To identify same words in two tabs in a google sheet - google-sheets

My Query is i want to highlight the duplicates in the two tabs in a sheet. My sheet is attached along with this question. In that "Sheet A" & "Sheet B" have common names in it i want to color it for the duplicates.
Sheet :
If it is possible, is there any option to find the duplicates between two google sheets ?
if yes then pls help me to find duplicates in Sheet A in Match 1 sheet and Sheet C in Match 2 Sheet.
Sheet 2 :

I have an answer that shows how this can be done. See the tab I added, "Sheet 1-GK", into your sheet.
The formula in C1 looks at the data from Sheet 2 to see whether each name in Sheet 1 column A is found in Sheet 2.
Here is the primary formula:
In the sheet, I have wrapped it in an array, {...}, to also add the column header text.
Then a conditional formatting rule is used to highlight the rows that have "Y" in column C.
Note that you can either hide column C, or incorporate its formula logic into the conditional formating rule, to do everything there.
Is this what you were looking for, or did you need something else?


Google Sheets Query using important range and a dynamic cell reference

I have a roster of students (Sheet 1) and I need a formula to search another sheet (Sheet 2) to see if each student on Sheet 1 is also on Sheet 2 and if they return the word "yes"/ if they are not I would like the cell to remain blank.
This is the formula I have:
=QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("", "Quarter 3!A3:H"), "Select 'yes' where Col1="&$A7&"")
The formula is not working properly.
For students that are on Sheet 2 the formula is returning two rows of data (two rows of "yes) and the first instance of "yes" include characters that I did not include in the query:
For students not on Sheet 2, the formula is returning a yes with the extra characters "yes"().
I feel like I should be using an IF function, but I could not get it to work with IMPORTRANGE
"1395p5J5oN4vYLPeyAdUQDZluwxWU53NYJPiqeHdXSEw", "Quarter 3!A3:H"),
"select 'yes' where Col1="&$A7&"
label 'yes''')

Google sheet formula that finds row name and returns column headers based on marked cells

I'm trying to return the column headers for a row that is marked with an x. The row is selected from a name in the left column. I'm stuck here.
I can illustrate what I want to do by showing these images:
Start table
The result I want is this:
Outputs of the possibilities for the first sheet
I have put more information in my Example Sheet.
Link to editable example sheet
This formula should create a table (with a single formula) with the months in one column and the headers in the second column.
=ArrayFormula({A4:A15\ substitute(transpose(query(transpose(if(B4:G15="x";B3:G3&char(10);));;rows(A4:A15)));" ";)})
If you'd want to 'lookup' the months you manually type in you can wrap the above in a vlookup. Example:
=ArrayFormula(if(len(L4:L); vlookup(L4:L; {A4:A15\ substitute(transpose(query(transpose(if(B4:G15="x";B3:G3&char(10);));;rows(A4:A15)));" ";)}; 2; 0);))
You can check out both formulas in the copy of the sheet I've made in the spreadsheet you shared.

Google sheets: Compare cell value in sheet 1 to cell values in a column of sheet 2

I have a 2 worksheets within a single file. Col A in each sheet has a list of websites. When I enter a new website to col A of sheet 1, I need it to compare the entry to the list on sheet 2.
If the same website is listed on sheet 2, I need the new entry to be marked in some way - red background, bolded, whatever.
What it should look like:
Sheet 1:
Sheet 2:
Stackoverflow is listed on sheet 2, so when it's added to sheet 1 it's marked with red.
I've been Googling and checking SO threads for about an hour, but I can't even begin to figure this out. I have very little experience with this stuff.
Any help appreciated. Thanks!
It may be possible with Format>Conditional Formatting
then set a Rule for formatting, there are many options including cell value 'equal to'
It should work.

Referencing a cell into a formula

This question pertains to Google Sheets. In column F of one "List" tab of my sheet, I have the name of all the other tabs in my sheet. All the other tabs contain information specific to one single topic. Im trying to get all of column N in "List" to pull up cell G2 of each sheet. So far, ive been using this:
='(sheet name)'!G2 ;in the N column, changing (sheet name) manually and individually
But I'd rather have the content of the F fill the (sheet name) part of the formula. Any way to do so?
With sheet names in column F, in N1 enter:
=INDIRECT("'" & F1 & "'!G2")
and copy down. Please note the single quotes in the formula.
This should work for both Excel and Google Sheets.

Conditional Matching in Google Sheets

I have two spreadsheets. Each has a column A that has an account number. But each has a different info about that account. The accounts also don't share the same set there maybe some the other doesn't have. What I want to do is check Sheet one column A vs sheet two column A and based on that populate a cell in Sheet 1 with Sheet two column B. Could anybody help me with how I might do this.
My Sheet2 looks like this:
You can use VLOOKUP in Sheet1. This formula would work: =vlookup(A2,Sheet2!A:B,2,0)
You can see it put in the cell C2:
If you don't like the #N/A error you can embrace the formula in IFERROR with the parameter "" which would yield an empty string:
