Build upload from xcode 8 fails. No binary on itunesconnect - ios

I was trying to upload a build(Version:2.1, Build:2.1.0) from Xcode 8. It failed with following error.
After 9-10 failed attempts, I succeeded once but that binary is not appearing on iTunes Connect. It's been 15 hours since and the binary is still not appearing on iTunes Connect.
So I decided to perform following steps:
Re-archive and submit the build(Version:2.1, Build:2.1.0) again. It says the same build already exists.(I can't see it on itunesconnect)
Re-archive and submit the build(Version:2.1, Build:2.1.1). In first 6-7 attempts, it gave the same error as shown in the screenshot. But at last, the build was submitted successfully. (I still can't see any build on iTunes Connect)

I contacted Apple support and here is the answer I got from them,
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain an NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Once these issues have been corrected, you can then redeliver the corrected binary.
Applying this fix solved my problem. The binary get uploaded in the first attempt and it also has appeared in itunesConnect.

Check your email, Apple will send you keys(from info.plist like NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription etc.) which you missed.
Just add all of them and fill up description in keys
Example :
Please allow the app to access your photo camera
App use Locations service
Please allow the app to access your photo microphone
Please allow the app to access your photo gallery

Try it using XCode 8... Open the Application Loader(Xcode -> Open Developer Tool -> Application Loader). Choose the build that you archived and then submit to the Apple Store.
Maybe, you need change the build version before do the step above.
It works for me. I hope that works for you!


Flutter submission to iOS

I was able to upload to Apple store succesfully from xcode 12 but in less than 2 minutes, I always get email from apple with this error
ITMS-90713: Missing Info.plist value - A value for the Info.plist key
'CFBundleIconName' is missing in the bundle 'com.logXXXhift.rccXXX'.
Apps built with iOS 11 or later SDK must supply app icons in an asset
catalog and must also provide a value for this Info.plist key. For
more information see
However, I've checked the Info.plist and the <key>CFBundleIconName</key> <string>AppIcon</string> is there.
The Assets.xcassets is also there, I've added the right format of icons with name as AppIcon.
It validates successfully and distribution also successful but apple will just send mail with the same error in few minutes after upload.
Is this because I'm uploading a flutter app or it's a common issue with iOS? Any form of assistance will be appreciated please.
Check target membership box under identity inspector. And try again.

An app build does not appear in TestFlight

I don't remember this has happened to me before, but for some unknown reason my last app build does not appear in TestFlight. The archiving and upload went as usual with no problem. And if I try to make a new upload, it says there is already a build with this number (as expected).
Has anyone experienced the same issue and found a working solution?
Check email linked with apple account, you might have received email listing with issues apple found on your build which most of the times related to .plist file for any missing permission description. After removing issues do change the build Number as you cannot upload with the same build number as previous one.
Besides the reason mentioned by Ali there can be one more thing. Your application might be on processing for the time. Just go to:
Your application>TestFlight>Activity
Check if application with uploaded build version is there and status is in processing. It may take up to and hour or more before it come to your testing tab.
I could fix the problem by adding this key "App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption" in Info.plist
App Uses Non-Exempt Encryption = NO
We encountered the same issue and here is our breakdown of steps.
Important note - phone connects to BT device
Our steps: Solution is under 4. and 6.
Archive the app and upload it over Xcode successfully
Used automatic signing
Everything went smoothly, and Xcode showed a successful upload
Build never shows up on TestFlight
There are no emails about failed processing or any indication of what went wrong
Accidentally found that we’re missing Bluetooth privacy string in Info.plist
Added NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription, archived, and uploaded again
Used automatic signing
Everything went smoothly, and Xcode showed a successful upload
Received an email from AppStoreConnect that Info.plist is missing NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription
This is the first email I received stating something is wrong. Only after adding NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription
Added NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription, archived, and uploaded again
Used automatic signing
Everything went smoothly, and Xcode showed a successful upload
Build visible on TestFlight within several minutes
The issue was that the app was crashing because it was missing the string. The app did not crash on our testing device because that string was once there and the system already asked the user for permission. The field was probably accidentaly deleted during development.
To find similar issues, try to delete the app from your device and install it again to see if it runs.
I have also faced this issue before, tried all the fixes had not received any mail from apple about what the issue is, but finally fixed the issue after making changes in the info.plist file the issue was that description was missing in info.plist file, mostly it occurs because of that check the file again.
I was also facing the error when I make a build and upload it to the app store it display successfully on Xcode. but the build was not appearing on the app store test flight. then I check my email where the app store team was indicating my issue clearly. in my case, my app name contains a white space on starting.

