How to set custom header for all requests that go through OmniAuth? - ruby-on-rails

This is mostly a thought exercise that I couldn't figure out how to solve. :)
Does anyone know how to set a custom request header for all requests that use the omniauth or omniauth-oauth2 gems?
I've tried something like the following, but I don't see the header in my developer tools in Chrome, for example.
OmniAuth.config.before_request_phase do |env|
env['MY_CUSTOM_HEADER'] = 'true'
What am I doing wrong here? What am I missing here?
Edit based on responses:
Why I need the custom header set doesn't really matter here -- as I mentioned at the top of the question: this is just a curiosity I had. The constraint is that I'd like to test the custom header on any OS or browser, so it's not sufficient to just play with developer tools in Chrome here as not all browsers have that capability on across all OSes.
What I'm trying to do is add a custom header to all outgoing OAuth requests coming out the gem. That's it.

In browser developer tools you can only see request headers that are sent by or response headers received by the browser. Any request headers set by load balancers, reverse proxies, middleware and so on - are only visible to next stage in request handling chain.
OmniAuth lives in middleware, so technically any request in your app uses it, unless some other middleware terminates request chain and renders some response.
Also "request" in omniauth terms is not http request, it's an auth phase, usually happens on /auth/:provider (also there're "options" and "callback" phases).
It's not clear why you need setting a request header in a middleware on a request that goes into your own application - when request is going to be handled by omniauth it will not hit your controllers, except for callback phase where request.env['omniauth.auth'] is going to be set.
Since you're mentioned developer tools - probably you want response headers on request phase, to set these you need to override rack response returned from request_phase in your strategy. But for oauth2 there's only a redirect (still possible to set headers, but even less sense).
So first you need to be exact on which headers you want to be set at which request/response, there're several of those. Simplified sequence:

An OAuth request handler cannot force a browser (or any similar user-agent) to disclose more information than specified in the HTTP protocol. Be glad of that: any other posture could lead to information leakage.
The only connection that Omniauth might make itself is that exchanging a code for an access/refresh token. That is specific to the strategy in question, but strategies have the opportunity to include arbitrary headers in their internal client. If you're writing a custom strategy that required a basic authentication header during the access token exchange, it might look like this:
require 'omniauth-oauth2'
module OmniAuth
module Strategies
class DemoStrategy < OmniAuth::Strategies::OAuth2
option :name, "demo"
option :client_options, {
site: '',
authorize_url: '',
token_url: ''
uid { raw_info['id'].to_s }
info do
{ email: raw_info['email'], image: raw_info['avatar_url'] }
extra do
{ raw_info: raw_info }
def raw_info
#raw_info ||= access_token.get('user').parsed
def build_access_token
options.token_params.merge!(headers: {
'Authorization' => special_auth_header
def basic_auth_header
"Basic " + Base64.strict_encode64("#{options[:demo_id]}:#{options[:demo_secret]}")
Here, build_access_token is overriding the superclass's standard constructor for the internal HTTP client, and injecting extra headers before handing it back up the stack. Internally that's handed off to the oauth2 gem, which in turn uses Faraday, so it's likely anything Faraday accepts is a valid option.
If you need additional information carried to the authentication server, it may be encoded in the redirect URL by the strategy. For example, the omniauth-google-oauth2 strategy is configurable to carry authentication scopes and email hints in the URL that lands on Google's authentication endpoint.
It is also common to include a XSRF state parameter, in conjunction with an encrypted session cookie, to protect against identity spoofing. Depending on the co-operation of the authentication server, some or all of this data may be reflected in the redirection back to your handler.
At it simplest, that is handled by the authorize_params method in the strategy subclass e.g.
def authorize_params
super.tap do |params|
params[:something] = 'my_extra_value'
However, the volume of code involved in setting up extended parameters may be quite substantial in practice. For a worked example of doing this with Omniauth I'd suggest taking a looking at the source code of the Google strategy, and again I'll draw your attention to the authorize_params method which is the entry point for this heavy lifting.
In the overall flow of things, those are the touch points where server-side code can actually influence matters. There's a fundamental expectation that the user's client/browser is participating by executing nothing but normal HTTPS request.


