Xcode 12. copy swift standard libraries into... error - ios

I have a Mac Mini M1, and I'm facing this issue: Build input file cannot be found... (in target 'appname' from project 'appname'), this is the copy Swift standard libaries into 'appname.app' error...
Can build on real device, can archive, can do everything but the simulator doesn't work. I tried all workaround what founded on different forums but nothing works. This is a react-native project. If somebody got this issue and found a solution please help.


Xcode Could not find module 'xxxxx' for target 'x86_64-apple-ios-simulator'; found: arm64-apple-ios-simulator,

I have an M1 pro mac, without Rosetta installed
I have a big project with many pods connected.
There is 'EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*] = arm64' for a project for Debug, and everything worked fine on Simulator.
The error appears when I connected the custom Swift Package and only for the simulator. On the device, there is no error, and all is working fine.
I have checked many helpless articles. Maybe you can guide me to fix this problem?

XCode 12.5 w/ MacOS 11.3 - Fails to Archive: Illegal Instruction: 4

This question has been asked a few times in the past, but none of those answers seem to match what is currently going on.
I have an app (SwiftUI) that builds, runs, tests fine on simulators and devices. But when attempting to Archive for iOS and/or MacOS, the archiving fails with a vague error "Illegal instruction: 4". The compiler then lists a bunch of files and directories which offer no help.
CompileSwift normal arm64 (in target 'App Name' from project 'App Name')
...Lists a bunch of directories
error: Illegal instruction: 4 (in target 'App Name' from project 'App Name')
The weird thing is that prior to the XCode and MacOS update, this app will Archive fine. So I am left to assume something was deprecated in this latest release.
My question is: What are some debugging tools to help me start to find where in my code this may be happening? Why would the app build and run fine on simulators and devices but not Archive? makes no sense to me.
I did test this by attempting to Archive on another MacBook with MacOS 11.0.1 and XCode 12.2, and it Archives fine.. Although, this is really useless since you cant upload a binary compiled with an older version of XCode.. *I was able to upload the binary using the older Xcode version, not sure if it will let me release this, but I will try that for now.
I have considered deleting and reinstalling XCode, but I don't know if that would be a waste of time. Maybe something didn't update properly?
At a loss. Any insight is appreciated.
When I edit the scheme and change Archive from Release to Debug, it Archive's?!
What am I missing?
2nd update:
When changing the build settings, under the Project, Swift Compilier, Code Generation, Optimization level from Optimize for Speed -O to No Optimization -Onone, the app Archives with no issues.

Xcode build error when building onto device - Library not found for -lDoubleConversion

So my app has run and built successfully on the Xcode simulators. The app is a react native app
However when trying to put it onto a device I get the error.
What steps do I need to take to get this to work?
Library not found for -lDoubleConversion
-I am running the Xcode workspace file
-I did try use_framework! in the Podfile but I don't think that was right and caused more issues
also tried adding it to the podfile
The reason I had this error is that my iOS version required in my podfile was not the same as that as the min version in xcode.
The error generated by xcode wasn't helpful in this case and pretty ambiguous given the range of answers on the internet

Unable to build iOS after renaming Xcode project flutter

I have an issue guys. For some reason, I decided to rename my Xcode project runner folder before sending to the apple store. Now I wanted to rebuild for iOS with this command: flutter build ios. But I get this error each time:
Expected ios/Runner.xcodeproj but this file is missing.
Application not configured for iOS
I also tried building this with Xcode. I got this error each time:
/Users/apple/FlutterProjects/kashbase/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Kashbase/Pods-Kashbase.debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "Kashbase" in project "Kashbase") (in target 'Kashbase')
What does this mean and how can resolve this? Any helpful effort will be greatly appreciated.

Firebase integrating into IOS project - No such file or directory

I created a simple multiple view IOS app in Swift 4 using Xcode 9.2. This app is nearly finished and works perfectly in the simulator and on a real IOS device. Before releasing the app, I would like to add some advertisement, analytics and crash recording functionality using Firebase. Therefor, I navigated to the official website and followed the required steps with CocoaPods, as suggested by this website.
What I did:
Project works on device and simulator
Closed Xcode
I installed CocoaPods
Edited the Pod file
Run the Pod file (pod install)
Opened the xcworkspace project with Xcode
Added the GoogleService-Info.plist file to the project
Tried to build the project ---> Shell Script Invocation Error
Showing Recent Errors Only
No such file or directory
No other warning flag are shown, just this error.
Any of you encountered this problem before? If yes, what did you do to solve this?
I tried:
Opening closing Xcode
Cleaning the project
Restarting my mac
Removing DerivedData from the folder pointed in 'workspace settings'
Thanks in advance!
I found the answer: there were spaces in my app project folder and app projects name, Xcode and Cocoapods are not accepting these. I created a new project a project name without spaces, no problems at all! Thanks all for your help!
