Rather than getting all tweets and then filtering out ones that have geoLocation/Places? If so, can I execute this search in Spark Streaming?This is the code that I have in Spark Streaming:
val stream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, None, filters)
val hashTags = stream.map(status => Tweet(status.getPlace().getName(), classifyTweet(status.getText())))
Thank you for the help!
I've personally used the free Twitter api to get locations and publish them on a a map on PowerBi. So you can rule out the first obstacle.
One thing to note is that location field is only available if the client specifically allows the application to have location, which renders it quite rare to be found. The ratio for data with location in my sample data was about 8%.
Don't have an answer for spark side, just wanted to help you rule out the first possibility.
Hope this helps.

Capture keyword used when user clicks on adwords ad

I wanted to know if it is possible to be able to capture the keyword that was searched when the user clicks on one of my ads. For instance say a user searches for "HVAC Installation" I would like to match a lead with a particular keyword searched for. Is that possible?
I'm assuming maybe from a POST I could capture the keyword?
If you just need the keyword as the user is entering your site, take a look at ValueTrack parameters, especially matchtype and keyword: ValueTrack documentation at support.google.com
On the other hand, there's the Search Query Performance Report which gives you detailed statistics for every search term that caused at least one impression of your ads for a given time frame. It's available under the "Dimensions" tab in the Adwords Web UI or using the ad-hoc reporting functionality of the Adwords API: Report definition at developers.google.com.