graphql_devise for authentication in Rails/Graphql/Apollo/React. "field requires authentication" error

I have a project where I am setting up a Rails API with Graphql and React/Apollo. I've purpled all the google links looking for the best authentication solution, but it seems I haven't been able to find a clear answer.
I settled on using the graphql_devise gem, which leverages devise & devise_token_auth. I would have preferred to find a JWT solution, but just couldn't. (If you have any obvious suggestions please tell me!)
First I mounted a separate auth route, but ran into problems with multiple endpoints when I was setting up ApolloClient. I couldn't figure out how to direct auth related requests to my auth endpoint, while letting the rest go through to my graphql one. (If figuring this out is the easiest solution, please tell me!) Instead, I mounted the auth routes in my own schema, as instructed by the docs:
class MyApiSchema < GraphQL::Schema
query: Types::QueryType,
mutation: Types::MutationType,
resource_loaders: ['User', only: [:login, :logout])
And edited the execute line in graphql_controller.rb:
result = MyApiSchema.execute(query, variables: variables, context: graphql_context(:user), operation_name: operation_name)
At this point, running a test query in postman is successful. I can access the graphql route with a userLogin mutation without any headers set, and get a successful response with client, uid & token. Authentication of my other queries also works—success with headers, denied without.
But when I try to perform the same queries using useQuery in react, it doesn't work. In the Apollo Client Developer Tools plugin in Chrome, it doesn't work either, returning only [Object object]. By looking at the request in my Network tab, I can see that this is the result of the same error: "photo field requires authentication".
When I pry into the rails server, I can see that the headers are being received. I can even authenticate the user manually in my graphql_controller before the execute method is called, so I don't think that it is a CORS issue. I have set up the rack-cors gem in Rails to expose the required headers.
When I drill into the code, it seems that the graphql_devise method set_current_resource is failing to return my user. This seems to stem from the devise method set_user_by_token, but I have not been able to figure out why it is failing.
If anyone has any experience with implementing this gem & stack, I would very much appreciate your input! If you have a better way of approaching authentication, I'd love to know what your strategy is. If you can help me solve this ... field requires authentication error, I will love you forever.
Apologies if I've provided too much/too little info, or if my question is too vague. Please let me know if there's something specific I should know to ask/show in my code. Hope you can help! Thanks.
I've managed to find the issue, and I thought I'd explain.
Having traced the problem to the set_user_by_token method in the devise_token_auth gem, I bundle open devise_token_auth'd, and put a byebug inside. This revealed that #token.token was not being extracted correctly from the headers.
The problem was that my header access-token was somehow being converted to accessToken, so when devise tried to set the token info from the request headers using this key, it returned nil.
I do not know why or where this conversion takes place. I suspect it originates from Apollo/React rather than Rails, since the headers on my postman query were not altered. In react, when I set the headers they are set with access-token, as below, but it seems that at some point in the life of my request they are changed.
How I have set the headers in React:
const client = new ApolloClient({
link: new HttpLink({
uri: 'http://localhost:3000/graphql',
headers: {
accessToken: localStorage.getItem('access-token'),
client: localStorage.getItem('client'),
uid: localStorage.getItem('uid')
The keys that devise_token_auth uses to select the headers from the request can be changed in the initializers/devise_token_auth.rb file.
I edited them as follows:
config.headers_names = {:'access-token' => 'accessToken',
:'client' => 'client',
:'expiry' => 'expiry',
:'uid' => 'uid',
:'token-type' => 'token-type' }
This means that my front-end is now working smoothly, and I can perform queries/mutations with authentication. However, now in my postman queries I have to change the header to accessToken if I want them to work.
It would be great to know exactly at what point my header from React is changed to camelCase, but for now, it's working. Hope this helps if anyone goes through the same frustrations!

