Google Sheets Query using important range and a dynamic cell reference - google-sheets

I have a roster of students (Sheet 1) and I need a formula to search another sheet (Sheet 2) to see if each student on Sheet 1 is also on Sheet 2 and if they return the word "yes"/ if they are not I would like the cell to remain blank.
This is the formula I have:
=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("", "Quarter 3!A3:H"), "Select 'yes' where Col1="&$A7&"")
The formula is not working properly.
For students that are on Sheet 2 the formula is returning two rows of data (two rows of "yes) and the first instance of "yes" include characters that I did not include in the query:
For students not on Sheet 2, the formula is returning a yes with the extra characters "yes"().
I feel like I should be using an IF function, but I could not get it to work with IMPORTRANGE

"1395p5J5oN4vYLPeyAdUQDZluwxWU53NYJPiqeHdXSEw", "Quarter 3!A3:H"),
"select 'yes' where Col1="&$A7&"
label 'yes''')


Google Sheets Query Search Box | Search criteria

so basically I have a searchbox in my sheet that searches and pulls up data. For a reference see this image: So basically in cell A4 I put the data that I am looking for, but my formula restricts me to only looking up stuff in 1 row. For example, data starting with the word MELD, but I would like to be able to also look up data based on for example the someone their name.
The formula I use for the searchbox: =QUERY({'Pallets & Locaties'!A2:G;Voorraadverschillen!A2:G}, "SELECT * WHERE Col1 "&Opzoeken!B4&" '"&A4&"'")
The data that I want to be able to look up is stored in 2 sheets: Pallets & Locaties - and in Voorraadverschillen -
The searchbox is only able to lookup data in row, but I just want to be able to search for any kind of stored data in any of the sheets.
Here is my sheet for reference:
I'd recommend you add more rows for the lookup criteria and add a column for what column it would search for.
Sheet modification:
=QUERY({'Pallets & Locaties'!A2:G;Voorraadverschillen!A2:G}, "SELECT * WHERE "&TEXTJOIN(" AND ", TRUE, ARRAYFORMULA(IF(ISBLANK(A4:A10), "", A4:A10&" "&B4:B10&" '"&C4:C10&"'"))))
Test Sheet
The above formula will allow you to search on other columns with their own words and criteria to search.
Only rows with Kolom values will be included in the criteria. If you only need Col1 criteria, make sure to leave other rows blank.
This does use an AND search, meaning all of the criteria should be true and match the row. Feel free to use OR in the TEXTJOIN function if you only want to search all rows matching any of the criteria.
This will only search on sheets Pallets & Locaties and Voorraadverschillen. Add the necessary sheets if you need them.
Cleaned up the formula to not be so repetitive.
=IF(A4<>"",(QUERY({'Pallets & Locaties'!A2:G;Voorraadverschillen!A2:G},"Select * WHERE "&textjoin(" OR ", true, arrayformula("Col"&ROW(1:7)&" "&B4&" '"&A4&"'")))),(QUERY({'Pallets & Locaties'!A2:G;Voorraadverschillen!A2:G},"Select * WHERE Col1 IS NOT NULL")))
This searches every column for the data, as long as data is not identical in two columns you won't have issues. An example would be the search criteria "MELD" being in both Column A and B. If that were the case, only the results from the first matching column would populate.

Excel Count and Multiply cells between sheets

I have 2 sheets, Sheet 1 and Sheet 2.
In Sheet 1 is a list of Vacancies in one cell and next to it is the Name of the person who has those Vacancies.
In Sheet 2 I am trying to find the TOTAL amount of Vacancies that each person listed has using a Formula
The only problem is that it needs to count in Sheet 1 how many vacancies a specific person has.
eg: it shows John has 3 vacancies when he should have 11.
Added a SUMIF attempt
The issue is that you should use SUMIF() instead of COUNTIF() as per the comments above, though since you are not using Excel but Google Spreadsheets, this opens up other options (note, the two look alike but are actually very different).
You could try utilize QUERY():
Formula in D1:
=QUERY(A1:B,"Select B, Sum(A) where A is not null group by B label Sum(A) 'Total Vacancies'")

To identify same words in two tabs in a google sheet

My Query is i want to highlight the duplicates in the two tabs in a sheet. My sheet is attached along with this question. In that "Sheet A" & "Sheet B" have common names in it i want to color it for the duplicates.
Sheet :
If it is possible, is there any option to find the duplicates between two google sheets ?
if yes then pls help me to find duplicates in Sheet A in Match 1 sheet and Sheet C in Match 2 Sheet.
Sheet 2 :
I have an answer that shows how this can be done. See the tab I added, "Sheet 1-GK", into your sheet.
The formula in C1 looks at the data from Sheet 2 to see whether each name in Sheet 1 column A is found in Sheet 2.
Here is the primary formula:
In the sheet, I have wrapped it in an array, {...}, to also add the column header text.
Then a conditional formatting rule is used to highlight the rows that have "Y" in column C.
Note that you can either hide column C, or incorporate its formula logic into the conditional formating rule, to do everything there.
Is this what you were looking for, or did you need something else?

How to reduce Inventory in sheet1("stock") on the bases of product sold in sheet2("sales") through google sheets script...?

In Google Sheets for inventory management, sheet1 is stock in which Product and Quantity are mentioned, sheet2 is the sale of the day. I want to automatically deduct stock when a product is written over there, if apple is sold, then it should automatically deduct one quantity from sheet1.
The sheet is here.
Some code like this:
function onedit(sheet2,A2) {
if the product in Sheet2!A2 is in Sheet1!A2:A,Subtract 1 from Sheet1!B2:B
In your cell B2, you can insert this formula:
= 4 - SUM(QUERY(sold!$A$1:B,
"select count(A)
where A = '" & A2 & "'
group by A", false))
Then, you can drag it down to let the formula apply to all your rows.
The formula counts the number of occurrences in the "sold" sheet of the term in the column A of the first sheet. The QUERY function returns a table with one column and two rows (header and data). the SUM is applied to it, and reduces the QUERY result to a single number.
As with all formulas, results are kept up to date by the Google sheet automatically.
Instead of having the initial inventory in the formula itself, I suggest to use a separate column, for example column C. The formula above would then start with C2 instead of 4.

How to combine Filter and IF-Statements in Google Spreadsheet

I have two sheets.
Sheet 1: Is supposed to Contain my Dashboard.
Sheet 2: Contains a table with three columns, starting at row 16
So what I want to do is
type in a String in 'Sheet 1'!$B$2, have the formular look for that value in Sheet 2, and return all three columns.
If 'Sheet 1'!$B$2 is empty, I would like to show all columns and rows of Sheet
Here is what I tried: =IF(isblank($B$2), 'Sheet 2'!A16, FILTER('Sheet 2'!A16:A$1000, 'Sheet 2'!$C16:$C$1000=$B$1))
This works does the trick for Nr. 1, but not for Nr. 2. It only shows the first row obviously.
If I pull the formular down the rows, Nr. 2 works, but Nr. 1 does not. The error it gives me is REF - Array Result was not expanded, because it would override data in F16. F16 is the column, the formular is in.
Here is a sample sheet.
Can anyone advice?
For your case formula will look like this:
=IF(isblank($B$1), ARRAYFORMULA(Sheet2!A16:D1000),
FILTER(Sheet2!A16:A$1000, Sheet2!$C16:$C$1000=$B$1))
