Error: The instance member ... can't be accessed in an initializer - dart

Why does this code:
class _SequentialTextPageState {
String jsonTextPref = 'seqtext';
int jsonTextSuff = 10;
String jsonText = jsonTextPref + jsonTextSuff.toString();
generate these errors?
Error: The instance member 'jsonTextPref' can't be accessed in an initializer.
Error: The instance member 'jsonTextSuff' can't be accessed in an initializer.
It seems to me that concatenation between String and int is correct?

Dart initializes objects in multiple phases. Initializing members directly ("field initializers") occurs early in object initialization, before this becomes valid, so that phase cannot initialize members that depend on other parts of the object.
Dart provides multiple ways to initialize members, so if one member needs to depend on another, you can initialize it in a later phase by using a different mechanism. For example, you could do one of:
Add the late keyword to make the dependent member lazily initialized.
Move initialization of the dependent member into the constructor body.
In the case of a Flutter State subtype, you could initialize the dependent member in its initState method, which in some cases is more appropriate.
Note that in some cases you additionally can consider replacing the member variable with a read-only getter instead. For example, in your case, perhaps you could use:
String get jsonText => jsonTextPref + jsonTextSuff.toString();
That would be appropriate if jsonText should always depend on jsonTextPref and jsonTextSuff, would never need to have an independent value, and if it's acceptable for jsonText to return a new object every time it's accessed.

Dart does not allow field initializers to refer to the object itself. Fields must always be fully initialized before any access is given to the object begin created.
The initializers can only access static and top-level variables, not any instance variables on the object itself.
With null safety, you will be allowed to write late String jsonText = this.something + this.other;. That field will then not be initialized until it's first read or written, which is necessarily after the object itself has been created.

You can only use constant expressions as initializers. x=this.y is not constant.

The error was displayed when I did following:
class MyClass {
String id;
String[] imagePaths;
It will mark the String in the line String id; as error, but the error is in the next line, it should be List<String> imagePaths; instead of String[] imagePaths; then the error in the line above also disappears. This can be very confusing if you have a big class and the actual error is many lines underneath the first marked line (talking from experience...)


The argument type 'ListOf5' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'ListOf5'

I need to implement an abstract class function, which own a an specific data type. But I need inside my logic layer to make the attribute which is going to be passed as a dynamic data type. But when i Pass it to the function, i am sure that its data type will be as needed. So, i type (product.value.pickedImages) as ListOf5) . But it does an Exception.
The Abstract Class Code Is:
Future<Either<FireStoreServerFailures, List<String>>> uploadProductImages(
{required ListOf5<File> images});
The Implementation Code Is:
Future<Option<List<String>>> _uploadImagesToFirestorage() async {
return await productRepo
images: (product.value.pickedImages) as ListOf5<File>) // Exception
The Exception Is:
The argument type 'ListOf5 < dynamic>' can't be assigned to the
parameter type 'ListOf5 < File>'.
You are trying to cast the List from List<dynamic> to List<String>.
Instead, you should cast each item, using something like this:
void main() {
List<dynamic> a = ['qwerty'];
Not sure about the implementation of this ListOf5 though...
The cast (product.value.pickedImages) as ListOf5<File> fails.
It fails because product.value.pickedImages is-not-a ListOf5<File>, but instead of ListOf5<dynamic> (which may or may not currently contain only File objects, but that's not what's being checked).
Unlike a language like Java, Dart retains the type arguments at run-time(it doesn't do "erasure"), so a ListOf5<dynamic> which contains only File objects is really different from a ListOf5<File> at run-time.
You need to convert the ListOf5<dynamic> to a ListOf5<File>.
How to do that depends on the type ListOf5, which I don't know.
For a normal List, the two most common options are:
(product.value.pickedImages).cast<File>(). Wraps the existing list and checks on each read that you really do read a File. It throws if you ever read a non-File from the original list. Perfectly fine if you'll only read the list once.
List<File>.of(product.value.pickedImages). Creates a new List<File> containing the values of product.value.pickedImages, and throws if any of the values are not File objects. Requires more memory (because it copies the list), but fails early in case there is a problem, and for small lists, the overhead is unlikely to be significant. If you read the resulting list many times, it'll probably be more efficient overall.
If the ListOf5 class provides similar options, you can use those. If not, you might have to build a new ListOf5 manually, casting each element of the existing ListOf5<dynamic> yourself.
(If the ListOf5 class is your own, you can choose to add such functionality to the class).

Difference between Object, Dynamic and Var in Dart?

