How can I split EEG evoked potentials in different frequency bands using MNE-python? - signal-processing

So far, I have calculated the evoked potentials. However, I would like to see if there is relatively more activity in the theta band wrt the other bands. When I use mne.Evoked.filter, I get a plot which lookes a lot like a sine wave, containing no useful information. Furthermore, the edge regions (time goes from -0.2s to 1s) are highly distorted.

Filtering will always result in edge artifacts, especially for low frequencies like theta (longer filter). To perform analyses on low frequency signal you should epoch your data into longer segments (epochs) than the time period you are interested in.
Also, if you are interested in theta oscillations it is better to perform time-frequency analysis than filter the ERP. ERP contains only time-locked activity, while with time-frequency representation you will be able to see theta even in time periods where it was not phase-aligned across trials. You may want to follow this tutorial for example.
Also make sure to see the many rich tutorials and examples in mne docs.
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Classifying pattern in time series

I am dealing with a repeating pattern in time series data. My goal is to classify every pattern as 1, and anything that does not follow the pattern as 0. The pattern repeats itself between every two peaks as shown below in the image.
The patterns are not necessarily fixed in sample size but stay within approximate sample size, let's say 500samples +-10%. The heights of the peaks can change. The random signal (I called it random, but basically it means not following pattern shape) can also change in value.
The data is from a sensor. Patterns are when the device is working smoothly. If the device is malfunctioning, then I will not see the patterns and will get something similar to the class 0 I have shown in the image.
What I have done so far is building a logistic regression model. Here are my steps for data preparation:
Grab data between every two consecutive peaks, resample it to a fixed size of 100 samples, scale data to [0-1]. This is class 1.
Repeated step 1 on data between valley and called it class 0.
I generated some noise, and repeated step 1 on chunk of 500 samples to build extra class 0 data.
Bottom figure shows my predictions on the test dataset. Prediction on the noise chunk is not great. I am worried in the real data I may get even more false positives. Any idea on how I can improve my predictions? Any better approach when there is no class 0 data available?
I have seen similar question here. My understanding of Hidden Markov Model is limited but I believe it's used to predict future data. My goal is to classify a sliding window of 500 sample throughout my data.
I have some proposals, that you could try out.
First, I think in this field often recurrent neural networks are used (e.g. LSTMs). But I also heard that some people also work with tree based method like light gbm (I think Aileen Nielsen uses this approach).
So if you don't want to dive into neural networks, which is probably not necessary, because your signals seem to be distinguishable relative easily, you can give light gbm (or other tree ensamble methods) a chance.
If you know the maximum length of a positive sample, you can define the length of your "sliding sample-window" that becomes your input vector (so each sample in the sliding window becomes one input feature), then I would add an extra attribute with the number of samples when the last peak occured (outside/before the sample window). Then you can check in how many steps you let your window slide over the data. This also depends on the memory you have available for this.
But maybe it would be wise then to skip some of the windows between a change between positive and negative, because the states might not be classifiable unambiguously.
In case memory becomes an issue, neural networks could be the better choice, because for training they do not need all training data available at once, so you can generate your input data in batches. With tree based methods this possible does not exist or only in a very limited way.
I'm not sure of what you are trying to achieve.
If you want to characterize what is a peak or not - which is an after the facts classification - then you can use a simple rule to define peaks such as signal(t) - average(signal, t-N to t) > T, with T a certain threshold and N a number of data points to look backwards to.
This would qualify what is a peak (class 1) and what is not (class 0), hence does a classification of patterns.
If your goal is to predict that a peak is going to happen few time units before the peak (on time t), using say data from t-n1 to t-n2 as features, then logistic regression might not necessarily be the best choice.
To find the right model you have to start with visualizing the features you have from t-n1 to t-n2 for every peak(t) and see if there is any pattern you can find. And it can be anything:
was there a peak in in the n3 days before t ?
is there a trend ?
was there an outlier (transform your data into exponential)
in order to compare these patterns, think of normalizing them so that the n2-n1 data points go from 0 to 1 for example.
If you find a pattern visually then you will know what kind of model is likely to work, on which features.
If you don't then it's likely that the white noise you added will be as good. so you might not find a good prediction model.
However, your bottom graph is not so bad; you have only 2 major false positives out of >15 predictions. This hints at better feature engineering.

