How to install Gridsome: zsh: command not found: gridsome - gridsome

I'm attempting to create a new Gridsome project and continually receive the following message in the terminal:
zsh: command not found: gridsome
Steps I've taken
npm install --global #gridsome/cli
cd testProjects
gridsome create my-gridsome-site
At this point i receive the error and cannot seem to find a way to resolve it.

I solved this by using yarn for installation. So simply run the following commands :
Install yarn. On Mac OS do it using homebrew. brew install yarn.
cd to place where you would like your project to be, and then run gridsome create my-gridsome-site.
However, not sure why installing with npm, doesn't work.

if you install globally like this yarn global add #gridsome/cli
you need to add this on your path in .zshrc if you use zsh
here's my .zshrc config in the last line, focus on the GLOBAL one
export TWEEGO=$HOME/DEV/TWINE/tweego
export ANDROID_SDK=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export GLOBAL=$HOME/.yarn/bin


Brew install nvm. nvm: command not found

After installing nvm with brew, and running nvm, it says nvm: command not found
How can I get the command to execute?
There are two steps to installing nvm with brew.
First use brew to install the application:
brew install nvm
Then take a look at the brew info "caveats" section, to see what else you have to do:
brew info nvm
You might see something like (this can change!):
You should create NVM's working directory if it doesn't exist:
mkdir ~/.nvm
Add the following to ~/.bash_profile or your desired shell
configuration file:
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
. "/usr/local/opt/nvm/"
If you do not have a ~/.bash_profile file, then you can simply create one.
Make sure to restart your terminal before trying to run the nvm command again.
I followed #user3207874's answer, but it still wasn't working for me. I had to run this command after those steps:
source $(brew --prefix nvm)/
From the docs:
Your system may not have a [.bash_profile file] where the command is
set up. Simply create one with touch ~/.bash_profile and run the
install script again
you might need to restart your terminal instance. Try opening a new
tab/window in your terminal and retry.
Restarting worked for me...Why can't all bugs be so easy?!!
Just adding some explanation for Aaditya's answer to explain why it works. I can't replay because I don't have enough reputation.
Basically there are 2 important steps to follow
Export NVM_DIR location. You need to create this folder if it doesn't exist first.
export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
Second you need to source nvm's script. It is usually like this
. "/usr/local/opt/nvm/"
If the path on the second step does work it may be because the path is different in your device. One easy way to find its path is with the command
brew --prefix nvm
The output will be the path for the nvm installation directory in which the file resides. Setting the command inside $() will create a subshell to get that path. We can use it to source the script wherever it is located like this:
. $(brew --prefix nvm)/
Using that command is a replacement for . "/usr/local/opt/nvm/" in your .bash_profile.
please run this command
source ~/.nvm/
I had the same problem after running npm install
The following solution worked for me:
Run brew doctor to find broken symlinks for NPM
Run brew cleanup to clean them up
Just adding some new info.
The docs for nvm have this note:
Homebrew installation is not supported. If you have issues with homebrew-installed nvm, please brew uninstall it, and install it using the instructions below, before filing an issue.
So for anyone coming here, potentially uninstall via brew and install as per recommendation :

stagehand command not found when trying to create new application

I just installed stagehand on my mac and the install went off without a hitch, but when I try using it to spawn a new dart application I get this error -bash: stagehand: command not found. Any ideas?
I've looked at my machine, and stagehand is in ~/.pub-cache/bin which I think I had to add to my .profile manually:
export PATH=$PATH:~/.pub-cache/bin
(edit: I've just found the confirming information tucked away in the pub pages:
I'm on mac too. I did this:
brew tap dart-lang/dart
brew install dart
zsh: command not found: stagehand
And then this command fixed it:
pub global activate stagehand
Now it works:
Welcome to Stagehand!
I came across same issue on my windows pc. I had to check flutter installation directory and add following .pub-cache\bin directory to Windows path environment variable.
I think this might be helpful to any Windows user.
On MacOS run this command: export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
I installed it, but still gave me error not found, but I noticed warning in following message after running the command:
Package stagehand is currently active at version 3.3.11.
Resolving dependencies...
The package stagehand is already activated at newest available version.
To recompile executables, first run `global decativate stagehand`.
Installed executable stagehand.
Warning: Pub installs executables into C:\Users\Nijat\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\bin, which is not on your path.
You can fix that by adding that directory to your system's "Path" environment variable.
A web search for "configure windows path" will show you how.
Activated stagehand 3.3.11.
The problem is this line:
Warning: Pub installs executables into C:\Users\Nijat\AppData\Local\Pub\Cache\bin, which is not on your path.
Thus, you also need to add that to your environment variables. This solved my problem and now I can run stagehand.

