Flutter submission to iOS - ios

I was able to upload to Apple store succesfully from xcode 12 but in less than 2 minutes, I always get email from apple with this error
ITMS-90713: Missing Info.plist value - A value for the Info.plist key
'CFBundleIconName' is missing in the bundle 'com.logXXXhift.rccXXX'.
Apps built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app icons in an asset
catalog and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key. For
more information see
However, I've checked the Info.plist and the <key>CFBundleIconName</key> <string>AppIcon</string> is there.
The Assets.xcassets is also there, I've added the right format of icons with name as AppIcon.
It validates successfully and distribution also successful but apple will just send mail with the same error in few minutes after upload.
Is this because I'm uploading a flutter app or it's a common issue with iOS? Any form of assistance will be appreciated please.

Check target membership box under identity inspector. And try again.


Missing CFBundleIconName in Xcode app release

I'm trying to release an app using Xcode. Archiving and uploading the binary goes well without any issue. However the build doesn't appears in App Store Connect and I get an email
Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app, >"LycCalculator" 1.2 (1). Please correct the following issues, then upload >again.
ITMS-90713: Missing Info.plist value - A value for the Info.plist key >'CFBundleIconName' is missing in the bundle 'kim.LycCalculator'. Apps >built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app >icons in an asset catalog >and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key.
I've tried a lot of things fix this problem. I have all the app icons, app icon source is the app icon but I can't add 'CFBundleIconName' to my Info.plist so I only added icon name.
So here some screenshots of what I have right now:
app icons and launch images , app icons in assets , info.plist
Any suggestion of help would be highly appreciated.

WatchOS and location entitlement

I've been working on adding a watchapp to a fitness tracker I already have in the app store. I've been able to load it onto my physical phone and watch without trouble in the past.
I've recently added Location tracking to the watch app, so that I can track the path the user has run/biked and show it to them on the phone when they review the workout. Since doing that, I'v been getting errors from Xcode when I try to load the app to my phone; I think these are expected errors, but I'm having trouble understanding from the docs/interface of Xcode and developer.apple.com where to make the fix.
I've added the entitlement in the watch app entitlements file:
As the error says, I've switched to manual signing and generated a new provisioning profile, but I get the same error. I don't see a place to add a location capability in the provisioning profile in developer.apple.com:
It seems like the only way for the provisioning profile to get the entitlement is from Xcode, since there's not a place to add it in developer.apple.com? That seems wrong, and isn't working in any case. I'm not finding help for my case in the Xcode docs (or I'm looking in the wrong place). Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am using location services on iOS and watchOS, but I have nothing related to it in both entitlement files. The docs say:
Set entitlement values in order to enable iCloud, push notifications,
Apple Pay, and App Sandbox.
They don’t mention location services.
So it might be enough to delete the Location entitlement, and enable automatic signing again.
Of course, you had to set in your iOS info.plist, as required, NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription, NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription, and in your watch extension info.plist NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription.
Are you using latest Xcode? Did you set the entitlement in the target menus? They all have toggles now, from what I remember. Once you do that, normally Xcode can resolve signing issues for you. If you look at the signing section in Xcode, does it indicate a signing problem there? (And have you restarted Xcode at least once while trying to resolve the signing problem?)
Note that the location entitlement should be on your WatchKit Extension, not on the Watchkit App.
Have a look at the Capabilities tab (it is the one for control of Entitlements, so you do not have to edit the plist directly.)
Have you tried creating a new project as a test to see if that works? Your screenshot does not match target naming of what I see in Xcode for a WatchKit App. In Xcode 10.1, the WatchKit App plist editor will show 'app name' WatchKit App and the extension plist editor shows 'appname' WatchKit Extension. I see your screenshot showing 'blank' Watchapp Extension. Possibly you edited the project name and that is not an issue? Another thing to verify is that the plist is not corrupt.

AppStore BUG: CFBundleIconName in WatchKitApp is missing - but when added the **key** itself is invalid?

