How to replicate bulk end screen copy functionality from VidIQ and TubeBuddy? - youtube

I am the owner of an educational YouTube Channel with tens of thousands of short videos. I would like to get some more organic reach by implementing end screen cards on all videos that are already posted. Unfortunately, Youtube does not have a built-in feature to bulk-apply end screen cards.
This leads people to go to paid services such as TubeBuddy and VidIQ to gain that functionality. Unfortunately, due to the size of my channel, I am in no position to pay for these apps and so would like to use my programming knowledge to implement the functionality myself.
Note: VidIQ does have free bulk copy however I am limited to only updating the latest 3000 videos, of which only 2000 successfully updated since many of my videos don't have matching aspect ratios.
I've tried to look for an answer on google and on StackOverflow without success. From these three questions...
How to add end screen with YouTube Data API?
Is possible to add annotations or a 'end screen' to a video when i'm uploading it using Java youtube api?
Youtube upload API Card end
... you would guess that it is impossible to do this but how is it done by TubeBuddy and vidIQ then? I highly suggest not reiterating the answers in the above three questions as it is possible since there are already multiple apps that implement it. The reason behind youtube tag is that it's most fitting however the answer can be anything from automation software to any specialized language imaginable I just simply cannot find any leads.


Provide users with YouTube videos related to some content

For an application we are building we would like to create a feature that provides some related videos to the content the user is viewing. I thought that would be as easy as just understanding how YouTube API work but apparently there's a very strict limitation in terms of quota.
YouTube provides 10.000 points and if I had to implement the idea with a search endpoint that would mean just 100 searches per day. One can always ask for a quota extension, but there are no rules, pricing or certainty of extension.
Is there any other way I can provide the users with some related YouTube videos? Should I be faithful in quota extension and stick to 100 searches for now?
I would like to get in touch with someone from Google to ask them if there is a chance a quota extension and how much would that be given the feature we want to build before actually building it. Is there a way to do it?

YouTube Studio Multiple Camera Angles

YouTube recently forced everyone to the new YouTube studio for live streaming. Per their documentation here the only place to setup Multiple Camera angles is on the Events page. However, since their change I can't access Classic Streaming anymore, it just pop ups a message saying
Live Control Room is the new way to go live.
I've tried reaching out to YouTube directly - I'm stuck in a support loop of uselessness. Has anyone else seen this and found a workaround?
Direct email from YouTube:
I just want to make all a clarification regarding your concern why you can't find to stream with multiple camera angles.
Due because of low usage and since it can't be watched on mobile,
multi-camera won't migrate to Live Control Room right now. Rest
assured we are looking for a better version of this product in the
near future.
We also recommend you to send a feedback to our Product team so they
can look into your suggestion.
Thanks for your understanding on this matter. Let me know if you have
other questions.

How to find 360° videos using Youtube Data API

I am looking for a way to find all of the 360° videos from Youtube using Youtube APIs for my research. Currently I haven't been able to find this feature from the Youtube APIs, or hack a work-around using available API functions.
Search results on Yuotube webpage can be filtered by featureto just show the 360° videos among the search results. Even replicating this functionality using available API methods would be a good starting point to my needs. Maybe this could be accomplished by using snippet's tags, but I haven't been able to make it work.
(This question is quite similar ;-) to :
Searching 360 degree videos using YouTube Data API?
. But that question remains unanswered after 8 moths, even though Google Youtube Data API support page states: "We support the YouTube Data API on Stack Overflow. Google engineers monitor and answer questions with the youtube-api, youtube-data-api, and youtube-v3-api tags." As I just came across this problem, I hope the question gets some attention.)
I have been struggling with this problem as well and have used a combination of approaches with limited results:
First, we use this method and add a publishedBefore filter for subsequent fresh searches (no pageToken) of the oldest result we have found. This enables us to get more than the 1000 results youtube apparently limits you to.
Second we found good lots of good results for the query #360Video, and we perform 2 sets of searches for that string: videoDimension: '2d' and videoDimension: '3d'. For all results, we query their contentDetails and make filter out those who's contentDetails.projection does not equal '360'. For good measure, we also do a '3d' dimension search without the query string.
Finally we combine all of the sets of results we retrieved. Unfortunately we do still seem to miss quite a few videos we spot test by hand. So far we have only been to query ~1000 videos. It seems like finding all 360 videos could require lots of manual work.
update: We have employed a manual step where we regularly scrape a list of user accounts, channels, and playlists with many 360 videos. This has yielded several hundred more videos at the least with, arguably, better quality. There might be a further step where we check all of the "recommended" videos for each of those videos and so on.
Well, I found in this thread that YouTube rolls out support for 360-degree live streams and spatial audio. And if you check the YouTube API documentation, there is no guide there that shows you how to use the 360 videos in YouTube.
So, YouTube 360 videos are not fully supported in YouTube API as of the moment. It is currently filed as a feature request that you can find here.
Hope it helps you.

differing numbers between YouTube Analytics API and what I see on the screen

So I was following the example of connecting to the YouTube Analytics API that can be found by clicking here.
When I run the above code I get the 52 views, however when I go to the page directly I see these numbers.
Why is it that I see such a large number when I go to the page directly but in the API its much smaller? Did YouTube Analytics start collecting data after a certain date?
Any help would be much appreciated!
I had the very same question. After a lot of research, finally I found the answer. According staff from Google, the views are measured from youtube page, where they can monetize your content, this is due a lot of advertisers use youtube to host videos and use them on ads on the hope to increase the views to show the "success" of the video on their campaigns, however this is not that smart since Google controls that number to prevent exactly that, would be too easy simply embed your video on a lot of pages and expect that to be counted to views without provide Google any chance to get money (while use their bandwidth and resources) :-/

youtube direct lite playlists and auto-approval

After struggling with getting Ytd to work for a couple of days I'm about to dive into Youtube Direct Lite which looks much friendlier to set up.
My first question is about the playlist size limit. Once a playlist is full (200 videos?) what would happen with further video submissions? Would the oldest be dropped or is it just impossible to add any more, effectively breaking the widget for that playlist?
I expect I would need to use multiple playlists and manually make new playlists and widgets if there's a lot of videos, but is there a best practice kinda way to do this for a large number of videoslso?
Also, would it be possible to automate the submission approvals programmatically if there's a lot of videos or is this beyond the scope of ytd-lite.
Thought it's better to ask these questions now before starting the process of setting this up for my site. Ytd-lite looks like a great project.
from the Doc:
Note: Playlists contain a maximum of 200 videos. As such, you will not be able to add a video to a playlist that already contains that many videos.
I dont'n try to force this situation but I expect an error.
I believe that to automate the submission approvals programmatically you can modify the source code of YouTube Direct Lite, and with a little logic in the server side of your app you can do what you want.