GraphQL/ Rails 422 Unprocessable Entity - Saving token to Session

I’m currently working on changing the rails backend of a project from REST to graphql and I’m running into an error with authentication following their tutorial -
I’m using the GraphiQL engine to test all my requests and receiving error status 422 unprocessable Entity, User Must Exist
Which makes sense because the mutation I am executing is to create a new color - which has a belongs_to relationship to User.
About halfway through the page linked above ^^^ it says this:
With the token that the signinUser mutation provides, apps can
authenticate subsequent requests. There are a couple of ways this can
be done. In this tutorial, we are just going to use the built-in
session, since this doesn’t add any requirements to the client application. The GraphQL server should be able to get the token from
the session header on each request, detect what user it relates to,
and pass this information down to the resolvers.
I’m able to successfully return an auth token through the signinUser method like the docs show previously on the same page - the method that it posts to also saves the token to this supposed session in this method here (also from the same link posted above ^^^) :
def call(_obj, args, ctx)
input = args[:email]
return unless input
user = User.find_by email: input[:email]
return unless user
return unless user.authenticate(input[:password_digest])
crypt =["SECRET_BASE_KEY"])
token = crypt.encrypt_and_sign("user-id:#{ }")
puts "please **********************************"
p ctx[:session]
ctx[:session][:token] = token
puts "please **********************************"
p ctx[:session]{
user: user,
token: token
You’ll be able to see in my desperate struggle that I p’d out the session right before the method returns and not surprisingly saw that it contained the token for that users sign in.
However, when I proceeded to execute the mutation to create a color, my expectation was that the session would still contain that token and I’d be able to commit that color successfully. That was not the case and when I p’d out the session for this request, it return an empty hash.
I cant find any information about how the built in graphql session works - and I’m brand new to graphql in general.
My main questions would be - is the graphql session supposed to be caching token information? Why is it that the information is not carrying over to requests following signinUser ? Should I even bother with trying to use the auth in this tutorial since the docs claim that this authentication method is not a long term solution?
I know this is a lot but would really appreciate an extra brain on this.
Thanks in advance!
PS. I understand the tutorial uses links and I am using colors here - that is intentional and I have done my best to make sure that semantic differences were not causing any errors.
Rails version - 5.2.2 (using api only)
graphql - 1.7.4
graphiql rails - 1.4.4
Same as REST APIs GraphQL does not store any information between two subsequent requests, You have to pass authentication token returned in sign in mutation to all subsequent requests where you want current user-related information.
You should do something like below in graphql_controller.rb
class GraphqlController < ApplicationController
def execute
variables = ensure_hash(params[:variables])
query = params[:query]
operation_name = params[:operationName]
context = {
current_user: current_user
result = GraphqlTutorialSchema.execute(query, variables: variables, context: context, operation_name: operation_name)
render json: result
# set current user here
def current_user
# you can token here
token = request.headers['Authorization']
return nil unless token
# find current user from this token
# Handle form data, JSON body, or a blank value
def ensure_hash(ambiguous_param)
# ...code
A colleague of mine pointed out that "session" is part of rails and should create a cookie that would be accessible from the next request.
I mentioned that I was using Rails version - 5.2.2 (using api only) - well when you use the -api flag when initializing a new rails project, it adds these lines to application.rb
# Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here.
# Application configuration can go into files in config/initializers
# -- all .rb files in that directory are automatically loaded after loading
# the framework and any gems in your application.
# Only loads a smaller set of middleware suitable for API only apps.
# Middleware like session, flash, cookies can be added back manually.
# Skip views, helpers and assets when generating a new resource.
config.api_only = true
Notice this line in particular - Middleware like session, flash, cookies can be added back manually.
I commented out config.api_only = true and this added cookies back to the application/ allowed me to make the next request with an existing user.
You can also add these lines I found from "Lysender" on his post - Rails 5 – API Only – Enable Cookies and Sessions if you'd prefer not to remove the api-only feature.
config.api_only = true
config.middleware.use ActionDispatch::Cookies
config.middleware.use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, key: '_coookie_name', expire_after: 30.days