We seem to be getting a self-contradictory set of error messages for our iOS App being submitted to the App Store.
The error begins simple enough and says we are missing a plist value. Here's the error below we receive by email from Apple after uploading our app to the store.
Missing Info.plist value - A value for the Info.plist key
'CFBundleIconName' is missing in the bundle
'com.athla.velocity.ultimate.watchkitapp'. Apps built with iOS 11 or
later SDK must supply app icons in an asset catalog and must also
provide a value for this Info.plist key. For more information see
But, if we add this key with its value to the plist file, we get an error saying that the key itself is invalid and we cannot even upload the app to the store. Here is the error:
ERROR ITMS-90363: "Invalid Info.plist key. The key 'CFBundleIconName'
in bundle Velocity Ultimate.app/Watch/Velocity WatchKit App.app is
These errors are self-contradictory.
How do we solve this so we can upload our app to the store - but not get blocked for having this key in the plist file?
I just ran into the same set of issues.
In Finder, I opened the WatchKit App Info.plist file in a text editor. I removed the following lines:
After that, the error went away and I was able to upload to App Store Connect.
Hope this helps you out!
I have solved this problem by doubleclick Info.plist -> Visual Assets -> AppIcons. Previously it was "Source: none", so I have selected "Source: AppIcon". I am using Visual Studio making watch app with Xamarin. After that Info.plist was changed from:
If you remove CFBundleIconName from Info.plist, as suggested by #sulli233, and the error is still there, it might mean that you need to supply an app icon.
In Xcode, click on Assets.xcassets of the project that is failing to build, and supply the necessary images.
In this case, the error message is wrong - it says that the CFBundleIconName is missing, but what is really missing are the images themselves.

Build upload from xcode 8 fails. No binary on itunesconnect

I was trying to upload a build(Version:2.1, Build:2.1.0) from Xcode 8. It failed with following error.
After 9-10 failed attempts, I succeeded once but that binary is not appearing on iTunes Connect. It's been 15 hours since and the binary is still not appearing on iTunes Connect.
So I decided to perform following steps:
Re-archive and submit the build(Version:2.1, Build:2.1.0) again. It says the same build already exists.(I can't see it on itunesconnect)
Re-archive and submit the build(Version:2.1, Build:2.1.1). In first 6-7 attempts, it gave the same error as shown in the screenshot. But at last, the build was submitted successfully. (I still can't see any build on iTunes Connect)
I contacted Apple support and here is the answer I got from them,
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
Applying this fix solved my problem. The binary get uploaded in the first attempt and it also has appeared in itunesConnect.
Check your email, Apple will send you keys(from info.plist like NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription etc.) which you missed.
Just add all of them and fill up description in keys
Example :
Please allow the app to access your photo camera
App use Locations service
Please allow the app to access your photo microphone
Please allow the app to access your photo gallery
Try it using XCode 8... Open the Application Loader(Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader). Choose the build that you archived and then submit to the Apple Store.
Maybe, you need change the build version before do the step above.
It works for me. I hope that works for you!

ipa uploaded successfully but not showing after upload completes xcode 8

While my build is uploading, it shows in iTunes Connect, but when uploading gets completed successfully the build no longer shows on iTunes Connect, it get vanished from there.
I tried with both XCode 8 and application loader. I added all required keys in info.plist for usage descriptions.
First of all, check the message from Apple. Recently I also faced same issue. The reason was pretty simple, I missed description keys in info.plist. These keys are mandatory in Xcode 8 + iOS 10 SDK
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage
description. The app's Info.plist must contain an
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to
the user how the app uses this data.
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage
description. The app's Info.plist must contain an
NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key with a string value
explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Additionally, I was also forced to include "Camera usage description key". I uploaded again with new bundle number, and build reflected in iTunes connect.
This is overcrowded question so this problem is multiple type of process you can try.
This processing step taking around 15 to 20 minutes as it usually does, now applications stay in processing for 24 hours or more at a time.
Try 1 - Upload new binary:
upload a new binary of the same application with an incremented build number.
Try 2 - Avoid using Bitcode
If you've enabled Bitcode in your application,This can be done by going to Setup: Project>Build Settings>All>Build Options and setting "Enable Bitcode" to NO after this you should recompile the app, archive and upload it again using iTunes Connect.
Try 3. Use Application Loader
use the Application Loader utility to upload a new build of your app. After the upload process finishes, your app should also get out of the "Processing" status.
Try 4. Use the latest Xcode.
iTunes Connect "Processing" issue and managed to solve it, using Latest Xcode to build and upload your app might just be the winning solution for your problems.
Try 5. Go to Contact
"Resources & Help" in iTunes Connect. Select "Contact Us".
There are 2 possibilities in this:
1. You are using outdated Xcode to upload. Try the latest one, because apple support stop working for old xcodes after launch of new xcode version.
Your permissions in plist are not available, like you may be using camera feature, photos feature, location feature but permissions are not given in plist so kindly add keys for the permissions in plist..
The best way to figure out about the issue is to check the email ID that is registered with Apple developer account, you must have received email from Apple about the missing component in code. That makes the build of application invalid, so check email first to figure out what exactly the main issue is. It clearly states the next steps. Most of the time above 2 issues are found when build is not appearing in iTunes.