There is a discussion about dynamic and var before null-safety. Then what's the Object? between each of them?
Is Object? == dynamic?
How about var? and dynamic??
Any difference between dynamic? and dynamic?
I see the official document about null-safety, but can't find the related topic.
dynamic is a special type that disables static type-checking. You can attempt to call any method on a dynamic type. If the object turns out not to have such a method, then it will result in a runtime failure instead of a compile-time one.
Object? is a base type suitable for referencing any object, including null. Unlike dynamic, it is statically type-checked, so you would get compile-time failures if you attempt to call most methods on it without explicitly checking the runtime type or without performing a cast.
var? is not valid syntax. var is not a type; it declares a variable without explicitly specifying a type, allowing the type to be inferred.
dynamic? is valid but is redundant. (See #3.)
Variables of type dynamic can already include null, so adding a ? to make it nullable is redundant. The Dart analyzer will tell you so.
3: About dynamic vs dynamic?: they are the same.
Since dynamic also represents nullable types, for the compiler it is the same of dynamic?.
From Why operator ==(Object other) accepts a nullable argument?:
You can also see the analyzer and runtime will call it dynamic even if we check the signature of a method declared to return dynamic?:
void main() {
print(test.runtimeType); //runtimeType of the test function: () => dynamic
dynamic? test() { }
In fact a hint of the dart linter reports as 'unnecessary' the use of ? in dynamic? (as in Null?):
The '?' is unnecessary because 'dynamic' is nullable without it. (unnecessary_question_mark).
Personally, I don't understand why dynamic? Is only reported by a hint (which many people, myself included, don't notice) keeping it valid as a syntax.
1: A variable declared with Object? type behaves like all other normal variables whose type is specified, such as String? etc. Since every class -apart Null (the type of null)- is a subclass of Object (and since in Dart there are no primitive values as opposed to objects, unlike in Java; in Dart also null, int and bool are objects. But forget this clarification, if you don't know Java), a variable declared with Object? can contain any value. But the compiler will only allow access -after a null check- to the properties of Object (toString(), ==(), runtimeType, etc).
A variable declared with dynamic (or dynamic?, see point 3) instead allows access to any public member: the compiler will not perform any checks (unless the property begins with an underscore _, because in that case it is clear that it is not public); if you try to access a non-existent member you will instead have an error at runtime Note1. Furthermore, with dynamic we also renounce null safety: dynamic is equivalent to dynamic? (in practice the question mark can be considered implicit, it is as if it were always there).
2: using var, or final -if you want an immutable reference- without declare the type, the compiler check the value assigned to the variable (in fact the omission of the type is not allowed if the variable is not initialized immediately) and treats the variable as if it were declared with that type.
dynamic at runtime:
One use of 'dynamic' that can lead to confusion is with generic classes, because dynamic as parametric type exists also at runtime:
dynamic obj = true;
obj at runtime has bool type, but with
List list = [bool];
list at runtime has List<dynamic> type.
However, using
var list2 = [true];
the parametric type is inferred correctly (list2 has List<bool> runtimeType).
Note1 More precisely, a invocation such as myDynamicVariable.nonexistentMember cause an invocation of the noSuchMethod() method on the object; noSuchMethod() can also be overridden and not throw any exception; but this is a rare practice, in Dart 2).

Dart: Why can't constant variables be an instance variable? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Why only static fields can be declared as 'const'?
(1 answer)
Closed 11 months ago.
In Language Tour of Dart docs, it says "Note: Instance variables can be final but not const. Final instance variables must be initialized before the constructor body starts — at the variable declaration, by a constructor parameter, or in the constructor’s initializer list."
But it's possible to make a constant object using a constant constructor. Why is it not possible to declare a constant variable as a member variable in Dart?
const means compile-time constant.
If you need to create an instance at runtime to create the value, it's not a compile-time constant anymore and therefore its members also can't be const.
Static members do not need an instance to be created and can therefore be constant no matter if the class has a const constructor or if it is used with const or not.
Why is it not possible to declare a constant variable as a member
variable in Dart?
Lets first define what member or instance variables are. Instance variables are basically things that define properties of an object. So, an object of a Car class made like Car(name: "Mercedeces", price: 500000) will have different member property values than Car(name: "Toyota", price: 10000).
Now having an instance variable as final basically means that once you define a Car object with name Mercedes you absolutely can not change the name of the object at run time. You suppose need a Car with name BMW so make a new object. This makes sense when allowing instance properties as final.
Now, lets look at const. const are compile time constants. Suppose you are allowed to define the name instance variable of Car as const. Doing this basically means, no matter how many instances you create of the Car object, all of the names will be the same and just like final members you cannot change it. The first part sounds odd. Not all cars will have the same name, that is contradictory to what instance or object of a class means. A object property may be immutable, using final but definitely will not have the same values. You would want to be able to makes instances of Mercedes sometimes and BMW sometimes. So, it makes no sense to make a instance property as const. This is why dart doesn't allow const without a static keyword. You need a static keyword beside a const property inside a class because only then it conforms to the definition of instance properties.
You can have constants inside a class but they will not be classified as instance variables. The key relies on the difference between final and const, you can't have const instance variables because constants are not variables.
final variables can only be assigned once but this happens at runtime.
the const keyword indicates a compile time constant.
Constants inside classes must be static though, so you could write something like:
class MyClass {
static const kMyConstant = 100;
void talk() {
print('My constant is $kMyConstant');
This is perfectly valid in dart.
Simply because if you want something const, it has to be done in compile-time, so either:
The entire instance is const: This is done by const-constructor.
The entire instance is not const.
You mark only one field const is meaningless.
E.g. const means "only one" there: you can use Car class to create a lot of Car-instances, then you say your wheel is const, so you share a wheel among all Car?
But you can make Car teslaCar = Car.fromModel(type: "Tesla") get the only one compile-time model const Car.

