Unable to upload missing DSYM files In Fabric Crashlytics with Bitcode enabled to NO - ios

I have Implemented Fabric Crashlytics in my project manually. And in my application I'm using an external device connection for that I'm using an SDK, so for that SDK I have set bitcode to NO in my project. Before It used to work fine and I used to find my crash reports in crashlytics. But all of a sudden since from a week It is asking for missing DSYM files, and I'm not able to find any crash reports in crashlytics Dashboard. I have followed Fabric Doc and tried to upload DSYM zip files manually. But no luck as I got stuck in the same page with processing message as shown in below link.
enter image description here
Can any one walk me out from this? Thanks In Advance.


Crashlytics in not showing up the crash reports

I have implemented a Firebase crashlytics in my project, and also I have configured the firebase account with my project. But when I do a crash with the help of Crashlytics.sharedInstance().crash() I will get crash crash report perfectly. But if I do a crash with any other method, it is not showing up the crash report. But some crashes are showing in the dSYMs tab in crashlytics and it is not formatted correctly. I have downloaded the dSYM file from the iTunes store and uploaded to Crashlytics through terminal. But Still I am getting the crashes in the dSYMs tab and not formatted correctly.
This is How I am getting crash report in dSYMs tab in Crashlytics.
Does anybody know what I am doing wrong here?
I could able to implement it in my Swift project and it correctly decrypted the errors and displayed correctly. But when I implemented it into my Objective-C project, I am not getting the correct decrypted report.
When having "optional" missing dSYMs, those are usually related to .frameworks or other third party library being used. If you only have these kinds of missing dSYMs, the dashboardwill show the crash report, but the frames related to those dSYMs won't be symbolized.
DSYMs marked as "required" are related to your main app, when those are missing, the dashboard won't show the crash report.
Usually, when using a .framework, the dSYMs files should also be available, but if not, you'd probably need to get them from the framework owners.
To elaborate Gerardo's answer further, please refer to your Xcode Organizer. There goes a list of your app published with different version. Download the dSYM
reports first and hence follows the procedures given from Google and submit those dSYM to firebase
Make sure you have already installed the latest version of FirebaseCrashlytics via Cocoapods and proper app profile at your Firebase Console.

"Upload missing dSYMs to see crashes from 1 versions" on Firebase Crashlytics

After several hours spent on this forum trying to test a lot of solutions, I need your help.
For the first time, I faced the following message on Firebase Crashlytics which does not allow me to see crashes reports : "Upload missing dSYMs to see crashes from 1 versions".
I tried to follow the steps explained on the Firebase documentation finding the dSym files on my computer (it seems it's not possible to download them from AppleStore Connect) on two different locations :
/Users/sebastien/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2020-11-15/MyApp\ 15-11-2020\ 21.26.xcarchive/dSYMs
I uploaded them and, despite of the successful message "Successfully uploaded Crashlytics symbols", it does not change anything on Firebase.
Some useful information:
I'm using the following run script for Crashlytics : "${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/run" (without any input files so far but it did not cause any trouble so I assume it does not come from this), as explained in the Firebase Get Started
The "Debug Information format" setting is indeed set to "DWARF with dSYM file" for all targets
I'm using Pods in my project
What can I do more to finally have the crash reports available on Firebase as for all my previous versions ?
Thank you in advance.
you should add this script to following run script:
"${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/upload-symbols" -gsp "${PROJECT_DIR}/GoogleService-Info.plist" -p ios "${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME}"
and no need to add this : ${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/run

How to get crash logs on IOS SDK Development using Sentry

I develop an IOS SDK, which developers can implement it to their apps as a framework.
I’m currently using Sentry as crash analysis tool, and the related DSYM file (produced from my SDK project) is automatically uploaded to Sentry on every build.
But the problem is when someone’s app crashes due to an error on the SDK I’m developing, Sentry returns partially symbolicated crash logs that I can barely understand what has happened and where the crash has occurred.
Is there a way that I can get the fully symbolicated crash logs, without changing the app’s project settings and without uploading anything (app’s DSYM etc.) from the original app. (Since I don’t have the app, I’m only producing the SDK)
My project has the following build settings:
Strip Debug Symbols During Copy: No
Strip Style: Debugging Symbols
Strip Linked Product: No
I was sending the DSYM's to a wrong project. I set 'export SENTRY_PROJECT=proper_project_name' then the issue has resolved.
Here is the link of the issue;

Doesn't get Crash Report in Crashlytics?

Friends I am integrate Crashlytics using Fabric SDK. According to steps follow and Adding Fabric and Crashlytics framework in project. also adding code in AppDelegate as below.
after make a IPA file of APP and Distribute on Fabric and invite to Client. Client Download the IPA. He say App is Crash on device. But In Crashlytics doesn't get any crash report.
please help me what is missing, I doesn't get any Crash report.
If the application is crashing at the launch of the application then it will not be reported else it will be reported.
To cross check you can do force crash in Crashlytics.
Refer this link
Make sure you have added the API Key and the Build Secret CORRECTLY in your Run Scripts.
You can find the API Key and Build phases in your Crashlytics account here
Go to Xcode Project > YOUR TARGET > Build Phases > Run Script.
ADD the Command as shown below replacing your API Key and Build Secret.
From Xcode 7. By default in build setting -> enable bitcode is set to YES.
You need to make it NO. And then check.
This works for me. As per my Reading app need to send the crash reports to fabric. But if the Enable bitcode is YES then you need to download the DYSM file from Xcode and upload it manually to fabric.
check Advanced Fabric setting

Added Fabric/Crashlytics to new project but doesn't upload dSYM

I've just created a new iOS Swift project, using Xcode 7 beta-4, and have integrated Crashlytics (part of Fabric now) with the usual process.
It integrated all fine, and I can simulate crashes etc.
However when I go to the Crashlytics dashboard it warns me that:
Missing dSYM
We're missing a dSYM to process crashes, upload it here!
And none of the crashes show up.
Clicking the warning message (it's link is mentioned here:
http://docs.fabric.io/ios/crashlytics/crashlytics.html#troubleshooting) gives me a list UUIDs Crashlytics is missing dSYMs for.
The page gives the option to upload a dSYM, which I have tried doing (getting it from /Users/me/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyApp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos). However after doing so this does not resolve the issue.
I've tried getting the frameworks from CocoaPods instead of manually adding them, in case that made a difference. It didn't.
So my only thought is perhaps Crashlytics doesn't handle dSYMs produced by Xcode 7 beta? Or is there something fundamental I've overlooked?
Many thanks for your help!
After many back and forth emails with the Crashlytics team, this particular problem was discovered by them to be caused by changes made in one the beta Xcode 7 versions. A fix to Crashlytics was pushed out and since then it worked.
If you're experiencing similar issues, I suggest first ensuring you're using a release version of Xcode, and also the latest version of Crashlytics :)
Go to Build settings and choose Dwarf with dSym File option for both debug and release builds.
You haven't uploaded dsym ..You can get dsym file from:
Goto https://itunesconnect.apple.com> SignUp> MyApps> Activity> Then select the version of App for which the Missing dsym error is showing and download the dsym file from there...
upload it to fabric
Hope so your issue is resolved..