Catkin command not found

I have installed ROS indigo and gazebo2 packages in Ubuntu 14.04.5. When I try to use catkin command, I get:
catkin_init_workspace : command not found
So, I tried to install catkin, it displays that ros-indigo-catkin is the latest version.
All I did was,
$ sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-desktop-full
$ sudo apt-get install gazebo2.<They're installed perfectly>
After this, I am getting catkin issue.
Help needed. Someone please find a way to fix this issue.
Had almost the same issue when i tried to run this command (please refer to the pics attached).
$ catkin build
Screenshot for solution applied to solve catkin build error
I solved it by installing catkin ROS build system using the command below (references attached in the links and pictures attached). Screenshot for catkin build error
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-catkin python-catkin-tools
If the workspace is setup, you properly sourced ROS as stated above, and if catkin_make works, but catkin build doesn't work do this:
sudo apt install python3-catkin-tools python3-osrf-pycommon
This is a catkin-tools dependency which was delinked in Ubuntu 20.04 so it has to be manually specified to be installed.
Probably you forgot to set up the environment after installing ROS.
$ echo "source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
Then, I will assume you want to create a package, so you can follow these steps:
$ mkdir -p path_to_my_workspace/workspace_name/src
$ cd path_to_my_workspace/workspace_name/src
$ catkin_init_workspace
$ cd path_to_my_workspace/workspace_name/
$ catkin_make
$ source path_to_my_workspace/workspace_name/devel/setup.bash
After running these commands your workspace is created, so now you can start adding packages.
Maybe you didn't install "catkin ROS build system"
You can install it using the following command for ROS Melodic:
sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-catkin python-catkin-tool
or for ROS kinetic
sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-catkin python-catkin-tool
If you want to create a ROS package, you can use: catkin create pkg myworkSpace --catkin-deps rospy
this command will create a ROS workspace with a source folder, CMakeLists.txt and package.xml
or use
mkdir catkin
cd catkin
catkin create pkg myworkSpace --catkin-deps rospy
The provided commands are for Python. So, make sure to modify it for Cpp if you want so.

Yadr - oh my zsh - command not found

My system was installed by a friend and I have very low knowledge about linux system since I'm most used to Windows. I am on a Yosemite mac. My node was installed by brew install node, I have npm installed and from jslint install I get this error:
zsh: correct jslint to slit [nyae]? n
zsh: command not found: jslint
The fix seems to be from this website, a directory to PATH must be added.
export PATH="/usr/local/share/npm/bin:${PATH}"
I have low knowledge about the location of that file. Can I get where to find it or some introductory explanation?
Running echo $PATH; I get:
From web this is the source that gave me a hint how to fix it.
ls -a
vi .bash_profile
Add export PATH="$HOME/.node/bin:$PATH"
Then install again npm install -g jslint

Problems installing iOS PonyDebugger

I am trying to install PonyDebugger. I am typing into the terminal the commands
curl -sk | \
python - --ponyd-symlink=/usr/local/bin/ponyd ~/Library/PonyDebugger
and installing the script and the files with success.
However, when I type ponyd serve --listen-interface=, i receive from the terminal -bash: ponyd: command not found.
Any solutions on how to move from this step? I already installed XCode command line tools.
One of the PonyDebugger developers here. Try adding /usr/local/bin to your PATH.
An alternative is to run ponyd directly from the installation path.
~/Library/PonyDebugger/bin/ponyd serve --listen-interface=
