How does Flink scale for hot partitions? - join

If I have a use case where I need to join two streams or aggregate some kind of metrics from a single stream, and I use keyed streams to partition the events, how does Flink handle the operations for hot partitions where the data might not fit into memory and needs to be split across partitions?

Flink doesn't do anything automatic regarding hot partitions.
If you have a consistently hot partition, you can manually split it and pre-aggregate the splits.
If your concern is about avoiding out-of-memory errors due to unexpected load spikes for one partition, you can use a state backend that spills to disk.
If you want more dynamic data routing / partitioning, look at the Stateful Functions API or the Dynamic Data Routing section of this blog post.
If you want auto-scaling, see Autoscaling Apache Flink with Ververica Platform Autopilot.


Is there a way to limit the performance data being recorded by AKS clusters?

I am using azure log analytics to store monitoring data from AKS clusters. 72% of the data stored is performance data. Is there a way to limit how often AKS reports performance data?
At this point we do not provide a mechanism to change performance metric collection frequency. It is set to 1 minute and cannot be changed.
We were actually thinking about adding an option to make more frequent collection as was requested by some customers.
Given the number of objects (pods, containers, etc) running in the cluster collecting even a few perf metrics may generate noticeable amount of data... You need that data in order to figure out what is going on in case of a problem.
Curious: you say your perf data is 72% of total - how much is it in terms om Gb/day, do you now? Do you have any active applications running on the cluster generating tracing? What we see is that once you stand up a new cluster, perf data is "the king" of volume, but once you start ading active apps that trace, logs become more and more of a factor in telemetry data volume...

Bosun HA and scalability

I have a minor bosun setup, and its collecting metrics from numerous services, and we are planning to scale these services on the cloud.
This will mean more data coming into bosun and hence, the load/efficiency/scale of bosun is affected.
I am afraid of losing data, due to network overhead, and in case of failures.
I am looking for any performance benchmark reports for bosun, or any inputs on benchmarking/testing bosun for scale and HA.
Also, any inputs on good practices to be followed to scale bosun will be helpful.
My current thinking is to run numerous bosun binaries as a cluster, backed by a distributed opentsdb setup.
Also, I am thinking is it worthwhile to run some bosun executors as plain 'collectors' of scollector data (with bosun -n command), and some to just calculate the alerts.
The problem with this approach is it that same alerts might be triggered from multiple bosun instances (running without option -n). Is there a better way to de-duplicate the alerts?
The current best practices are:
Use to forward metrics to opentsdb. This gets the bosun binary out of the "critical path". It should also forward the metrics to bosun for indexing, and can duplicate the metric stream to multiple data centers for DR/Backups.
Make sure your hadoop/opentsdb cluster has at least 5 nodes. You can't do live maintenance on a 3 node cluster, and hadoop usually runs on a dozen or more nodes. We use Cloudera Manager to manage the hadoop cluster, and others have recommended Apache Ambari.
Use a load balancer like HAProxy to split the /api/put write traffic across multiple instances of tsdbrelay in an active/passive mode. We run one instance on each node (with tsdbrelay forwarding to the local opentsdb instance) and direct all write traffic at a primary write node (with multiple secondary/backup nodes).
Split the /api/query traffic across the remaining nodes pointed directly at opentsdb (no need to go thru the relay) in an active/active mode (aka round robin or hash based routing). This improves query performance by balancing them across the non-write nodes.
We only run a single bosun instance in each datacenter, with the DR site using the read only flag (any failover would be manual). It really isn't designed for HA yet, but in the future may allow two nodes to share a redis instance and allow active/active or active/passive HA.
By using tsdbrelay to duplicate the metric streams you don't have to deal with opentsdb/hbase replication and instead can setup multiple isolated monitoring systems in each datacenter and duplicate the metrics to whichever sites are appropriate. We have a primary and a DR site, and choose to duplicate all metrics to both data centers. I actually use the DR site daily for Grafana queries since it is closer to where I live.
You can find more details about production setups at including copies of all of the haproxy/tsdbrelay/etc configuration files we use at Stack Overflow.

