How to add buttons to NowPlayingView of Apple Watch using SwiftUI - ios

The NowPlayingView is a structure. We can use it like:
According to Apple's documentation
Don’t add any other elements to the view.
We, developer can not add anything to the view.
But the Apple Music and Podcast's NowPlayingView are different.
Apple Music NowPlayingView:
Podcast NowPlayingView:
So I want to know if there any chance we can customize the NowPlayingView.

According to Apple's Engineer, developers can not change anything on NowPlayingView.
Additionally, the bottom-right menu button is neither not available to developers.
Can not modify NowPlayingView. Can not use menu button


Local notifications with unknown content at time of request in Swift [duplicate]

I have implemented iOS rich notifications in my app based on Local and Remote Notification Programming Guide.
I watched WWDC Introduction to Notifications, Advanced Notifications, and Best Practices, and read UNNotificationContentExtension. All of these show that I can implement Notification Content extension to customize notification presentation. But to me it seems that they all assume that we can customize only the expanded view (the view that opens up when we 3D press the short preview).
Now I know that I can customize the presentation of the short preview in a very restricted way - using title/body I can decide if I want a bold or normal font; by using Notification Service extension I can add a media preview. However, what I need is to be able to build the UI of this short preview myself - add custom UIImageView, etc. Right now it seems that this is not possible, but I wasn't able to find any explicit information that would confirm it.
So my question is: Can we customize the short preview of a notification? If not, is there any explicit statement in official docs that explain this? If yes, can you refer me to some docs/tutorials on how to do it?
I just stumbled upon the following line in the Customizing the Appearance of Notifications article in the official documentation:
The system provides the interface for the abbreviated banner, but you can customize the full interface using a notification content app extension.
This confirms that currently there is no way of customizing the short preview ("abbreviated banner" in the docs).
I think (I'm not 100% sure) that you can only display an Attachment Image in the Notification banner, because you don't have Storyboad or UI file for this. It is the default Notification banner design.
You can follow this great guide (links below), it helps me understand Notification Content Extension and Notification Service Extension and all the logic behind and how it really works.
You can try to make some adjustments to the project, trying with anything else than ImageView, but as far as I know, the attachment is by default positioned at the right corner, as a miniature.
I am interested if you find additional informations.
Here is the great links that helped me build my Notification Feature in my App.
Rich Notification Guide
Notification with Attachment
PS: I am also sad and disapointed that the expended view only appears with 3D Touch (People don't use it, 3D Touch is a failure to me).

iOS name of UI menu in Apple Maps

I'm wondering what's the name of the draggable menu at the bottom of the iOS map. (See picture :)
I want to implement the same kind of interface for my app.
It´s not called anything special, but some refer to it as "Card". Here is a great tutorial of how to implement the bottom card as Apple Maps, from the question:
How can I mimic the bottom sheet from the Maps app?

Create Custom Long-Nook Notification on WatchOS side

Is it possible to customize the buttons of a dynamic long nook notification from the watch-side?. The official documentation shows an example on iOS side and making use of UIApplication which I believe is not a availavable on the watch side. I can't found any data regarding this matter on the web nor in the official documentation and I'm not sure if this is possible.
Thanks in advance!
Is it possible to customize the buttons of a dynamic long nook notification from the watch-side?
No, it is not possible to change the look of the buttons of a dynamic long look notification.
You can change what buttons appear (0 to 4 buttons are possible) by setting the notification category in the companion phone app. Notification category cannot be set in the watch app.
See the WatchKit Framework Reference for more details.

Will apple human interface guidelines violated if i put tab bar on top?

I am developing an app in which i am putting tab bar on top as per requirements.I know apple put tab bar at bottom with maximum 5 tabs.So if make my own custom tab bar & i put it on top.
I have two questions.
Will apple human interface guidelines will be violated?
If i violate apple human interface guidelines will apple reject the
app on app store?
Short answer:
1. Yes, that's not the appearance on tab bars on iOS
2. No
Long answer:
As long as you're designing the tab bar (that's what you call it) to be easy to use and it's clear to understand its purpose, then no harm is made. If, however, there is no clear purpose, why move it?
Apple will not reject apps that violates the HIG, but the HIG is created to be followed, to create a consistent experience for all users, regarding app.

Is there anyway I can change the size of the title for an apple watch app?

Is there anyway I can change the size of the title for an apple watch app?
The one that shows up on top left corner.
Take a look at this. It's the Apple development guide.
Also look into this. It's specific to Apple Watch App labels.
This link specifically has the methods and properties used to resize label text within an Apple Watch App.
Both of these were found via a simple Google search. If you want help with a code block specifically, please edit your original question to add that code.
I also have the same issue. You can "kind of" solve it by using a group. Paste the group in, layer it over with another group and put the label inside there, change your label size by dragging the corners. That centers it. I don't think Apple has added the capability to freely move around labels like iOS View Controllers. I hope that helps for now :)
