How use RxJs in thingsboard widgets - thingsboard

does anyone know how to use RxJs in widgets? create streams for example. the only thing that found it self.ctx.rxjs.of(). but there is no use. thanks

Try to use Static widget with any custom HTML, CSS and external JS libs


How to use Bootstrap in flutter?

I am making a app in which I want to show a web page which is made using bootstrap.Can anyone show me how to do it.
The app I am making is like an article app so I want to make more quickly so I use Bootstrap to write the long article.
Here is the screenshot of the design but it will make more mesh if i write in dart.
Flutter does not come with a Bootstrap library. You can't use an existing one too, as flutter use neither a webview nor native components for rendering.
If you miss something that is available in bootstrap, create it yourself for flutter.
Disclaimer: This is an untested idea and I am rather unexperienced with that. But maybe it can guide you in the right direction.
You might be able to use flutter-view to include the Bootstrap css. You might still have to rebuild the interactivity though.

Bootjack - pure polymer-dart implementation

I've been using Bootjack for a while now and it's great. I love how it enables me to create my familiar Bootstrap styled applications with my current favourite programming language, Dart!
However, with all the Material Design and Polymer updates that have emerged lately, shouldn't there be some kind of pure Polymer version of Bootjack, so we can implement Bootstrap elements using Polymer Dart?
I'd like to wire Bootjack's cool Bootstrap elements not programmatically, but by using Polymer elements.
Maybe we can start a Github repository for this?
We don't have a plan to integrate Polymer with Bootjack. We're happy with what and how easy it can be done in our application (Quire).
You're welcome if you'd like to fork one to integrate them.

How to use DOM modifying libraries along with Angular.dart?

Consider integration of a Dart DOM library like Dart HTML5 Drag and Drop with Angular.dart. Should it be a component? or decorator(directive)? or should one rewrite the controller to use the 3rd party DOM library as a package?
One idea is to use 2 decorators: dragGroup and dropGroup. The value could be a string 'type' in which would link the groups together. So you could have a service/injectable that has a map of 'String type'->(dragGroup,dropGroup). Each decorator would inject that service and install itself's dom element into the respective dragGroup/dropGroup via the Dart HTML5 drag lib.
Whichever way it's done I think it's a cool idea.
It looks like angular ui team has some open requests for it:
Hmm, looking further it looks like the idea I described is how it was implemented:

How to create previous-dart objects from dart2js output?

Assumed that I code some type of library and convert it to js (per dart2js). How can I access the prototypes to create objects? What is right way to resolve dart-namespaces?
You can expose functions to JavaScript
Expose Dart functions to javascript
Dart SDK dart:js callbacks
Using Dart with JSON Web Services (it's used for JSONP)
see also js library
I don't think there is a way to expose classes to JavaScript, but I'm not sure about this.

Greensock or any other Javascript lib in a dart project

I've been trying unsuccessfully to use the Greensock JavaScript library in my new Dart projects. Any one has experience or can recommend me a guide or tutorial from dart where someone successfully uses an external JS lib ?
Have a look at Using JavaScript from Dart: The js Library.
Just import the dart:js library, and then you would call greensock from Dart like this:
context['TweenMax'].callMethod("to",["#myDiv", 0.15, new JsObject.jsify({x:100})]);
When you import dart:js library, make sure you add interop.js to your HTML page as well below:
<script src="packages/browser/interop.js"></script>
