Crashlytics asks for dsym files that don’t exist - ios

Crashlytics asks for dsym files that don’t exist.
I’m using Firebase/Crashlytics iOS SDK.
I notice this happens after I update to Firebase 6.34.0. (Previously 6.28.1)
I see some crashes get symbolicated correctly for the same version that
crashlytics asks for missing dsyms. Not sure how this can happen…
I normally use fastlane download_dsyms and faslane upload_symbols_to_crashlytics to take care of dsym uploading. Which had worked fine.
I already tried manually uploading using script Pods/Firebase Crashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp Config/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios <downloaded_dsyms_dir> to upload the symbols I downloaded from, waited 24 hours, still doesn’t work.


Firebase crashlytics script in iOS(2021) not working via Testflight

I am trying to integrate firebase crashlytics into iOS app.
During integration I added run script to upload crashes automatically.
I connected my iPhone_XR to Xcode and ran in release mode. Then I force crashed.I repeated it several times. After few hours of waiting I was able to see the crashes. Confirming that this is working as expected I archived and released this build(DEV) to testflight via xcode.
I did the same force crashed after installing via testflight but this time its not working... Most of the people suggested to upload manually but I am afraid I can't do that as I don't have access to client application(PROD) and also maintaining the crashes report manually is a tidious process to me
Please help me what exactly is happening with Firebase crashlytics. I checked many blogs and github issues for understanding. Most of them are saying to upload manually dSYM files.
Note: GoogleServices file is inside some folder so I gave the path of that in script. I tried to add directly without any sub-folders also but issue still persists.
4-MAR crashes are from my phone which are crashed during testing.
I am supposed to receive some crashes on 5-MAR which are crashed via Testflight but it's saying missing dSYM files
Please help with this issue. I am not unable to find proper solution from past 2 months
Try this script:
${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp $PROJECT/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios "${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME}"
Also, Firebase recently updated their SDK.

iOS - Use the "upload script "to upload Dsym file in Crashlytics with version 3.14.0

How can I add the Dsym file using the upload script even if I didn't updated the Crashlytics version? I have the 3.14.0 version of it so I don't have the FirebaseCrashlytics directory in and I just published my app. Now I'm stack because in the Firebase console -> Dsym screen, it gives me only the way of use the script and not the old way (upload the Dsym file from my Mac manually).
Right now, I can see few crashes from Xcode -> Organizer but I'm not sure that all the crashes are tracked in it.
Fabric/Firebaser here - if you're on the legacy Crashlytics SDK, you'll notice that rather than having something like FirebaseCrashltyics.framework imported into your app, you should have something like Crashlytics.framework. Either one has an upload-symbols script as part of the installation, so use whichever one is supplied as part of the Crashlytics installation. Attaching two screenshots to show the difference.
legacy Fabric Crashlytics
Firebase Crashlytics

Unable to upload missing DSYM files In Fabric Crashlytics with Bitcode enabled to NO

I have Implemented Fabric Crashlytics in my project manually. And in my application I'm using an external device connection for that I'm using an SDK, so for that SDK I have set bitcode to NO in my project. Before It used to work fine and I used to find my crash reports in crashlytics. But all of a sudden since from a week It is asking for missing DSYM files, and I'm not able to find any crash reports in crashlytics Dashboard. I have followed Fabric Doc and tried to upload DSYM zip files manually. But no luck as I got stuck in the same page with processing message as shown in below link.
enter image description here
Can any one walk me out from this? Thanks In Advance.

Download dSYM fails "Missing App Version"

When I try to download the dSYM from the organizer, it gives me this error :
Missing App Version
An app record for “co.**” was found but a matching version for “1.0.3” build “10” was not.
I have enabled Bitcode. It's a swift app with Swift and Objective-C pods. Xcode Version 7.2 (7C68)
When I right click on the archive and look at it's package contents in Finder, I see a dSYMs folder. I zipped it and uplaoded it to Crashlytics, but it still shows dSYMs missing for all my builds. It even has App.dsym with some dsyms with UUIDs and others for my pods.
Is this an XCode bug?
I see somene has posted a similar question for tvOS on the apple developer forum but there are no answers there. I am not allowed to ask a question there for some reason :p
I haven't added a build to iTunesConnect yet, is that necessary to download dSYMs? Where does XCode download the dSYM from? Could it have something to do with the fact that my bundleId is of the form co.someString and not co.someString.someOtherString? I guess not, I'm just looking for anything.
Is disabling bitcode the only way to be able to get the dSYM for me?
Sounds like your dSYM file doesn't match the application binary, even if app version number and build number would be correct. Every time you build (archive) app, you get new and different dSYM file, too.
You cannot use just any dSYM file from any archived project, even if you made no code changes between archives. You must get the exactly correct archive and dSYM from within it.
Here's related info from HockeyApp, similar service to Crashlytics. Even if they are diff services, symbolicating crash reports is similar problem.

Added Fabric/Crashlytics to new project but doesn't upload dSYM

I've just created a new iOS Swift project, using Xcode 7 beta-4, and have integrated Crashlytics (part of Fabric now) with the usual process.
It integrated all fine, and I can simulate crashes etc.
However when I go to the Crashlytics dashboard it warns me that:
Missing dSYM
We're missing a dSYM to process crashes, upload it here!
And none of the crashes show up.
Clicking the warning message (it's link is mentioned here: gives me a list UUIDs Crashlytics is missing dSYMs for.
The page gives the option to upload a dSYM, which I have tried doing (getting it from /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos). However after doing so this does not resolve the issue.
I've tried getting the frameworks from CocoaPods instead of manually adding them, in case that made a difference. It didn't.
So my only thought is perhaps Crashlytics doesn't handle dSYMs produced by Xcode 7 beta? Or is there something fundamental I've overlooked?
Many thanks for your help!
After many back and forth emails with the Crashlytics team, this particular problem was discovered by them to be caused by changes made in one the beta Xcode 7 versions. A fix to Crashlytics was pushed out and since then it worked.
If you're experiencing similar issues, I suggest first ensuring you're using a release version of Xcode, and also the latest version of Crashlytics :)
Go to Build settings and choose Dwarf with dSym File option for both debug and release builds.
You haven't uploaded dsym ..You can get dsym file from:
Goto> SignUp> MyApps> Activity> Then select the version of App for which the Missing dsym error is showing and download the dsym file from there...
upload it to fabric
Hope so your issue is resolved..