Get type of variable at run-time without having it assigned to an instance of an object and without mirrors

Is it possible to get the type of a variable in Dart at run-time, without having it assigned to an instance of an object and without using mirrors?
I know I can do this without mirrors (which is great!):
Foo foo;
foo = new Foo();
var fooType = foo.runTimeType; // This will give me a type of "Foo"
But I want to know the type of the variable before it is assigned to an object:
Foo foo;
var fooType = foo.runTimeType; // This will not give me a type of "Foo"
I am guessing it is not possible since the typing info is lost in run-time but would like to have it confirmed.
(My actual scenario is that I am doing dependency injection into a Polymer Element using Custom Events. I would like to put as much of this code as possible in an element base-class and have as little code as possible in each derived element class. One thing that I need to do this is to know the type of variables that are to be injected).

Understanding this way of instantiating a new object

I just started BlackBerry development and I follow some of the tutorials to become familiar with the UI objects and so on and I saw/tried this:
private MenuItem menuItemClose = new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Contacts"), 0, 0) {
public void run() {
I have not seen this way of instantiating an object before (thinking about new MenuItem), could someone explain what is happening?
And what is the difference between instantiating objects inside method definitions and in "instance variable section" like this?
That's called an "anonymous inner class."
Anonymous inner classes are classes which are created within another class but not named. They are instantiated by their interface or abstract base class definition and given their missing implementation inline with the instantiation.
In this case, MenuItem is abstract - it's missing its run() method. You're providing the implementation of its run() method here on lines 2-4.
Take a look at this JavaWorld article for more information about the various types and uses of inner classes.
As for the second part of your question "what is the difference between instantiating objects inside method definitions and in "instance variable section" like this?" -- the difference is scope, and when the object is instantiated.
Non-static member variables with initial values are created when the object which contains them is instantiated. The initial value assignment (initialization) executes at that time as well.
Static member variables with initial values are created and initialized when the class is loaded by the VM's class loader. With eager ClassLoading, this will occur at the start of the application. With lazy ClassLoading, this will occur the first time the class is referenced by the application. I believe by default most classes that aren't part of the Java runtime are loaded lazily.
Both static and non-static member variables have object-level scope and are accessible by other objects according to their access modifier (public/private/protected).
Non-static member variables are part of an object instance, and as such they are marked for garbage collection when that instance is orphaned or goes out of scope. Static member variables are only garbage collected if the class that contains them is unloaded. This only occurs if the ClassLoader instance which loaded said class is garbage collected. See this question for more info about that.
Local variables (variables which are defined within a method) with initial values are created and initialized when that line is executed as part of normal method execution. They are marked for garbage collection (destroyed) once they go out of scope (after the method in which they're contained finishes executing).
This creates an anonymous inner class which extends MenuItem and overrides the run method. It is standard Java and has nothing to do with Blackberry.
When you define a new inner class inside the method call, it's known as an 'anonymous inner class'. Anonymous inner classes are useful when you don't really need a reference to the object after the initial method call.
final Object obj = new Object(); // Standard instantiation
System.out.println(obj); // Prints java.lang.Object#5c005c
// Anonymous inner class
System.out.println(new Object() { }); // Prints Foo$1#2500250
// Anonymous inner classes work with interfaces too
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
// Runnable is an interface
This is quite a common pattern and can be useful to define 'one-time-use' objects, perhaps at the expense of readability.