Applying machine learning to training data parameters

I'm new to machine learning, and I understand that there are parameters and choices that apply to the model you attach to a certain set of inputs, which can be tuned/optimised, but those inputs obviously tie back to fields you generated by slicing and dicing whatever source data you had in a way that makes sense to you. But what if the way you decided to model and cut up your source data, and therefore training data, isn't optimal? Are there ways or tools that extend the power of machine learning into, not only the model, but the way training data was created in the first place?
Say you're analysing the accelerometer, GPS, heartrate and surrounding topography data of someone moving. You want to try determine where this person is likely to become exhausted and stop, assuming they'll continue moving in a straight line based on their trajectory, and that going up any hill will increase heartrate to some point where they must stop. If they're running or walking modifies these things obviously.
So you cut up your data, and feel free to correct how you'd do this, but it's less relevant to the main question:
Slice up raw accelerometer data along X, Y, Z axis for the past A number of seconds into B number of slices to try and profile it, probably applying a CNN to it, to determine if running or walking
Cut up the recent C seconds of raw GPS data into a sequence of D (Lat, Long) pairs, each pair representing the average of E seconds of raw data
Based on the previous sequence, determine speed and trajectory, and determine the upcoming slope, by slicing the next F distance (or seconds, another option to determine, of G) into H number of slices, profiling each, etc...
You get the idea. How do you effectively determine A through H, some of which would completely change the number and behaviour of model inputs? I want to take out any bias I may have about what's right, and let it determine end-to-end. Are there practical solutions to this? Each time it changes the parameters of data creation, go back, re-generate the training data, feed it into the model, train it, tune it, over and over again until you get the best result.
What you call your bias is actually the greatest strength you have. You can include your knowledge of the system. Machine learning, including glorious deep learning is, to put it bluntly, stupid. Although it can figure out features for you, interpretation of these will be difficult.
Also, especially deep learning, has great capacity to memorise (not learn!) patterns, making it easy to overfit to training data. Making machine learning models that generalise well in real world is tough.
In most successful approaches (check against Master Kagglers) people create features. In your case I'd probably want to calculate magnitude and vector of the force. Depending on the type of scenario, I might transform (Lat, Long) into distance from specific point (say, point of origin / activation, or established every 1 minute) or maybe use different coordinate system.
Since your data in time series, I'd probably use something well suited for time series modelling that you can understand and troubleshoot. CNN and such are typically your last resort in majority of cases.
If you really would like to automate it, check e.g. Auto Keras or ludwig. When it comes to learning which features matter most, I'd recommend going with gradient boosting (GBDT).
I'd recommend reading this article from AirBnB that takes deeper dive into journey of building such systems and feature engineering.

Stationary and nonstationary time series data

This question might sound trivial to some but I just got interested in time series analysis and have been reading up about it in the last couple of days. However, I am yet to understand the topic of identifying stationary/non-stationary time-series data. I generated some time-series data of two dimensions using some tool I found. Plotting it out, I get something like in this image:
Looking at the plot, I think it shows some seasonalities (with the spike in the middle) and I would say its not stationary. However, doing the stationarity test as described in Machine Learning Mastery, it passed the stationarity test (the tests says its stationary) . Now, I'm confused maybe I didn't understand what seasons and trends means in time-series data. Am I wrong in thinking that the spikes hints at seasons?
Judging from the plot, your data looks like white noise, which is a type of stationary random data. A stationary time series has constant mean (in your case zero), variance, autocorrelation, etc. across time.
Seasonality is regular patterns that occur at specific calendar intervals within a year, for example quarterly, monthly, or daily patterns. Accordingly, large spikes in a plot do not usually indicate seasonality.
In contrast, the following time series (using R) exhibits an upward trend, monthly seasonality, and increasing variance:
In sum, the AirPassengers time series is not stationary.

removing bias/noise from gappy signal

I have an array of soil water content sensors across several desert field sites. Their signals contain a lot of noise or bias (depending on who I talk to). I want to remove the junk while keeping as much of the signal as possible. I'm not a signal processing guy, so anything along the lines of "use an XYZ filter" or a particular algorithm or something would really help me.
I've posted a plot showing a year's worth of data from one probe. The signal is the "top"; all the junk is below the signal:
I've played around with lowess smoothing a lot; that works reasonably well except in places where there's a lot of bias below the signal (like roughly idx 1000 to 2000 and 15000 to 16000 in the example below).
I have access to Matlab's signal processing toolbox and I'm very comfortable in R and python; if there's a pre-packaged filter in one of those I could jump off from that would be great (but I'm open to coding something new).
Many thanks,
I'd start with a median filter. If I read your plot correctly you're sampling twice an hour and the data isn't too dynamic. Assuming that's correct, a median filter length of 47 or 49 would equate to a one-day window. In this data set you could probably crank that up to a week or more. In any case you should plot the unfiltered and filtered data on top of each other to make sure the filtered data passes the eyeball test (you'll know it when you see it). You may need to do the final clean-up by hand (hope you don't have thousands of sensors).
(Also, I'd send an intern or grad student out to the field sites to find out what's wrong with sensors and fix them.)
It might be worth a quick try to implement some standard deviation filtering of your data set. Split your data up into N segments and for each segment, calculate the standard deviation for the Y-values. Once you've got that, filter out data points that have Y-values that exceed 3 standard deviations (or however much you want). Of course, there is some manual work that goes on with figuring out exactly how many segments to use.

What does dimensionality reduction mean?