Verify Shopify webhook

I believe that to have a Shopify webhook integrate with a Rails app, the Rails app needs to disable the default verify_authenticity_token method, and implement its own authentication using the X_SHOPIFY_HMAC_SHA256 header. The Shopify docs say to just use So, I did that:
def create
# Send back a 200 OK response
head :ok
def verify_webhook(request)
header_hmac = request.headers["HTTP_X_SHOPIFY_HMAC_SHA256"]
digest ="sha256")
calculated_hmac = Base64.encode64(OpenSSL::HMAC.digest(digest, SHARED_SECRET,
puts "header hmac: #{header_hmac}"
puts "calculated hmac: #{calculated_hmac}"
puts "Verified:#{ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.secure_compare(calculated_hmac, header_hmac)}"
The Shopify webhook is directed to the correct URL and the route gives it to the controller method shown above. But when I send a test notification, the output is not right. The two HMACs are not equal, and so it is not verified. I am fairly sure that the problem is that Shopify is using the entire request as their seed for the authentication hash, not just the POST contents. So, I need the original, untouched HTTP request, unless I am mistaken.
This question seemed like the only promising thing on the Internet after at least an hour of searching. It was exactly what I was asking and it had an accepted answer with 30 upvotes. But his answer... is absurd. It spits out an unintelligible, garbled mess of all kinds of things. Am I missing something glaring?
Furthermore, this article seemed to suggest that what I am looking for is not possible. It seems that Rails is never given the unadulterated request, but it is split into disparate parts by Rack, before it ever gets to Rails. If so, I guess I could maybe attempt to reassemble it, but I would have to even get the order of the headers correct for a hash to work, so I can't imagine that would be possible.
I guess my main question is, am I totally screwed?
The problem was in my SHARED_SECRET. I assumed this was the API secret key, because a few days ago it was called the shared secret in the Shopify admin page. But now I see a tiny paragraph at the bottom of the notifications page that says,
All your webhooks will be signed with ---MY_REAL_SHARED_SECRET--- so
you can verify their integrity.
This is the secret I need to use to verify the webhooks. Why there are two of them, I have no idea.
Have you tried doing it in the order they show in their guides? They have a working sample for ruby.
def create
data =
header = request.headers["HTTP_X_SHOPIFY_HMAC_SHA256"]
verified = verify_webhook(data, header)
head :ok
They say in their guides:
Each Webhook request includes a X-Shopify-Hmac-SHA256 header which is
generated using the app's shared secret, along with the data sent in
the request.
the keywors being "generated using shared secret AND DATA sent in the request" so all of this should be available on your end, both the DATA and the shared secret.

request.env["omniauth.params"] empty during callback phase when using omniauth-stripe-connect

I am attempting to use the omniauth-stripe-connect strategy to connect user accounts so i can transfer funds directly to their accounts during a purchase.
I have the following in an initializer
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :stripe_connect, APP_CONFIG[:stripe_connect_client_id],
scope: 'read_write',
stripe_landing: 'register'
on_failure { |env| AuthController.action(:failure).call(env) }
and the following in an auth controller
def stripe_connect
result = request.env["omniauth.auth"]
pass_through_params = request.env["omniauth.params"]
# do some stuff
and I initiate the authentication process with
During the callback request.env["omniauth.auth"] has correct values, but request.env["omniauth.params"] is always {}. request.env["omniauth.origin"] is also nil.
I have gotten this to work in other situations (facebook oauth integration). At a loss as to why those values are not returned as expected.
The issue has entirely to do with how oauth sets the param values. This is managed through values stored on session. I had thought the values were being forwarded to the authenticating service (in this case Stripe) and returned by that service.
Instead, they get placed in session prior to the call, and appended to the oauth values during the callback phase.
My issue was related to my use of subdomains. I was initiating the request on one subdomain and returning (callback url) to a different subdomain. Since sessions aren't maintain across subdomains (at least with our configuration), the params information was not available.
Reworking the process to use the same subdomain during the request phase and the callbacks phase solved the problem.

