Provide users with YouTube videos related to some content - youtube

For an application we are building we would like to create a feature that provides some related videos to the content the user is viewing. I thought that would be as easy as just understanding how YouTube API work but apparently there's a very strict limitation in terms of quota.
YouTube provides 10.000 points and if I had to implement the idea with a search endpoint that would mean just 100 searches per day. One can always ask for a quota extension, but there are no rules, pricing or certainty of extension.
Is there any other way I can provide the users with some related YouTube videos? Should I be faithful in quota extension and stick to 100 searches for now?
I would like to get in touch with someone from Google to ask them if there is a chance a quota extension and how much would that be given the feature we want to build before actually building it. Is there a way to do it?


How to increase Youtube API quota

We have developed a news website. Partners are allowed to submit articles (video articles) via a dedicated form.
We want the videos to be hosted on Youtube then embedded on the website.
We have a working prototype.
The problem is the Youtube API Quota. Youtube offers 10k units per day. An upload costs 1600, which basically means after 6 videos, we can't use the API.
We've tried to click on the button to increase the quota from the console, but the max value is 10k (which makes no sense btw).
We've filled the dedicated form multiple time, we've contacted our former Youtube sales guy who said couldn't help. We even managed to have a Google representative on the phone who said he didn't know how it works and that we should discuss that with Youtube directly.
Does anyone know how to proceed? We're willing to pay the extra units, but even for that, we can't find the proper procedure.
Most of websites and threads dealing with the issue are old one when quotas were very high.

How to replicate bulk end screen copy functionality from VidIQ and TubeBuddy?

I am the owner of an educational YouTube Channel with tens of thousands of short videos. I would like to get some more organic reach by implementing end screen cards on all videos that are already posted. Unfortunately, Youtube does not have a built-in feature to bulk-apply end screen cards.
This leads people to go to paid services such as TubeBuddy and VidIQ to gain that functionality. Unfortunately, due to the size of my channel, I am in no position to pay for these apps and so would like to use my programming knowledge to implement the functionality myself.
Note: VidIQ does have free bulk copy however I am limited to only updating the latest 3000 videos, of which only 2000 successfully updated since many of my videos don't have matching aspect ratios.
I've tried to look for an answer on google and on StackOverflow without success. From these three questions...
How to add end screen with YouTube Data API?
Is possible to add annotations or a 'end screen' to a video when i'm uploading it using Java youtube api?
Youtube upload API Card end
... you would guess that it is impossible to do this but how is it done by TubeBuddy and vidIQ then? I highly suggest not reiterating the answers in the above three questions as it is possible since there are already multiple apps that implement it. The reason behind youtube tag is that it's most fitting however the answer can be anything from automation software to any specialized language imaginable I just simply cannot find any leads.

differing numbers between YouTube Analytics API and what I see on the screen

So I was following the example of connecting to the YouTube Analytics API that can be found by clicking here.
When I run the above code I get the 52 views, however when I go to the page directly I see these numbers.
Why is it that I see such a large number when I go to the page directly but in the API its much smaller? Did YouTube Analytics start collecting data after a certain date?
Any help would be much appreciated!
I had the very same question. After a lot of research, finally I found the answer. According staff from Google, the views are measured from youtube page, where they can monetize your content, this is due a lot of advertisers use youtube to host videos and use them on ads on the hope to increase the views to show the "success" of the video on their campaigns, however this is not that smart since Google controls that number to prevent exactly that, would be too easy simply embed your video on a lot of pages and expect that to be counted to views without provide Google any chance to get money (while use their bandwidth and resources) :-/

Is there any way to increase the YouTube API v3 Quota Limits?

Is there a way to (paid or unpaid) to increase the 5,000,000 units/day quota limit imposed when using version 3 of the YouTube API?
I have read that a video upload alone uses 16,000 units - this equates to only ~312 videos a day.
I have signed up for 'billing' but still don't get an option to increase from the "courtesy limit" of 5 million.
Yes, there is an elaborate form for applying for higher quota.
It is linked in the developer console for example at:
The form starts off with some statements:
This Application will ask you detailed questions about:
(i) your business, (ii) your use of each YouTube API (current and
proposed use, as applicable), and (iii) each of your website or
software application that uses or will use YouTube API(s) (each an
“API Client”).
This application also requires you to submit screenshots and design
documents relating to your API Client(s) and your use of YouTube
API(s). If you do not have these ready, please apply once these are
We will strive to respond to your application as soon as possible,
provided that, all required supporting materials are submitted and
sufficient, and all questions are thoroughly answered.
Note: Please do not apply for more quota unless you are actually close to hitting your current limit.
There is a Form but they do not approve extra quota at the moment. Maybe in the future. Best would be to contact your Google Account Manager (If you have one assigned)

Are there two distinct rate limits for the Youtube API?

YouTube has stated that there's a rate limit for their API. And that's totally fine and understandable. However, it appears that, even respecting their rate limit and following their best practices is insufficient. In the YouTube terms of service, section 4H states that "You agree not to use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, "robots," "spiders," or "offline readers," that accesses the Service in a manner that sends more request messages to the YouTube servers in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a conventional on-line web browser"
So YouTube has an API to automate certain actions, but you have to limit yourself to an ill-defined notion of some human equivalent. Would following the best practices (in particular, waiting 10 minutes after any "too_many_recent_calls" 403 suffice to obey 4H?)
In my particular application I intend to upload tens of thousands of videos to my YouTube channel, and I'm concerned that even obeying the best practices will still result in YouTube terminating my account without explanation.
(For those concerned that tens of thousands of videos is spammy and illegitimate, I assure you that this is not the case. These are not advertising any product, and according to a couple hundred test case uploads, these are videos which people like much more often than dislike and which have high audience retention. For an example of such a channel (not mine), see
The terms of use you linked (containing the 4H section) is for the YouTube website. The API has a different set of terms and you can check the quota information here.
