Hyperledger Composer not working on Ubuntu 20.04 - hyperledger

I'm trying to install and set up Hyperledger Composer and Playground on Ubuntu 20.04. While executing the following command
curl https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/install-hlfv1.sh | bash
I found out, that the website is not reachable or rather existing.
Any ideas? Is there a new website or a new link?


Symfony CLI doesn't export docker desktop vars

I'm on mac (Apple chip), and I'm trying to create a Symfony project using Symfony CLI & Docker.
$ symfony create new_project
$ cd new_project
$ symfony composer require orm
It install Symfony, Doctrine, and ask me to create docker-compose.yml.
I can even launch docker-compose up --build and I can see the container being build & launched on my Docker Desktop application.
But when I launch my symfony server, I'm unable to connect to the database.
As I read, I try the command symfony var:export -vv and then, I can see than none of the docker variables are automatically exported. And I can see, thanks to the -vv option, this silent error :
WARNING symfony Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
I looked at this error and I try docker-machine ls. I can see that there is no docker-machine working on my computer, even if my Docker Desktop says otherwhise.
How can I make Docker Desktop & Symfony CLI works together ? Why docker-image and Docker Desktop doesn't communicate ?
When I look to the Docker Desktop documentation, they mention that the Docker Desktop provide the docker API through unix:///var/run/docker.sock but mine seams not working.
Thank you for your help :)
docker-machine is a legacy software for OSX. Uninstall it and install the latest version of docker using the command brew install --cask docker and then try the same steps as before.

AWS SAM on windows and docker in wsl -docker not recognized by SAM

I have AWS SAM installed in windows 10 ,How do i make it recognize the docker running in ubuntu20.04 in the same machine?
When i run sam local invoke i get the following error
Error: Running AWS SAM projects locally requires Docker. Have you got it installed and run

IOTA "one-click-tangle" via docker linux containers - ERROR 1

I am trying to run a private tangle on my computer through linux docker containers.
Therefore I followed the guide over at https://wiki.iota.org/chrysalis-docs/tutorials/one_click_private_tangle
Every step succeeded up until we tried to execute
./private_tangle.sh install
This reports
Error 1
as seen in the screenshot below:
We do net get any further information, is anyone familiar with this error, or has any clue how to get some more information on the error so that we can at least have a clue where to look?
Some further information:
After executing docker ps -a we see that not a single container is running.
I am running on a windows 10 machine
I execute the commands from within ubuntu (version 20.04)
Ubuntu, docker-desktop and docker-desktop-data are all running WSL2
Docker integration with ubuntu is activated
I thought the error could maybe come from no hornet node initially being installed, so I installed a hornet node successfully, according the guide that https://wiki.iota.org/chrysalis-docs/tutorials/one_click_private_tangle. This changed nothing to the Error.
The version of docker and docker-compose are compliant with the requirements
If any more details are needed to help me solve this problem, please let me know.
I used the documentation (https://wiki.iota.org/chrysalis-docs/tutorials/one_click_private_tangle) to install these containers on my local ubuntu 18.04.
My docker version is: 20.10.12
And docker-compose version is: 1.29.2
By following the steps of the tutorial I managed to successfully start all of the containers without trouble.
My guess here would be that the permission of the 'private-tangle.sh' are not correct or that there is permission problem on the docker level.
You should start with checking the permission level of the private-tangle.sh script by using $ls -l
Here is my output -rwxrwxr-x 1 ben ben 9413 Jan 11 11:28 private-tangle.sh
It could also be due to the docker rights if you have to use sudo when executing a docker command it will give some troubles when executing the script.
You need to add yourself to a docker group to be able to run docker commands without sudo. You can do this by running sudo usermod -aG docker $USER with damiaan-vh as $user.
Solution from source https://stackoverflow.com/posts/70665394/edit
Suggesting to downgrade ubuntu version to 18.04 for more stable version.
For reinstalling the docker and docker-compose programs follow this documentations
(docker: https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/ )
(docker-compose: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/ )

Why is my docker machine not working under OSX?

