caption disappear when I use \begin {figure}[H] - latex

I found my caption disappear when I use the [H]
I found my caption appear when I use [ht]
How solve this when I still want use [H]?


Caption Centered To Image Rather Than Page

There isn't exactly any code here, since I just want to centre \begin{figure} and \end{figure}'s captions to the entre of the image included rather than to the centre of the page, if i centre the image to the left, the caption still appears to the centre of the page (without using minipage as that is the only way i know to do it right now).
Here's an example:
What I get from compiling it:
I want this be centered to the image itself, and not the page, without using minipage.
Here is the source image btw, just some image I found on google
One possible approach using the varwidth package:

How to align the note with the left side of the figure?

I am trying to put notes in the pictures of my work but the notes are getting aligned with the border of the text and not the figure. How to align the note (Fonte: Elaborated by the author (2021)) of the table with the left side of the figure?
\caption{Text tex text.}
\fonte{Elaborated by the author (2021)..}
I would like something similar to the threeparttable environment for tables but that can be used in figures. I thought about the minipage environment but I don't want to specify the width for each figure manually.
Here is an example of how to do it, defining a new caption.
\newcommand{\fonte}[1]{\captionsetup{skip=0.5ex,position=b}\caption*{\textit{Fonte:} {#1}}}
\caption{Example image.}
And the result is:

Fixing image position in latex, [h] doesn't work

Here's the usual code
\begin{figure} [H]
including the float package
But the result is the image at any other place, followed by [H]. What's happening?
i have the same problem so i have simply fix it by using flot package
I had this issue, but I added the command [h] next to the {figure}
\caption{image example}
and it worked for me!

Latex List of Figures

So i'm trying to hide the label in my cover image.
>\caption* {Mycaption}
>\end {figure}
This way it's not labeling the figure but its not showing on the list of figures
Help please ;D
You can give the caption package the option labelformat=empty to suppress the Figure 1 etc. labelling:
You can use square brackets to specify the description for the figure list, and curly brackets for the actual figure caption. So I think you should be able to do the following to supress the caption but still have an entry in the figure list:
\end {figure}
There are a couple of options, depending on what yo're after exactly:
\setcounter{topnumber}{3}% Just for this example
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{Example image A}%
Example image A
\addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{\protect\numberline{}Example image B}%
Example image B
\caption{Example image C}
The figure caption is added using \addcontentsline{lof}{figure}{<caption>}, where <caption> can either contain a blank \numberline{}, or just the regular caption. The above example shows the usage of either.
It would also be possible to have no label shows in the image, but have a numbered entry in the LoF using caption. But it would seem strange to have a numbered entry in the LoF and an unnumbered figure.

Figures in LaTeX

How do you have a figure imported so that it appears on the bottom of a page with a caption? When I import it and put a caption on it normally, it always appears at the top of a page.
your figure
See this link, for more syntax:,_Figures_and_Captions#Figures
Just an example:
Caption below
\caption{That cat!} % caption line
Caption above
\caption{That cat!} % caption line
To add to freyrs:
If if you put \caption above the \includegraphics the caption will be above the figure, if you put \caption below the \includegraphics the caption will appear below the figure.
