Button inside react-native-webview - webview

I am trying to implement functionality which allows user to press on an image, that is part of an html which is opened with webview in react-native and then the image will be zoomed. What would be the best way to achieve this functionality?

This property injectedjavascript should help you. You can inject your own js code, with this prop you can programmatically, add the onclick function to your image.


How to show popup ads on click in webview using sketchware

Can someone help me and tell me how to enable popup ads window on click in webview using sketchware
it's a bit tricky to make the WebView interact with the app in sketchware but...you can improvise to work around that...I'm pretty sure there's tons of ways to do it..try this(i can't send an image cause of rep):
add webview widget
Go to event of webview
Click "onPageStarted"
Put "If" block
in the if block You'll compare the url variable with the url when the button is clicked and if they're equal, then load your ad
and if you don't get it...let me know I'll share a project that can do the same thing

UWP Webview Content Editable

I have a webview in my UWP windows store app. It recognises html content and renders accordingly. Now I need this webview to be editable. Please help someone.
Have a local html file which has body as contenteditable div and using WebView.NavigateToLocalStreamUri method (Here's the Sample), navigate to this page.Then set the div's content with your string. Also refer WebView.InvokeScriptAsync and ScriptNotify to inject and retreive data from webview.
The WebView is for displaying HTML content only. You'll need to use a different control for editing HTML.
Out of the box there's nothing specific for this. The nearest is the RichTextBox but you'll need to convert what this creates from RTF to HTML. This answer to a similar question points to this guide on how to do it.
you can "inject" javascript to the webview when navigation complete.
the inject script you can do the logic you want in .and you can inject this in the NavigateComplete Event.
WebView1.CoreWebView2.NavigateToString( "<HTML><HEAD/><BODY contentEditable='true'>Hello 2</BODY></HTML>" );

UIWebView DatePicker Input Detection

I have a UIWebView and I'd like to use the internal datepicker on iOS that is used when I have the <input type=date> tag.
I have some UIViews in iOS that I want to modify based on if that input changes.
How do I detect this change? I'm hoping there is a delegate I can use but based on my research, that doesn't seem possible.
If I understand you correctly, you want to catch datepicker value changed event? If it is, you can simply create IBAction method and connect it to datepicker valueChanged event in interface builder.
This may can help you
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android
There are some plugins that simulates the uidatepicker style in javascript.

Firefox extension : how to use the entire screen space for display?

I am relatively new to Firefox extensions development.
I want to implement an add-on on the lines of "clearly". (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/clearly/)
How does one get the addon to have an overlay on top of the displayed webpage? i.e. on button click, the addon should display some custom text on a layer above the currently open web-page.
Also, Is it possible to set the display of this overlay with HTML?
What are the available options to achieve this?
Help greatly appreciated.
create a panel and insert to chrom document.
then open it with this code:
set anchor to gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser
set panel width and height to same as the linked browser so:
panel.height = gBrowser.selectedTab.linkedBrowser.getBoundingClientRect().height
do same for width
if u need more help let me know ill write the code, its real simple
Technically you wouldn't even need to make it a Firefox extension, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/API/DOM/Using_full_screen_mode

Is it possible embed PDF to jQuery UI dialog?

Is it possible to embed a "static" file or dynamically generated PDF in jQuery UI dialog?
Not consistently as everybody has the default behavior set differently. The only reliable way would be to generate HTML or an image to put in the dialog, even with an iFrame.
Tried an IFrame? :)
