Local notifications with unknown content at time of request in Swift [duplicate] - ios

I have implemented iOS rich notifications in my app based on Local and Remote Notification Programming Guide.
I watched WWDC Introduction to Notifications, Advanced Notifications, and Best Practices, and read UNNotificationContentExtension. All of these show that I can implement Notification Content extension to customize notification presentation. But to me it seems that they all assume that we can customize only the expanded view (the view that opens up when we 3D press the short preview).
Now I know that I can customize the presentation of the short preview in a very restricted way - using title/body I can decide if I want a bold or normal font; by using Notification Service extension I can add a media preview. However, what I need is to be able to build the UI of this short preview myself - add custom UIImageView, etc. Right now it seems that this is not possible, but I wasn't able to find any explicit information that would confirm it.
So my question is: Can we customize the short preview of a notification? If not, is there any explicit statement in official docs that explain this? If yes, can you refer me to some docs/tutorials on how to do it?

I just stumbled upon the following line in the Customizing the Appearance of Notifications article in the official documentation:
The system provides the interface for the abbreviated banner, but you can customize the full interface using a notification content app extension.
This confirms that currently there is no way of customizing the short preview ("abbreviated banner" in the docs).

I think (I'm not 100% sure) that you can only display an Attachment Image in the Notification banner, because you don't have Storyboad or UI file for this. It is the default Notification banner design.
You can follow this great guide (links below), it helps me understand Notification Content Extension and Notification Service Extension and all the logic behind and how it really works.
You can try to make some adjustments to the project, trying with anything else than ImageView, but as far as I know, the attachment is by default positioned at the right corner, as a miniature.
I am interested if you find additional informations.
Here is the great links that helped me build my Notification Feature in my App.
Rich Notification Guide
Notification with Attachment
PS: I am also sad and disapointed that the expended view only appears with 3D Touch (People don't use it, 3D Touch is a failure to me).


For iOS, is it possible to have a Toast message that can display on top of system app Settings?

I have a button in my app that brings up the system app settings UI. Instructions are given around the button.
I want to provide further instructions to the user via a toast message after the settings page shows up so they know exactly what to do. It's not a super intuitive setting, related to notification style, and such instructions would be a lot clearer when the user is actually on the settings page.
In Android, this is easily done via toast.makeText().show(). The resulting toast would have no problem going on top of the system settings UI.
In iOS though, I've looked up several guides, mostly using the UIView animation. The problem is, the resulting toast window seems to only work inside the app itself. It cannot go on top of the system settings UI.
Is what I want to achieve technically possible in iOS?
No. You are sandboxed; Settings is a different app and you cannot impose anything on to its interface.

Create Custom Long-Nook Notification on WatchOS side

Is it possible to customize the buttons of a dynamic long nook notification from the watch-side?. The official documentation shows an example on iOS side and making use of UIApplication which I believe is not a availavable on the watch side. I can't found any data regarding this matter on the web nor in the official documentation and I'm not sure if this is possible.
Thanks in advance!
Is it possible to customize the buttons of a dynamic long nook notification from the watch-side?
No, it is not possible to change the look of the buttons of a dynamic long look notification.
You can change what buttons appear (0 to 4 buttons are possible) by setting the notification category in the companion phone app. Notification category cannot be set in the watch app.
See the WatchKit Framework Reference for more details.

How to make Custom GIF Keyboard in ios

I have one doubt that how exactly GIF images loaded into Custom keyboard and user can send it. I am new in iOS so want some link which i can refer and will be helpful for me.
Read Apple docs for this, especially this one https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/General/Conceptual/ExtensibilityPG/Keyboard.html is a good strating point
You can set any UIView as the view for the keyboard layout, so an UIImageView is suitable for your purpose. The real difficulty in custom keyboarding is the management of events. As you are new to iOS dev, I would like to encourage you to try much simpler things first.

Are there any other iOS system sounds available other than 'tock'?

I have implemented an alternative keyboard on my first iPhone app. I would like to play a sound when a button is pressed. The default click sound when the standard keyboard is pressed would be fine, but I don't know how to get that sound.
In this answer I found how to play a 'tock' sound:
Playing system sound without importing your own
I got this to work easily enough but it is a very loud sound. I've searched Stack Overflow and the Xcode help for available iOS system sounds other than 'tock' and I can't find them.
Are there other built-in sounds, maybe even the default keyboard sound, that I can use?
Prior to, and since posting this question almost 2 weeks ago I have searched high and low for a method to make the keyboard click sound work in my app. I have attempted to implement and understand Apple's documentation on custom input views. I butchered my app in many ways attempting to make it work and created several test projects. I tried to interpret how to do this from various other sources on the web. All to no avail. I have finished my app all but for this last function.
I finally hit on a simple answer towards the end of this IPhone Dev SDK form question/post. The ultimate answer is easy and can be done in a few seconds with these easy steps.
Link the 'AudioToolbox.framework' to your project (Click on your project's Target, select 'Build Phases' and under the 'Link Binary with Libraries' item click the + button and add the framework.
Add the following to the header file of the class where you want to implement the click:
#import <AudioToolbox/AudioToolbox.h>
Add the following line of code in the implementation file of your class wherever you want the keyboard click sound to appear:
According to Paul in the other forum this has the following downside:
"keyboard keys won't be affected by the iOS user preference for keyboard sound on/off."
But when I turn the volume up or down on my iPhone or if I mute the iPhone, the keyboard click sounds do go up and down or are muted as would be expected. Given that I found it impossible to implement keyboard clicks "UIInputViewAudioFeedback" as documented, I'm happy to have anything work.
P.S. If anyone has a link to an actual project that I can download, build and run on my iPhone to see EXACTLY how to properly implement: "UIInputViewAudioFeedback" I'd be happy to give it a look. But so far I've found none, nor any step-by-step newbie style instructions on how to make it work.
[Sept 30, 2012 UPDATE:] I'm happy to say that my app was accepted into the app store using this method. Here it is: https://itunes.apple.com/app/fine-tip-tip-calculator/id563429225
Try UIDevice's playInputClick:
[[UIDevice currentDevice] playInputClick];
From the documentation:
Use this method to play the standard system keyboard click in response to a user tapping in a custom input or keyboard accessory view. A click plays only if the user has enabled keyboard clicks in Settings > Sounds, and only if the input view is itself enabled and visible.
Make sure you adopt the UIInputViewAudioFeedback protocol in your input view class, and implement the enableInputClicksWhenVisible delegate method to return YES, as per the documentation.
EDIT - For implementation of delegate methods, check out Apple's documentation on custom input views.

What's the cartoon speech bubble coming from the notification area called, and how do I create one?

Can some one tell me what the name of the following popup window is:
How do I create such a popup for my application?
To be more specific, this is indeed called a Notification (a specific type of balloon)see also here and the icon from which it comes from is called a Notification area Icon.
The area of the screen in which this icon is located is called the Notification Area. This is not specific to Windows - other operating systems have their own form of Notification Areas.
The correct way to manage a Notification Icon (or more, if you need to) from Windows is to use the Shell_NotifyIcon API.
You can also use the numerous components available online wrapping this functionality (CoolTrayIcon is a prime example, although it is a bit bloated). You can make your own too, it's fairly easy.
Remember to follow the MSDN guidelines for correct use of this icon and good practices.
I seem to have found out the answer, it is called a balloon notification . the relevant code to create one is found at :
TMS component suite has better notification tools.You can check those out