Apache Samza local storage - OrientDB / Neo4J graph instead of KV store

Apache Samza uses RocksDB as the storage engine for local storage. This allows for stateful stream processing and here's a very good overview.
My use case:
I have multiple streams of events that I wish to process taken from a system such as Apache Kafka.
These events create state - the state I wish to track is based on previous messages received.
I wish to generate new stream events based on the calculated state.
The input stream events are highly connected and a graph such as OrientDB / Neo4J is the ideal medium for querying the data to create the new stream events.
My question:
Is it possible to use a non-KV store as the local storage for Samza? Has anyone ever done this with OrientDB / Neo4J and is anyone aware of an example?
I've been evaluating Samza and I'm by no means an expert, but I'd recommend you to read the official documentation, and even read through the source code—other than the fact that it's in Scala, it's remarkably approachable.
In this particular case, toward the bottom of the documentation's page on State Management you have this:
Other storage engines
Samza’s fault-tolerance mechanism (sending a local store’s writes to a replicated changelog) is completely decoupled from the storage engine’s data structures and query APIs. While a key-value storage engine is good for general-purpose processing, you can easily add your own storage engines for other types of queries by implementing the StorageEngine interface. Samza’s model is especially amenable to embedded storage engines, which run as a library in the same process as the stream task.
Some ideas for other storage engines that could be useful: a persistent heap (for running top-N queries), approximate algorithms such as bloom filters and hyperloglog, or full-text indexes such as Lucene. (Patches accepted!)
I actually read through the code for the default StorageEngine implementation about two weeks ago to gain a better sense of how it works. I definitely don't know enough to say much intelligently about it, but I can point you at it:
The major implementation concerns seem to be:
Logging all changes to a topic so that the store's state can be restored if a task fails.
Restoring the store's state in a performant manner
Batching writes and caching frequent reads in order to save on trips to the raw store.
Reporting metrics about the use of the store.
Do the input stream events define one global graph, or multiple graphs for each matching Kafka/Samza partition? That is important as Samza state is local not global.
If it's one global graph, you can update/query a separate graph system from the Samza task process method. Titan on Cassandra would one such graph system.
If it's multiple separate graphs, you can use the current RocksDB KV store to mimic graph database operations. Titan on Cassandra does just that - uses Cassandra KV store to store and query the graph. Graphs are stored either via matrix (set [i,j] to 1 if connected) or edge list. For each node, use it as the key and store its set of neighbors as the value.

Fetch data subset from gmond

This is in the context of a small data-center setup where the number of servers to be monitored are only in double-digits and may grow only slowly to few hundreds (if at all). I am a ganglia newbie and have just completed setting up a small ganglia test bed (and have been reading and playing with it). The couple of things I realise -
gmetad supports interactive queries on port 8652 using which I can get metric data subsets - say data of particular metric family in a specific cluster
gmond seems to always return the whole dump of data for all metrics from all nodes in a cluster (on doing 'netcat host 8649')
In my setup, I dont want to use gmetad or RRD. I want to directly fetch data from the multiple gmond clusters and store it in a single data-store. There are couple of reasons to not use gmetad and RRD -
I dont want multiple data-stores in the whole setup. I can have one dedicated machine to fetch data from the multiple, few clusters and store them
I dont plan to use gweb as the data front end. The data from ganglia will be fed into a different monitoring tool altogether. With this setup, I want to eliminate the latency that another layer of gmetad could add. That is, gmetad polls say every minute and my management tool polls gmetad every minute will add 2 minutes delay which I feel is unnecessary for a relatively small/medium sized setup
There are couple of problems in the approach for which I need help -
I cannot get filtered data from gmond. Is there some plugin that can help me fetch individual metric/metric-group information from gmond (since different metrics are collected in different intervals)
gmond output is very verbose text. Is there some other (hopefully binary) format that I can configure for export?
Is my idea of eliminating gmetad/RRD completely a very bad idea? Has anyone tried this approach before? What should I be careful of, in doing so from a data collection standpoint.
Thanks in advance.

Controlled data sharding in MongoDB

I am new to MongoDB and I have very basic knowledge of its concepts of sharding. However I was wondering if it is possible to control the split of data yourself? For example a part of the records would be stored on one specific shard?
This will be used together with a rails app.
You can turn off the balancer to stop auto balancing:
If you know the range of the key you are splitting on you could also presplit your data ranges to the desired servers see PreSplitting example. The management of the shard would be done via the javascript shell and not via your rails application.
You should take care that no shard gets more load (becomes hot) and that is why there is auto balancing by default, using monitoring like the free MMS service will help you monitor that.
The decision to shard is a complex decision and one that you should put a lot of thought into.
There's a lot to learn about sharding, and much of it is non-obvious. I'd suggest reviewing the information at the following links:
Sharding Introduction
Sharding Overview
In the context of a shard cluster, a chunk is a contiguous range of shard key values assigned to a particular shard. By default, chunks are 64 megabytes (unless modified as per above). When they grow beyond the configured chunk size, a mongos splits the chunk into two chunks. MongoDB chunks are logical and the data within them is NOT physically located together.
As I've mentioned the balancer moves the chunks around, however, you can do this manually. The balancer will take the decision to re-balance and request a chunk migration if there is a large enough difference ( minumum of 8) between the number of chunks on each shard. The actual moving of the chunks is co-ordinated between the "From" and "To" shard and when this is finished, the original chunks are removed from the "From" shard and the config servers are informed.
Quite a lot of people also pre-split, which helps with their migration. See here for more information.
In order to see documents split among the two shards, you'll need to insert enough documents in order to fill up several chunks on the first shard. If you haven't changed the default chunk size, you'd need to insert a minimum of 512MB of data in order to see data migrated to a second chunk. It's often a good idea to to test this and you can do this by setting your chunk size to 1MB and inserting 10MB of data. Here is an example of how to test this.
Probably addresses your requirement in v2.2
Check out Kristina Chodorow's blog post too for a nice example :
Why do you want to split data yourself if mongo DB is automatically doing it for you , You can upgrade your rails application layer to talk to mongos instance so that mongos routes the call for any CRUD operation to the place where the data resides . This is achieved using config server .
