Flutter animation show movement of list item - flutter-animation

I have 2 list scroll horizontal.
When I click in the item of above list, this item will move to below list.
I want to have animation which will show the movement progress of this item.
Help me!!!!!

inview_notifier_list: https://pub.dev/packages/inview_notifier_list
flutter_shimmer: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_shimmer


How to get red distance lines in storyboard Xcode?

Watching a tutorial and it looks like the guy is holding down a button to show the distance between his selected view and what's around it.
I've tried command, option, control, and every other button I can think might work. What button needs to be held to get these lines?
By pressing option key only on your keyboard.
Select an element, and move the mouse while pressing the option key, it will show the red lines with the distances.
Hovering over another element will show you the distance between the selected element and that element.

carouselCurrentItemIndexDidChange on iCarousel only being called when I swipe

I'm using iCarousel in my Swift+Sprite Kit game, where the user has unlocked and locked items.
The locked items would display some info like current user coins, and some text that says "UNLOCK THIS FOR: X amount of coins", if the carousel item isn't locked, it won't display any of that information, just a button that says "Select".
Now, I got that working, but it will only work when i start swiping the items and not the first time the carousel shows up.
To make that work, I do it inside carouselCurrentItemIndexDidChange() method. And that obviously changes when I swipe.
How can I set the current carousel index at start so then I can force to show or not show the information depending if the item is locked or unlocked and not only when I start swiping?
To add more information about this, imagine that the user selected the item at index 4, i save that index locally. So if the user closes and opens the game, the carousel should begin at 4 not 0.
Thanks in advance.
You should set up your carousel views in viewForItemAtIndex: reusingView:. The view returned by this method should represent the current state of that carousel item; so locked or "Select" as appropriate.
If the state of an item changes then you can call reloadItemAtIndex: to have iCarousel request an updated view for that item by calling viewForItemAtIndex: reusingView:.
You can scroll the carousel to a particular item by calling scrollToItemAtIndex:animated:

Xcode - How to change place of Tab Bar Item

I want the Contact icon on the left, what is the easiest way to do this?
EDIT: I found a simple solution.. I just had to delete the link between my Tab Bar Controller and the Bookmark page, then reconnect it to set it as second icon (on the right). See image: prntscr.com/b0hucd
Drag and drop should work
You can drag the contacts bar Item to the left to rearrange its position from the Storyboard.
Try this code i used it to move the image in tabbar items to move vertically up.In this loop check that the index is 1 else it will move the bookmark icon also
for (UITabBarItem * item in tabBarController.tabBar.items) {
item.image=[item.image imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysOriginal];
item.imageInsets=UIEdgeInsetsMake(item.imageInsets.top, item.imageInsets.left+20, item.imageInsets.bottom, item.imageInsets.right-20);
Note: If it doesn't move the text let me know
UITabBar Class Reference
Check out the "items" property. (emphasis mine)
This property contains an array of UITabBarItem objects, each of which corresponds to a tab displayed by the tab bar. The order of the items in this property corresponds to the order of the items onscreen. You can use this property to access the items as needed.

how scroll listview to a position assigned by programe smoothly?

Here i make a listview with sectionHeader, and then i supply a sub navigator for quick navigation, just like the contact list ,,the question is :
The listview has 3000 rows, when first come to the view, i click 'z' to quickly navigate to bottom of listview,,but i had to wait for the all the section redered.
Any some best ways to solve the problem?

show elements on touch event of iPad

I need a function to show some action items in each row of a grid when user tap/ touch the row. As shown in image attached. At one time only one rows action items should be visible.
Any help would be appreciated.
You are using UITableView only right. Then you can simply get the index of that row and can change the cell for that index.