What does dimensionality reduction mean exactly?
I searched for its meaning, I just found that it means the transformation of raw data into a more useful form. So what is the benefit of having data in useful form, I mean how can I use it in a practical life (application)?
Dimensionality Reduction is about converting data of very high dimensionality into data of much lower dimensionality such that each of the lower dimensions convey much more information.
This is typically done while solving machine learning problems to get better features for a classification or regression task.
Heres a contrived example - Suppose you have a list of 100 movies and 1000 people and for each person, you know whether they like or dislike each of the 100 movies. So for each instance (which in this case means each person) you have a binary vector of length 100 [position i is 0 if that person dislikes the i'th movie, 1 otherwise ].
You can perform your machine learning task on these vectors directly.. but instead you could decide upon 5 genres of movies and using the data you already have, figure out whether the person likes or dislikes the entire genre and, in this way reduce your data from a vector of size 100 into a vector of size 5 [position i is 1 if the person likes genre i]
The vector of length 5 can be thought of as a good representative of the vector of length 100 because most people might be liking movies only in their preferred genres.
However its not going to be an exact representative because there might be cases where a person hates all movies of a genre except one.
The point is, that the reduced vector conveys most of the information in the larger one while consuming a lot less space and being faster to compute with.
You're question is a little vague, but there's an interesting statistical technique that may be what you're thinking off called Principal Component Analysis which does something similar (and incidentally plotting the results from which was my first real world programming task)
It's a neat, but clever technique which is remarkably widely applicable. I applied it to similarities between protein amino acid sequences, but I've seen it used for analysis everything from relationships between bacteria to malt whisky.
Consider a graph of some attributes of a collection of things where one has two independent variables - to analyse the relationship on these one obviously plots on two dimensions and you might see a scatter of points. if you've three variable you can use a 3D graph, but after that one starts to run out of dimensions.
In PCA one might have dozens or even a hundred or more independent factors, all of which need to be plotted on perpendicular axis. Using PCA one does this, then analyses the resultant multidimensional graph to find the set of two or three axis within the graph which contain the largest amount of information. For example the first Principal Coordinate will be a composite axis (i.e. at some angle through n-dimensional space) which has the most information when the points are plotted along it. The second axis is perpendicular to this (remember this is n-dimensional space, so there's a lot of perpendiculars) which contains the second largest amount of information etc.
Plotting the resultant graph in 2D or 3D will typically give you a visualization of the data which contains a significant amount of the information in the original dataset. It's usual for the technique to be considered valid to be looking for a representation that contains around 70% of the original data - enough to visualize relationships with some confidence that would otherwise not be apparent in the raw statistics. Notice that the technique requires that all factors have the same weight, but given that it's an extremely widely applicable method that deserves to be more widely know and is available in most statistical packages (I did my work on an ICL 2700 in 1980 - which is about as powerful as an iPhone)
maybe you have heard of PCA (principle component analysis), which is a Dimension reduction algorithm.
Others include LDA, matrix factorization based methods, etc.
Here's a simple example. You have a lot of text files and each file consists some words. There files can be classified into two categories. You want to visualize a file as a point in a 2D/3D space so that you can see the distribution clearly. So you need to do dimension reduction to transfer a file containing a lot of words into only 2 or 3 dimensions.
The dimensionality of a measurement of something, is the number of numbers required to describe it. So for example the number of numbers needed to describe the location of a point in space will be 3 (x,y and z).
Now lets consider the location of a train along a long but winding track through the mountains. At first glance this may appear to be a 3 dimensional problem, requiring a longitude, latitude and height measurement to specify. But this 3 dimensions can be reduced to one if you just take the distance travelled along the track from the start instead.
If you were given the task of using a neural network or some statistical technique to predict how far a train could get given a certain quantity of fuel, then it will be far easier to work with the 1 dimensional data than the 3 dimensional version.
It's a technique of data mining. Its main benefit is that it allows you to produce a visual representation of many-dimensional data. The human brain is peerless at spotting and analyzing patterns in visual data, but can process a maximum of three dimensions (four if you use time, i.e. animated displays) - so any data with more than 3 dimensions needs to somehow compressed down to 3 (or 2, since plotting data in 3D can often be technically difficult).
BTW, a very simple form of dimensionality reduction is the use of color to represent an additional dimension, for example in heat maps.
Suppose you're building a database of information about a large collection of adult human beings. It's also going to be quite detailed. So we could say that the database is going to have large dimensions.
AAMOF each database record will actually include a measure of the person's IQ and shoe size. Now let's pretend that these two characteristics are quite highly correlated. Compared to IQs shoe sizes may be easy to measure and we want to populate the database with useful data as quickly as possible. One thing we could do would be to forge ahead and record shoe sizes for new database records, postponing the task of collecting IQ data for later. We would still be able to estimate IQs using shoe sizes because the two measures are correlated.
We would be using a very simple form of practical dimension reduction by leaving IQ out of records initially. Principal components analysis, various forms of factor analysis and other methods are extensions of this simple idea.