Invalid code signing entitlements - specifically value 'dns-proxy' for key ''

I am working an existing app on the App Store. The only thing I have to do is update the splash screen and icon.
However, when I try to upload iTunes Store I get the error:
"Invalid code signing entitlements - specifically value 'dns-proxy' for key '' in 'Payload/' is not supported."
I'm new to building IOS apps - can someone please point in the right direction to fix this?
I solved this problem by adding the Network Extensions capability, which seems to only appear in Xcode 8.3.3, for all related targets in the Capabilities Tab.
I found the solution.
Go to the You Apps on Apple Developer.
Go to your Idetifiers (App IDS) and uncheck Network Extensions.
Try again to upload.
I guess you need to update your developer certificate in your XCode and patch it again.Try to validate it before you upload it.

iOS Build not reflecting in iTunes Connect

I uploaded iOS build from XCode 8.1 (macOS Sierra), it uploaded successfully but not reflected on iTunes connect
Then I tried same build uploading from Application Loader, it shown me error
"Redundant Binary Upload" error.
So I increased build number and tried uploading it from Application Loader, now it uploaded successfully again but not reflected on store.
Does anyone came across this issue ? Please let me know if I am missing something.
Note: I added all permissions and entitlements.
Usually it will take some time for the binary to be processed before you can select it in itunes connect.
Check your email, and wait for an email with this title
iTunes Connect: Version 8.8.8 (23) for My Awesome App has completed
Or if your binary have some problem, itunes connect will also contact you with this kind of email
iTunes Connect: Your app "My Awesome App" (Apple ID: 888xxx888) has
one or more issues
This usually happens when some entries are missing in Info.plist file.
Please ensure entries like below are included in Info.plist if your app uses them. (This is introduced in iOS 10 onwards)
You may get an email from iTunesConnect as well with subject - "Your app has one or more issues".

ipa uploaded successfully but not showing after upload completes xcode 8

While my build is uploading, it shows in iTunes Connect, but when uploading gets completed successfully the build no longer shows on iTunes Connect, it get vanished from there.
I tried with both XCode 8 and application loader. I added all required keys in info.plist for usage descriptions.
First of all, check the message from Apple. Recently I also faced same issue. The reason was pretty simple, I missed description keys in info.plist. These keys are mandatory in Xcode 8 + iOS 10 SDK
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage
description. The app's Info.plist must contain an
NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to
the user how the app uses this data.
This app attempts to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage
description. The app's Info.plist must contain an
NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription key with a string value
explaining to the user how the app uses this data.
Additionally, I was also forced to include "Camera usage description key". I uploaded again with new bundle number, and build reflected in iTunes connect.
This is overcrowded question so this problem is multiple type of process you can try.
This processing step taking around 15 to 20 minutes as it usually does, now applications stay in processing for 24 hours or more at a time.
Try 1 - Upload new binary:
upload a new binary of the same application with an incremented build number.
Try 2 - Avoid using Bitcode
If you've enabled Bitcode in your application,This can be done by going to Setup: Project>Build Settings>All>Build Options and setting "Enable Bitcode" to NO after this you should recompile the app, archive and upload it again using iTunes Connect.
Try 3. Use Application Loader
use the Application Loader utility to upload a new build of your app. After the upload process finishes, your app should also get out of the "Processing" status.
Try 4. Use the latest Xcode.
iTunes Connect "Processing" issue and managed to solve it, using Latest Xcode to build and upload your app might just be the winning solution for your problems.
Try 5. Go to Contact
"Resources & Help" in iTunes Connect. Select "Contact Us".
There are 2 possibilities in this:
1. You are using outdated Xcode to upload. Try the latest one, because apple support stop working for old xcodes after launch of new xcode version.
Your permissions in plist are not available, like you may be using camera feature, photos feature, location feature but permissions are not given in plist so kindly add keys for the permissions in plist..
The best way to figure out about the issue is to check the email ID that is registered with Apple developer account, you must have received email from Apple about the missing component in code. That makes the build of application invalid, so check email first to figure out what exactly the main issue is. It clearly states the next steps. Most of the time above 2 issues are found when build is not appearing in iTunes.