I've installed Docker Toolbox v1.8.1b on OSX 10.10.5
This also installs VirtualBox v5.0.2
However, when the installation has finished and I run the Docker Quickstart Terminal, it does its thing, creates a new VM in virtualbox but then doesn't start it, finishing with the message that default is not running.
When I try to run the machine using docker-machine start default I get the message exit status 1.
When I go to VirtualBox and attempt to start the machine there, I get the following error message:
Failed to load VMMR0.r0 (VERR_VMM_SMAP_BUT_AC_CLEAR).
Result Code:
NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)
IConsole {872da645-4a9b-1727-bee2-5585105b9eed}
So is anyone else getting this or am I not following the instructions properly?
I had exactly the same problem. It seems that there is a bug in recent versions of VirtualBox, which is fixed in the latest test build. See https://www.virtualbox.org/ticket/14412
I downloaded the latest VirtualBox test build from
then used the uninstaller script provided in that installer to remove the buggy version before installing the new one.
Running the Docker QuickStart Terminal again got the default VM running, but it was missing a ca.pem file:
docker is configured to use the default machine with IP
For help getting started, check out the docs at https://docs.docker.com
open /Users/justin/.docker/machine/machines/default/ca.pem: no such file or directory
VirtualBox confirmed that the VM was running.
I could create a new VM and use it with docker successfully (in a different Terminal window):
Justins-MacBook:~ justin$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
Creating VirtualBox VM...
Creating SSH key...
Starting VirtualBox VM...
Starting VM...
To see how to connect Docker to this machine, run: docker-machine env dev
Justins-MacBook:~ justin$ eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
Justins-MacBook:~ justin$ docker run hello-world
I then deleted the default VM:
Justins-MacBook:.docker justin$ docker-machine stop default
Justins-MacBook:.docker justin$ docker-machine rm default
Successfully removed default
Running the Docker QuickStart Terminal created a new default VM, and docker is now working happily with it.
Update: There is an open issue for this at: https://github.com/docker/toolbox/issues/119
Just wanted to add: if you have docker for mac installed, they intentionally removed the docker-machine command starting from version 2.2.0.
You can find the discussion here: https://github.com/docker/for-mac/issues/4208
So, you need to install docker-machine separately, using the commands provided by #shivanikoko or using brew:
brew install docker-machine
ON Osx after installing docker or updating docker we have to reinstall the docker-machine again to make it work in CLI.
Running the command below helped me.
base=https://github.com/docker/machine/releases/download/v0.16.0 &&
curl -L $base/docker-machine-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m) >/usr/local/bin/docker-
machine &&
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-machine

docker-machine install fails due to 'Couldn't read CA cert' error

I am trying to setup docker-machine locally on my Windows machine and I followed the install instructions at the Docker Machine Page.
Per the instructions, I ran the following commands in my bash terminal
To install Docker client binary
$curl -L https://github.com/docker/machine/releases/download/v0.3.0/docker-machine_windows-amd64.exe > /bin/docker-machine
and to install Docker machine binary
$ curl -L https://github.com/docker/machine/releases/download/v0.3.0/docker-machine_windows-amd64.exe > /bin/docker-machine
when I try to run docker-machine -v I get the following error
FATAL[0000] Couldn't read ca cert 'C:\Users\Me\.boot2docker\certs\boot2doker-vm\ca.pm: open 'C:\Users\Me\.boot2docker\certs\boot2docker-vm'\ca.pem: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
I did some searching and came across a few posts, but can't really see any connection to what would be causing my issues...
I installed docker machine today on my Windows 7 machine and run the command without any problem.
Did you use boot2docker before on your machine? If you did, it might be related as mine is a clean machine without any pre-existing docker installations.
Its referring to boot2docker environment.
see this:
I got the same answer and was able to resolve it by changing the path pattern to be unix-style in the environment variable.
Inside msysgit bash shell:
export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/C/Users/Me/.boot2docker/certs/boot2docker-vm
This resolved boot2docker.
Note that I also tried using docker-machine before using boot2docker which previously failed with the same error. That was not resolved the same way boot2docker could be resolved. For now only boot2docker is working for me.