Prevent Authlogic from establishing a session/cookie for non-HTML requests

I'm using Authlogic and Rails 3. On top of the regular browser-based user experience (logging in via form and whatnot), I'd like to implement an API.
Authlogic seems to support single access tokens that don't persist by default. I supply them by adding a GET argument as in:
Question: Is there any way I can have Authlogic accept the API key via HTTP Basic Auth? Highrise does something just like this, allowing for:
curl -u 605b32dd:X
The same with Freshbooks:
curl -u insert_token_here:X -d '[xml body here]'
How I would go about imitating this functionality? I can't even figure out where the input data (postdata from forms, HTTP basic, API token) are taken in. I've boiled it down to a call to UserSessions.find with no arguments, but I lose track of it after there.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Related question: I'd also like to disable session persistence (make it so that no cookie is stored) if HTTP basic is used. Any help on this too would be appreciated!
If you're implementing an API, you could consider building a separate Rack application that is then mounted at '/api/1.0/...' and shares your models.
That way you are not tying yourself into having your API directly related to your public routes, which could be difficult to construct for the API user.
A good approach would be to create a simple Sinatra application that exposes just the methods that you want, and to then create a separate authentication strategy:
require 'sinatra'
require 'active_support' # all the Rails stuff
require 'lib/user' # your User class
require 'sinatra/respond_to' # gem install sinatra-respond_to
Sinatra::Application.register Sinatra::RespondTo
use Rack::Auth::Basic, "API", do |username, password|
get '/api/1.0/posts' do
#posts = Post.recent # assuming you have a Post model...
respond_to do |wants|
wants.xml { #posts.to_xml }
wants.to_json { #posts.to_json }
get '/api/1.0/users/:id' do
#user = User.find_by_login(params[:id])
# Careful here - don't release personal details!
respond_to do |wants|
wants.xml { #user.to_xml }
wants.to_json { #user.to_json }
Versioning your API with a '1.0' (or similar) in the path means that if you change your models you can create a new version of your API without breaking your users' existing code.
Using this you should be able to allow users to authenticate with HTTP Basic in the form:
curl -u steven:password
curl -u steven:password
curl -u steven:password
To get this running, save it as 'api.rb', and either run it as a Rack Middleware, or create a '' file like so:
require 'api'
run Sinatra::Application
And then from that directory:
Disclaimer: I'm not a 100% this is possible in the way your describing without hacking up Authlogic's core functionality.
The first issue your going to have is that authlogic prevents the use of SSO tokens for authentication unless the request is ATOM or RSS to override this you need to pass a config paramater see here:
To the core issue: I don't see any 'easy' way to handle this functionality, however what you could do for something like curl is pass the user token as a paramater (using the -G option) just like you would when visiting the url.
cURL Documentation:
Forgive me if I misunderstand your question, but I think the answer is a simple "no." You're mixing two metaphors here. If you want a secure API key, use the single access token; if you want to use http basic access authentication, you need a different base64 glyph -- and http basic auth isn't particularly secure (unless used over https, which isn't generally practical).
In more detail:
Per the wikipedia, http basic authentication is intended to provide a username and password in a simple, standard, but fairly insecure base64 encoded glyph.
To use basic auth, then I believe you want to generate the glyph via a simple
...and I'd probably do this by having the user type their password, since you can't derive the password from the crypted_password that authlogic stores in your database.
But the upshot is that this is a very different beast from the single_access_token, and the two can't be mixed.
