show elements on touch event of iPad - ipad

I need a function to show some action items in each row of a grid when user tap/ touch the row. As shown in image attached. At one time only one rows action items should be visible.
Any help would be appreciated.

You are using UITableView only right. Then you can simply get the index of that row and can change the cell for that index.


How to hide measure value from table but show value?

I am very new to tableau and I would like to somehow hide from this example the 2nd and 4th row, but put the value behind the 1st and 3rd row.
So the % values should stay but basically, I do not need the tag of it.
Any help would be very appreciated.

Toggle Custom UITableViewCell Radio Button

I have a custom cell where it displays a table like structure with multiple columns.
Each row has a column that is a button that will perform different tasks.
My issue is trying to get the middle column to communicate its state with the other rows.
Initially everything will be grey (not selected) but, when I tap the middle column button, the state will be green. When I select a different row that button will turn green and the previous row would be grey.
Again, each column in the row is a button that does something different (i.e. the right button loads up a modal view). I have tried to use
didSelectRowAtIndexPath but, with the overlapping custom views it does not seem to read the selection.
Any help would be appreciated

How to add a subview in drop-down style in a table below each row on row-click event?

How to add a subview in drop-down style in a table below each row on row-click event?
Ill add more details: When I click on a row, a subview should be appear in drop-down style below the row where I can put more Buttons and text-boxes. This should happen for every row in the table.
This might help you
It features exactly what you've described

Titanium Mobile editable row moves inner row elements

I have a tableView with multiple TableViewRow objects, always 4.
When the edit button is clicked the row can be reordered, which is working.
But when the edit button is clicked the elements inside of a row seem to be moved with margins from left and right.
The items in a row should not be moved, so I was hoping someone could tell me how I can make sure the labels inside a row element are not being moved around when edited.
I have included some images, hoping to clarify my question:
Rows when not edited
Rows when edited
The solution was easy, but I didnt know.
The way to achieve this; Add a view to each row and do NOT set the left or right properties.
This way the delete button and move icon are not pushing the inner view away.
Its a default behavior. I dont think there's any way defined in Titanium API to override the moving of inner elements. So you cannot change this default behavior.

Delphi DBGrid disable clicking on another row when editing

I have a dbgrid displaying data from a Ttable and my problem is that when
editing a row in the grid the focus is on the row that I want to edit but I can
still click on another row and edit it. How do I disable clicking on another row
or keep focus on the same row?
Second question is (still on the dbgrid) when I edit a column and double click on that column,
the focus moves to the end of the text line therefor not showing the original text but only showing maybe the last character and spaces.
Please help...
After a while of playing around with this, I've discovered that there's no easy way
to disable the user from moving from the highlighted row (row to edit) when clicking another row.
The best way is to cancel when he clicks on another row, I'm using a TTable and TQuery, so
on the BeforePost event, just do a cancel on your table or query. But you also need to do the
same on the AfterScroll even, just in case.
Thanks for all your help.
